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Posted: 6/12/2002 11:51:34 AM EDT
Sometimes I can't get on line. Heres what happens.

I push power button on Presario 7360 - turn on monitor - my "enter password" screen comes on - I enter password - the word "compaq" in big red letters appears - then after a few seconds the screen goes blank and a sentence appears at the top of the screen that says "no operating system found on any devices. Press any key to try again" - no matter what i do nothing works.

Then the next day I proceed to do the same thing and for no logical reason it works flawlessly allowing me to get on line.

Am I in the Twilight Zone or maybe I'm on Candid Camera. Anybody out there can explain this to me?  Thank you all.
Link Posted: 6/12/2002 12:09:41 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/12/2002 12:13:45 PM EDT

I hate to tell you this but it's about a 95% chance your hard drive is dying. I've had  two computers with the exact same symptoms and both of them lost their hard drives completely within a couple dozen power up/power off cycles.  
I'd recommend you backup your data the next time you turn it on and wait for the other shoe to drop.  Or just stick a new HDD in there before it goes totally tits up.

BeerSlayer is right, it could be a failing controller, bad board, aliens or the Klintons. But most likely your HDD is about to go south on you.

Good luck

Link Posted: 6/12/2002 12:17:09 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/12/2002 12:27:23 PM EDT
New hard drive, mmmm  that sounds expensive.

I called Compaq yesterday to talk to a tech and ask about this problem. Get this. This guy told me that there is a CHARGE for advice. I told him " screw you and HP, I'm never buying a godamn compaq again"

This thing is a little over two years old. Guess i'll have to figure something out. Maybe just leave it on line and hope I don't get bumped. [:D]  

Thanks for all the advice.
Link Posted: 6/12/2002 12:29:59 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/12/2002 12:36:14 PM EDT
Before you do anything drastic, do this.  Open your case and check to make sure your drive cables are firmly seated on both the drive and the motherboard.  I have seen many so called computer hardware failures that were only loose cables.
Link Posted: 6/12/2002 12:40:00 PM EDT
My friend has a friend that is very knowledgable about this stuff. I'm gonna try and get her over here and show her this thread. I'm printing this up as we go along cause i never know when i'm gettin bumped, courtesy of aol. I think she has a puter you can talk to. Didn't know thaey had those.

Anyway I'll keep you posted about this [if i can] Guess its time for me to learn about computers.
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