Quoted: I'm also stupid. These old Fords use "F" type tranny fluid for the power steering pump. Some of my problems are due to using the wrong fluid. I did fill it up with tranny fluid today and purged it for 15-20 minutes. I still have bubbles but the fluid did not shoot out of the vent hole when I shut the engine off.
Maybe another 15-20 minutes of purging will fix it. |
If type F doesn't work for you, I *believe* synthetic Dextron/Mercon ATF is an acceptable substitute, and may have better anti-foam agents, being a newer concoction.
As I recall (someone correct me if I'm wrong) type F trans fluid merely had different friction properties (no friction modifiers added) than the Dextron/Mercon family, and never made all that good of a hydraulic fluid. Dextron in a Type-F trans could very well make it slip, but all I can see it doing in a PS system is gaining you the advantage of a more slippery oil (which presumably would reduce wear).
One of the vehicles I own is known to have PS pump problems (3 of them were put on before I bought it). I replaced the PS fluid with synthetic ATF and it has been fine since.
I tend to believe none of that shit makes much of a difference - I have trucks where the transfer case takes auto trans fluid, the other transfer case takes motor oil - neither of them take gear oil! I have run into manual transmissions that take AT fluid too. Weird. I can't imagine why a manual trans would take a modified hydraulic fluid - if gear oil is too viscous, why not motor oil?
Same with PS systems - some of them specify "power steering" fluid and some require AT fluid. Goat urine mixed with boiled linseed oil with a touch of anal-ease might work fine too for all I know.
You can always go to the source - BITOG forums.
Do we have any tribologists on the board?