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Posted: 3/3/2001 7:05:00 PM EDT
I am fairly new to AR-15s, but will be making a purchase very soon and would like to know what the going rate is for a new one.  I have looked at a bushmaster and a colt at my local gunshop, (not sure of the exact models), both had 16" barrels though.  the bushmaster was going for $1200 and the colt for $2000. These both seem kinda steep.  Also what should i look for, best model, etc, etc.  thanks

Link Posted: 3/3/2001 7:22:46 PM EDT
$1200 for a bushmaster!!!!! it had better be pre ban! were are you located in FL E-mail me for some info on some of the better dealers I know of in South FL
Link Posted: 3/5/2001 5:01:07 AM EDT
They are deffinitly Pre-Ban.  According to the price, they had to be.  If not then watch out. Ask your dealer if those are Pre-ban. For the $2,000 Colt, with 16" barrel and collapsible stock and "Pre-Ban", the price is about right.  Not a good price, but fair.
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