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Posted: 4/26/2002 7:55:44 AM EDT
[b]Survival Classified Ads - FYI[/b]

[edited after the fact, I said "timebombers"]

I want to let you  know that I just added a free classified ad section for preps, etc....to add to your list of potential resources...

I set it up for those looking to buy or sell (anything survival related)...you can post what you are looking for and post what you are selling, etc..

I hope I am not breaking any forum rules with this post... I sincerely believe in Internet etiquette - I am posting this because I believe this may be of interest to some of you.

(the new section was added today, April 26, 2002)

Kind regards


p.s...new classifieds link is right on the main page - ([URL=http://www.survivalforum.com]SurvivalForum[/URL] [b]and if I am stepping on any toes with this post, please delete it in as much as I have enjoyed participating in this "community"[/b])
Link Posted: 4/26/2002 3:09:30 PM EDT
Here are the categories available...I am open to suggestions!

Classifieds - Main Categories

[b]Alternative Energy[/b]
 Solar / Wind
 Stoves/Water Heaters

[b]Classes/Training [/b]
 Gun Training
 Survival Training

[b]For Sale - General [/b]
 Farm Equip. & Supplies
 Garden Related
 Household Items

[b]For Sale - Gun Related [/b]

[b]For Sale - Survival Related [/b]
 Books & Videos
 Food Preps & Storage
 Health Related
 Survival Gear
 Water Related

[b]For Sale/Lease - Real Estate[/b]
 Vacant Land

[b]Services Offered [/b]
 Computer/Web Design
 Steel Fabrication

[b]Wanted - Real Estate [/b]
 Vacant Land

[b]Wanted - Survival Related [/b]
 Food Preps & Storage
 Health Related
 Survival Gear

[b]Work Wanted [/b]

Link Posted: 4/26/2002 3:14:20 PM EDT
Dude, you're spamming the wrong forum.
Link Posted: 4/26/2002 3:21:12 PM EDT
I don't care to be lumped in with the likes Of Timothy McVeigh.
Link Posted: 4/26/2002 4:25:55 PM EDT
Wait a minute...

I don't spam forums, number one...

I post to several forums and it was a simple mistake.  Nothing more, nothing less.

If you review the posts I have made to this forum, you will find that I definitely do not Spam.

As for the other poster...

"likes of McVeigh"??? What does that have to do with the post?

Did you guys have a bad day or something?

If you are going to flame me for something...go read my other posts in this forum and flame me for something worth flaming me for....

Not this knitt picking, no issue, meaningless stuff like classified ads...

Have a pleasant evening.

Kind regards

Link Posted: 5/21/2002 7:35:45 PM EDT
Just found this link - good site - thanks for the heads up, survivalforum.
Link Posted: 5/21/2002 7:46:14 PM EDT
Spent 10 minutes there , its a pretty good site actually . As much as everyone here talks about SHTF scenarios , he probably thought it was proper to post here .
Link Posted: 5/21/2002 7:49:55 PM EDT
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