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Posted: 2/13/2001 8:53:16 AM EDT
Another example of the anti-gun weenies bitching about gun manufacturers complying with gun control laws.

Read the article here:


California's Handgun Safety Testing Draws Accusations
              From Attorney General Lockyer of "rigged" testing.
              Law intended to eliminate so-called Saturday Night Specials is not working.
                 Firearms are passing state mandated test protocol.  Lockyer and California
                 politicians are not happy.

                 By:  Mike Hoff
                 February 13, 2001

Link Posted: 2/13/2001 9:12:58 AM EDT
Hey, they made the rules.  Now they're witching because manufacturers followed  and the guns still passed!!!????  They're complaining that manufacturers are specifing what kind of ammo???  Talk about sore loosers...wait, Sore/Looserman is the right phrase.  If you can't win, change the rules and try again...... BASTARTDS!!!!!!
Link Posted: 2/13/2001 9:33:59 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/13/2001 9:43:48 AM EDT
I was surprised to see the Jennings and Davis guns on that list.  I am sure the Jennings guns is what has Lockyer in an uproar.
Link Posted: 2/13/2001 9:46:05 AM EDT
What's wrong w/ inexpensive guns!!??  I know that there are cars that fall in that catagory.

Got a buddy who can shoot a Jennings 9mm better then a Glock!!!
Link Posted: 2/13/2001 1:42:00 PM EDT
So the anti-gun politicos are whining that too many guns are passing the Sat. Nite Spl test?  Is this a big surprise to anyone on this board? This is their own STUPID fault. Now that the anti-gunners formally codify what a Sat. Nite Spl is, and that leaves the state open to lawsuits because the police depts are still able to use their Sat. Nite Spls. They are just trying to ban guns, plain and simple. This confirms to everyone that these anti-gun “weasels” don’t know anything about guns.  There are nothing wrong with the Jennings and Davis.’  They were made to be shot a limited number of times, and for short-range targets where long-range accuracy is not needed.  Even Smiths, Rugers will fail if shot enough times. It is a not small wonder that we Californians are having a power crisis.  I get the distinct impression that some of these politicians don’t have a clue what is going on, yet they are passing laws on electrical deregulation and gun control.
Link Posted: 2/13/2001 1:59:48 PM EDT
This is great. Lockyer is nothing but a fool. It's a damn shame that one man can attain a position of power and be so adamant about  destroying a basic human right. I only hope that the intelligent people in this state vote his dumb ass out of office when his term is up.
Link Posted: 2/13/2001 2:09:06 PM EDT
You guys from CA might remember this, but last March of 2000 or so, Lockyer gave an interview on the radio in regards to SB23. The DJ grilled him a little about the law and how it was poorly written and difficult to comply with, etc. Lockyer came across as an idiot, digging a hole for himself the entire time (remember, he was for SB23 all along, even though as AG he's obligated to keep his mouth shut on legislative issues until they become law). Finally, after the DJ made him look like a fool, the only think Lockyer could say was "Well, come on, you don't really need these weapons, do you?"

I think that says it all. The agenda is clear.

Link Posted: 2/13/2001 2:09:57 PM EDT
Wasn't there a shooting just yesterday where a cop used his backup gun to kill a crook? I bet it was one of those "saturday night specials" and the lawyer for the dead guy's family can't wait to file a lawsuit.
Link Posted: 2/13/2001 3:18:18 PM EDT
What a HOOT!  I think that Jennings, Davis, et. al. should put the likeness of the California Attorney General on each box with the caption:  "Approved by the California Department of Justice for Safety and Reliability."  They have the right -- They paid for it!  Hell, they should etch it on the slide!
Link Posted: 2/13/2001 3:45:42 PM EDT
This said it all,

"Firearms are passing state mandated test protocol."

To them that's the tradgedy, they were expecting to nab a whole lot more guns no matter if they were "saturday night specials" or not.  You can bet your sweet ass they are happy as hell that it's impossible to buy a 1911 frame for building your own race or defense gun.

Guess the testing protocol will just have to get tougher?
Link Posted: 2/13/2001 4:16:47 PM EDT
The damn Kali socialists will always whine.  They whine when HK guns pass.  They are the most reliable guns out there, and will pass any test they can think of, but they don't want it to pass.

The Jennings passed the test.  What the hell else do you want?  And what's sad is Kali citizens see nothing wrong with this.

uglygun:  I'm  assuming the 1911 didn't pass?
Link Posted: 2/13/2001 4:21:46 PM EDT
Here is the link to the official Calif DOJ website for accepted guns updated as of 2/9/2001.  Have fun!
Link Posted: 2/13/2001 4:24:13 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/13/2001 4:24:55 PM EDT
stubbs, there are 1911s for sale in Ca. and that pass the safety testing, it's the frames that are no longer for sale in Ca. since there is no way to test the frame as a complete gun.

It blows, killed off the local race gun builders for the most part.  You want the local smith to build you a custom 1911?  First go out and buy yourself a Ca. approved 1911 or used 1911 and then have the gunsmith tear into it and rebuild it how you see fit.

I don't know about you but the idea of buying a gun just to throw away half of it, GIVE ME A BREAK!
Link Posted: 2/13/2001 4:28:29 PM EDT
stubbs, there are 1911s for sale in Ca. and that pass the safety testing, it's the frames that are no longer for sale in Ca. since there is no way to test the frame as a complete gun.
View Quote

Alrighty then.  So that goes for any frame for any handgun?  Makes sense to me!
Link Posted: 2/13/2001 6:15:39 PM EDT
They wanted the damn law and said these guns were unsafe well you guessed wrong you stupid commies they are passing  the set safety standards.
Link Posted: 2/14/2001 1:17:31 AM EDT
Those Saturday night guns may have survived round one, but those shifty politicians always have more tricks up their sleeve.
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