OK LEOs...
We have all seen those people who donate money to the Policeman's retirement fund or to the Fraternal Order of Police or whatever, and then they put the stickers on their cars.
I myself have been contacted several times asking me to donate to various LEO organizations, retirement funds, police unions, police athletic leagues and so on. The telemarketers imply that if you donate money, you will get a sticker to put on your car and it could help a traffic stop go more...ahem, smoothly.
Personally I don't know what to make of that claim.
So what is your reaction when you see one of those stickers on a car you stopped? Do you think the owner of the vehicle is a genuine cheerleader for law enforcement, or do you think, "Oh, here's a guy who thinks he can buy his way out of a traffic ticket?" Or do you think something else entirely???
What about your co-workers, have they ever made any comments about these stickers?
I will also say that regardless of your answers, it will not affect my decision to donate or not donate one bit.
-Nick Viejo.