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Posted: 2/18/2001 1:01:52 PM EDT

"According to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, 93 percent of the guns obtained by violent criminals are not obtained through lawful purchase. Federally licensing more dealers will not prevent criminals from getting firearms. Rather, they will just buy their guns on the black market, which doesn’t require forms, background checks, or waiting periods. What’s more, the litany of forms and fees will discourage honest, law-abiding citizens from owning guns. In essence, “gun control” disarms the victims while leaving criminals unscathed."

Link Posted: 2/18/2001 1:25:44 PM EDT
Now why dont the politicians understand that.
Link Posted: 2/18/2001 1:59:35 PM EDT
They needed to take a study to conclude that criminals by definition won't obey laws? What a friggin waste of money, time and resources.

But dont hold your breath, the Brady bill wasnt invented to prevent crime. It was put in place to harass lawabiding citizens. Now it has proven to be ineffective, expect more opressive laws to rise on the horizon.

It's for the children you know.

Link Posted: 2/18/2001 2:09:43 PM EDT
Now why dont the politicians understand that.
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Because they are busy telling themselves and others that it does work....lie, lie, lie and lie some more.  When confronted, get some buddies and lie, lie, lie and lie some more.  They do this so that they 'appear' to be doing good work in they eyes of the people who backed them/their legislation.

Why do they make more laws?  To justify hiring more ATF, FBI, more lawyers, more analysists & so forth to do studies.  This in turn justifies why they ask for more money when they raise taxes/fees or creat taxes on ammo & so on.  They're doing it for job security.  

If it was a regular business and a systme didn't work, most likely they'd be loosing money on it.  And if it doesn't make money, why keep doing it, they would get rid of it.  Not the govt.
Link Posted: 2/18/2001 2:26:31 PM EDT
I believe it was Albert Speer (Inside The Third Reich) who once noted that if you lied to the people often and long enough, they would believe it was the truth.  The lying that began in earnest in the early 1930's eventually convinced the German people of the "truth" and paved the way for the Nazi's and their atrocities.
Link Posted: 2/18/2001 2:32:58 PM EDT
"If you don't learn from your mistakes (or history) you will be doomed to repeate them......"

(What the heck am I saying........that's bleak looking future!!!!!!!)

Link Posted: 2/18/2001 3:01:36 PM EDT
You guys that think (If we could only inform them then they would change their minds) are living in a fantasy world. What makes you think that politicians don't know the truth or that they even care what the truth is. The only things politicans care about are power and money.
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