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Posted: 1/5/2012 8:46:45 AM EDT
Now I don't feel so bad.

The story is on Drudge.
Link Posted: 1/5/2012 8:53:35 AM EDT
Any man who claims he has figured out women...is a liar.
Link Posted: 1/5/2012 8:56:40 AM EDT
Reminds me of a joke...

A man is walking along the beach and he trips on a magic lamp, he polishes it off and a genie comes out.
"I will grant you one wish" says the genie.
The man thinks for a while and he finally says, "You know, I've always wanted to go to Hawaii, but I've been too scared to fly on a plane, and boats always make me seasick, so I want you to make a bridge to Hawaii."
The genie replies, "Are You Crazy!?!? That would be almost impossible, do you know how deep the ocean is? Think of the structural engineering required and the logistics involved - it just isn't possible. Make another wish."
The guys thinks again and then he says, "I've had plenty of relationships but I could never make them last more than a few months, I just don't understand women. I wish I could understand women."
Then genie looks at him dumbfounded and finally says, "Do you want that bridge two lanes or four?"

Link Posted: 1/5/2012 9:00:20 AM EDT

Impeach Obama for the Good of the Children.
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