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Posted: 6/3/2002 10:07:35 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/3/2002 10:25:40 PM EDT

All he could get out of the hole was his head because with balls the size of his, I cant see how anymore could have come out of that hole.

...and "NO" no one took a shot at him.
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Why didn't anyone pop him? Do you get busted or something?

Maybe something's wrong with me for wanting to kill innocent animals for no reason at all, but I'd want to shoot him!
Link Posted: 6/3/2002 10:30:46 PM EDT
Prior to January 2000, my range was packed with AR15s and FALs. Now I'm usually the only person there with evil guns. The hunters still give me dirty looks. I feel so special.
Link Posted: 6/3/2002 10:34:44 PM EDT
Yah, after the ban, I rarely see AR15s and AK47s at the range.  I think they all failed to register their weapon.  
Link Posted: 6/3/2002 10:52:22 PM EDT
I think I'm the only numbnuts who did register. I feel like such a sellout.
Link Posted: 6/4/2002 3:56:24 AM EDT
I think I'm the only numbnuts who did register. I feel like such a sellout.
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To me it was either be a 'sellout' or be a non-shooter.  I registered so I can still shoot.

Link Posted: 6/4/2002 6:45:14 AM EDT
Every time I go to Metcaf (South San Jose) I see at least 2 black guns. Sometime 8. G3s, ARs, Fals, AKs. And this is a state run range. Never see a problem.
Link Posted: 6/4/2002 9:36:24 AM EDT
MattJA, Not the only one dude!
Link Posted: 6/4/2002 9:54:51 AM EDT
Yup, last time i was at the public indoor range in our great state of PRK i was the only black / banned rifle. It was strange, because that's the first time it happened to me as well. I noticed the increased looks and whispers of "AR-15". The private club i belong to is different though. Or maybe i should say normal.

My dad told me he got asked for his "papers" at a range. I told him if they asked me there would have been a sh*tstorm of protest. Its one thing for the socialists to pass these laws, its another for fellow gun owners to enforce them. Leave that to the police who don't know the difference or don't really care.
Link Posted: 6/4/2002 10:13:34 AM EDT
Other than deer season run up and cowboy and black powder day each week, our range is usually 1/3 to 1/2 black rifles.
Link Posted: 6/4/2002 10:49:30 AM EDT
I think I'm the only numbnuts who did register. I feel like such a sellout.
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To me it was either be a 'sellout' or be a non-shooter.  I registered so I can still shoot.

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Ever think of moving out of that communistic state??[rolleyes] If I didn't like snow I wouldn't live in Alaska...
Link Posted: 6/4/2002 10:57:17 AM EDT
I've seen the same thing--there used to be a good number of ARs at the range, now I'm usually the only one. A lot of ARs went into the closet.

Does anyone have any idea of the total number of "assault" weapons registered? My guess is they got about a tenth or less.
Link Posted: 6/4/2002 11:19:18 AM EDT
Jeez, what a bummer. When I DO go to the range here, it's AT LEAST 50% black rifles, sometimes 75%. I NEVER go shooting without the black rifle. [sniper]
Link Posted: 6/4/2002 11:25:36 AM EDT
Alright, I feel like an idiot here, but I have one postban AR - what are you guys talking about when you refer to "registering" your AW's (prebans I assume)????
Link Posted: 6/4/2002 12:07:52 PM EDT
Alright, I feel like an idiot here, but I have one postban AR - what are you guys talking about when you refer to "registering" your AW's (prebans I assume)????
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You're no idiot Dave, you just live in a normal state.

In Californistan there have been two laws, one passed in 1989 and another in 1999, that stigmatized all AR-15 type rifles and many other firearms as "assault weapons".  The last AR-15 I acquired (legally) was at a gun show in June 2000, and I'd bet it's one of the last thousand or so bought in the state (legally).

Both AW laws required owners of existing arms to pay a $20 fee and register them with the Caliban Ministry of Justice.  Once registered they can be kept and used (with some restrictions) but never sold or transferred (even by inheritance) to another individual inside Californistan.

Of the hundreds of thousands (probably millions) of state-defined AWs in Cali, only a few tens of thousands have been registered.  The deadline is long past, and there is no way to legally buy an AW or register one you already own.  They've become like the hundreds of thousands of military weapons that disappeared when troops came home from WW II and Korea and 'Nam and never got registered with the BATF under the amnesty periods (because they were stolen government property or because people didn't want to be on a list).

I registered two of my ARs and a few other items so I could shoot them on public ranges without excessive fear of persecution.  I didn't register everything I could have registered - during 1999 it was possible to avoid having some items become "AWs" by reconfiguring them.

I take an AR to a range on occasion.  Usually I don't because I don't want to wear them out.  They're part of my TEOTWAWKI kit.
Link Posted: 6/4/2002 12:53:43 PM EDT
IRT DrFrige

Oddly enough, I did the same thing this weekend! I took my bolt action 30 cal (Weatherby) and my 10/22. And I'm in California!!! And I usually take my ARs... Coincidence?
Link Posted: 6/4/2002 1:03:13 PM EDT
Ohhhh OK it's a PRK thing... that sucks man!

Anyone know the AW laws in Maryland?
Link Posted: 6/4/2002 1:46:20 PM EDT
I grew up in Calif. and moved to TX as soon as I could!!  Seriously, I am glad that I now live only 45 minutes from a 1000 yd range to shoot my evil AR15.  In fact, shot at my first 80 round regional match 2 weeks ago and had a great time and shot 91%.  Calif is still a great place...to visit.
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