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Posted: 4/2/2001 11:53:08 AM EDT
NO ONE should be allowed to have all the toys he has!!!!!!!! Therre oughtta be a law, man!!!!

They way I see it, its one of two ways:

1. it an internet hoax, and he's claiming to "own" all these guns. In reality, hes just posting internet pics of other peoples guns.

2. He really does own all these guns. In that case, I say we beat him up, and take all his stuff. We would each get at least one cool gun that way. I get his DCM stuff!!!!!!

Another plus - that way Imbroglio would hafta quit whining about only having a POS .38!!!!!

Hey Steyr Aug - all your guns are belong to us!!!!!!!!!

Link Posted: 4/2/2001 11:56:26 AM EDT
I requested a pic of Jenny McCarthy with an AUG and he had it on the board within minutes.  Where on the net could he find that specific a request...NOWHERE  He is no faker.  He is just envyed, and it eats me up inside. [;)]
Link Posted: 4/2/2001 12:02:21 PM EDT
I agree wholly, garandman.  I am too openly jealous.  I say we form a lobbying group that regulates people like him.

We can fight back, though, members!  Start posting pictures of your own guns!  Maybe that'll work....
Link Posted: 4/2/2001 12:12:10 PM EDT
Garandman, I accept your challenge. Please designate a second and post time and place.

Link Posted: 4/2/2001 12:17:17 PM EDT
I'm sure the three of us could take ya. [:)]
Link Posted: 4/2/2001 12:19:37 PM EDT
three?? only three??? I was expecting more. I guess I can release hotel unit and the snipers.
Link Posted: 4/2/2001 12:22:00 PM EDT
Garandman, I accept your challenge. Please designate a second and post time and place.

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Hey, I was planning on the old mob scene to carry out my plan. If I have to do this myself, the whole deal is off!!!   [:D]

or, we can settle this the more civilized way -

Just fly me out to your place about once a month, and give me full access to your weps closet.

See??? I'm a reasonable person.  [:D]
Link Posted: 4/2/2001 12:28:27 PM EDT
three?? only three??? I was expecting more. I guess I can release hotel unit and the snipers.
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Snipers?!?  What the hell...?  OK, be like that, the deals off.  BTW, where do you live...there might be a special package coming. [:D]  BWAHAHAHAHAH
Link Posted: 4/2/2001 12:32:20 PM EDT
Steyr AUG, im a new guy around this forum but have stick by a fellow person appriciates the RIGHT STUFF. Youre all jealous bastards, in a good way. I for one will start to post our weapons as soon as i can borrow a digital camera somewhere, or if we buy one, just to share the best of weapon designing, will lose on the porn section, dont matter though.
Link Posted: 4/2/2001 12:33:19 PM EDT
Laugh, at this very moment my CID operators are backtracing your ISPs to determine your locations. You don't think any ordinary guy would amass such collections of weapons and porn do you?
Link Posted: 4/2/2001 12:41:02 PM EDT
You can keep the guns, just as long as you send me some poontang.
Link Posted: 4/2/2001 12:48:47 PM EDT

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Sweet!!! I figured you had training... I made the move also from HK-91 ...I always enjoy your posts..
Link Posted: 4/2/2001 12:53:38 PM EDT
Going on 26 years of hard core. Have come to realize my purpose in life is to meet Todd. Will attempt to drag out the encounter as long as possible. But I just don't think that leprechan will hold up to much. Would have preferred not to let the cat out of the bag, but there are more than enough "other" surprises standing by. Welcome to the boards, it's cool here.

Any hardcores out there notice that is a JKA member patch and NOT an ISKF member patch. I'm one of the "few" token gaijins they admitted in the early 80s. Rough going.
Link Posted: 4/2/2001 1:06:37 PM EDT
don't forget about his porn. he knows something that we don't
Link Posted: 4/2/2001 1:20:55 PM EDT
Oh the porn. That was me stocking up for Y2K. My girlfriend said, "Make sure any buy enough of everything we might need."
Link Posted: 4/2/2001 1:54:12 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/2/2001 1:56:29 PM EDT
Isn't that uniform a little TOO clean.  Comming from SKA, everyone had very worn-out belts and uniforms, nothing that neat and tidy.  You should have had your Japanese name embroidered into the belt.

What's a gaijin, a rank or a japanese name for outsider?

Link Posted: 4/2/2001 2:06:20 PM EDT
Isn't that uniform a little TOO clean.  Comming from SKA, everyone had very worn-out belts and uniforms, nothing that neat and tidy.  You should have had your Japanese name embroidered into the belt.

What's a gaijin, a rank or a japanese name for outsider?

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That is one of many in a long line of retired dogi. I passed on the ego stroke of putting my name on my belt, I know who I am. Gaijin was what I was referred to almost everyday. Yudansha is the grade class, specifically two sandans and one shodan. You will note the wear on the first shodan. I regularly did not wear my sandans grades, I still don't. Most of my training in the last eight years or so is informal and we do not wear uniforms or rank belts at all. We only observe the protocal when in a formal dojo with a flag and kamiza.

In addition, when we are in a formal dojo and observing protocal, I usually prefer the keikogi and hakama.
Link Posted: 4/2/2001 2:37:09 PM EDT
SKA has 5 black levels, 3 brown and 7 white, no red stripes.  You reached Yudon (Yodon) or the 4th black, and the highest level is Godon (5th black).  The sensi was practicing for 30 years and only reached Yudon.  I went for about 3.5 years before black, then it turned into a cult type of dedication.  Also wanted more realistic fighting, and still looking for that.  Would like to try Bowie Knife fighting, but can't figure out where to hide the 12" blade...there's  only room for one.[:D]
Link Posted: 4/2/2001 4:35:58 PM EDT
I know karate.
And a couple other chinese words.
Link Posted: 4/2/2001 5:35:54 PM EDT
For your information, Karate is Japanese.[:)]
Link Posted: 4/2/2001 5:42:54 PM EDT
He is obviously an agent of Sarah Brady & Rosie O'Donnel.
He will make us feel so inferior that we pitch our own weapons and porn and take up basket weaving and caligraphy.
Link Posted: 4/2/2001 5:52:40 PM EDT
Garryowen, I'll never be able to look at a girl in a plaid skirt again without your picture popping in my head!  Man, I hate you garandman!!

Beautiful girl + short plaid skirt, then the flashback of above pic = [puke]

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