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Posted: 6/11/2002 7:38:05 PM EDT

Does anybody know the real deal on these guys?

It is my understanding that they want to take over public land and charge a fee for using it.  They are a private company that would fine people for supposed infractions.  They have some pretty evil regulations, that they claim are taken from a government handbook.  You would need their special license to go hunting or fishing on what is now public land.  They claim that they just want to preserve the land and keep it open to the public.

I suspect that they could be a puppet organization of Green Peace, Earth First, or something.  It might just be a money making scheme, or some kind of scam.  Can somebody with connections find out who these guys really are, and if they are just blowing smoke?
Link Posted: 6/12/2002 12:19:19 PM EDT
Does anybody know anything?
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