I've been sick and tired for a long time of Repubs like Arlen Specter who are closet liberals. I saw his comments toward Alberto Gonzales today and decided to fire off this email. He'll never see it and I held my tongue, but it made me feel better!
I am a Conservative. After witnessing your behavior in the Gonzales matter and in countless other issues, it is clear that you are NOT a Republican in the least. Please resign from the party now and join the party to which you pledge allegiance, the Democrat party. You are a disgrace to your country, and your continued tenure is an affront to the United States Constitution. I hope you enjoyed your fifteen minutes of face time on Thursday's nightly news. In the end, your decisions will come to haunt you. Your legacy will be that of a lukewarm appeaser, and you will fail."
You can email this hypocrite here: http://specter.senate.gov/index.cfm?FuseAction=ContactInfo.Home