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Posted: 6/14/2002 6:09:43 PM EDT
I was at our rifle club meeting last night and this story was relayed to the membership.  Apparently the middle school aged son of one of our members was threatened with suspension for wearing an NRA SPORTS CAMP shirt to school. It is my understanding that clothing which would condone drugs, violence, sexual harassment etc, or that which would cause a general disruption is not permitted. We were not told what the schools reasoning was for the action. A call was made to the NRA, and their legal dept contacted the school regarding the incident. Bottom line, no suspension and he was back at school the next day wearing his NRA shirt.
  Regardless what you think of the NRA, it's nice to see that they are willing to step in on behalf of the little guy.
Link Posted: 6/14/2002 6:13:57 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/14/2002 6:20:45 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/14/2002 6:28:18 PM EDT
... And to think how many of those youngsters run around with Eminem shirts on with no problem.

... WTF has become of public school?
Link Posted: 6/14/2002 7:11:08 PM EDT
I see nothing wrong with a National Recovery Act shirt.
Link Posted: 6/14/2002 7:16:47 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/14/2002 7:55:08 PM EDT
Call the ACLU
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Don't know if they'd take the case or not — They are as flaccid on gun ownership rights as Richard Simmons in a...well, you get the picture.

Hell, call the media! The local news crews love to needle school boards over controversial policies. This particular policy violates the freedom of speech which they hold so dear, so it makes the irony even sweeter.
Link Posted: 6/14/2002 8:17:43 PM EDT
Wonder what ol' Red and the Caliban would have done?
Link Posted: 6/14/2002 8:26:45 PM EDT
NRA Sports Camp.   That'd be fun.  I learned to shoot through the NRA Sub Jr. program.  My dad used to take me to the range a couple of times a week.  I practiced hard and wore my tee shirts from the club to school.  It's no different than a track kid wearing a run shirt. Not knowing the kid, I would bet he or she is probably one of the last people you would expect to handle a firearm recklessly.  The NRA teaches safety.  Not blowing away someone for stealing your pencil.  I'm getting tired of ignorant people who bash our sport. Sorry about the rant.
Link Posted: 6/14/2002 8:56:19 PM EDT
Pray that the school's administrators do not breed..........
Link Posted: 6/14/2002 9:17:57 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/14/2002 9:30:34 PM EDT
I was at our rifle club meeting last night and this story was relayed to the membership.  Apparently the middle school aged son of one of our members was threatened with suspension for wearing an NRA SPORTS CAMP shirt to school. It is my understanding that clothing which would condone drugs, violence, sexual harassment etc, or that which would cause a general disruption is not permitted. We were not told what the schools reasoning was for the action. A call was made to the NRA, and their legal dept contacted the school regarding the incident. Bottom line, no suspension and he was back at school the next day wearing his NRA shirt.
  Regardless what you think of the NRA, it's nice to see that they are willing to step in on behalf of the little guy.
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If you relay the school district to me i will call the national office for the ACLU,and demand they take the case,for even threatening him with suspension.

P.s. I'm a card carrying member.[}:D]

No i'm not a liberal or conservative.
Link Posted: 6/14/2002 9:49:43 PM EDT
I could be wrong, but didn't the ACLU defend that kid that wore the "Straight Pride" shirt?
Link Posted: 6/14/2002 10:55:05 PM EDT
What school system in VA was this at?
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Was it the same one who said the kid couldn't wear a "Southern Pride" t-shirt?


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