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Posted: 3/10/2001 7:35:53 PM EDT

I’m sitting here in my chair, looking at a piece of mail I just got from this dude, Jerry Peterson. He’s selling the SCARS Lethal Control package 2000. He claims to have taught the SEALS, Delta Force, Green Berets, all, of that, to teach instinctive blows, teach you’re the science behind disarming people, and take downs, yaks about Autokinematics, says he has the real Navy SEALS training course #, never fear your opponent, deadly with or without weapons, how to deal with multiple attackers, 90 day money back guarantee, all that jazz. He does have his own facility, I checked the website. Now the part that’s important- is it at all for real? Does anyone have experience with this fighting system, or is this just more junk? I don’t trust the ancient martial arts, because they ignore the reality of dirty fighting, boxing and wrestling have the same problem, but what  does work? I have only been in two real fights in my life(teenage scuffles) and got my butt kicked, bad. I’m revealing my ignorance here about modern fighting but what really does work? I’ve heard of Kravmaga, and this system too, but have no objective source, except the testimonial in the back of the flyer-real objective! I saw this ad in Combat Handgunner, too. Really, though, if there is anything that teaches you fighting for the real world, don’t hide it, tell me. Also, let me know if you’ve tried this SCARS system. Thanks.

Link Posted: 3/11/2001 12:09:13 AM EDT
Link Posted: 3/11/2001 12:26:54 AM EDT
His weapon disarming techniques are the same ones that convicts were monitored practicing.
Link Posted: 3/11/2001 5:53:50 AM EDT
He's for real and it's a good system.  The SEAL's have moved to another form of H2H that is (IMHO) not as good(its more tailered to specific to situations).  Kravmaga seems to be good from what I've seen and heard.  You want to be a real bad ass start training in the same stuff the UFC fighters use.
Link Posted: 3/11/2001 11:26:48 AM EDT
what is his web-site, I'd like to see this 'deal'.  I have taken kickboxing, jiu-jitsu, and a form of Kenpo, and have only heard good things of this SCARS program from my associates, but I'd like to see what he's selling.  Thanks
Link Posted: 3/11/2001 12:49:40 PM EDT
www.scars.com, let me know what you think. thanks.
Link Posted: 3/11/2001 2:04:49 PM EDT
IMHO SCARS is a waste of money, a law enforcement buddy of mine has a complete set of tapes that were given to him and they are just setting around gathering dust. I have watched them and was unimpressed with a lot of the stuff. The only part that was good was the part about being aggressive. I have also seen the Krav Maga tapes and I would go with those before SCARS, I feel that its a better system and a lot cheaper as well. But what ever you choose, you must be wary about systems that claim to be the end all be all of fighting and that you can defeat any man that walks the earth. Micheal Jordan can tell you all about playing basketball, but does that mean that you can then go on to be an NBA all-star? Most likely not. There is no best system, there is only the best system for YOU, but if you have had no formal combat training anything is pretty much better that nothing. Hope this helps.
Link Posted: 3/11/2001 2:37:52 PM EDT
I have heard good things about the SCARS system from a friend of mine who was 18 delta, ranger/SF etc...
Other than that, I don't know much about it.

I study Aikido and for pure street practicality, it can't be beat.  Aikido is valuable because it teaches defense against multiple opponents and opponents with weapons.  

There's the catch: no single system of martial arts, or combination of martial arts for that matter, can really be guaranteed to prepare someone for a street encounter.  

No amount of training can take the place of experience - which is tough, or even undesireable to come by.

In the absence of experience, I would recommend aikido, because it focuses on training against attacks.  Don't expect any overnight miracles, no martial art can really be expected to do anything other than increase your confidence in a fight, your endurance, perhaps some aggression and the know-how to prevail long enough to get away.  Don't forget that no matter how good you are as a martial artist - there's always someone out there better than you.  Fighting should obviously be avoided whenever possible - and aikido/judo/ju-jitsu are great for teaching very fast, almost pre-emptive, take-downs that can be a nasty shock for would-be attackers.

Aikido deals with natural body postures and movements, it doesn't require rigid fighting stances and mechanical punches and kicks.   I'm not "dissing" the striking arts, I know several striking arts people at my dojo that I'd NEVER want to tangle with!  

That's not much of the kind of answer you were looking for maybe, but it's my recommendation that of any martial art to be studied, aikido (or aiki-jutsu) are top-notch.
Link Posted: 3/11/2001 3:51:33 PM EDT
Guns are a handy substitute for martial arts. Too bad we don't have concealed carry in most states. They also can even the odds for the small of build.
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