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Posted: 5/14/2002 4:11:42 PM EDT
post if not listed
Link Posted: 5/14/2002 4:17:51 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/14/2002 4:19:40 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/14/2002 4:19:46 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/14/2002 4:22:09 PM EDT
"Assault Weapons"
Link Posted: 5/14/2002 4:26:40 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/14/2002 4:42:52 PM EDT

"Tactical Wallet" when you need to tacticall deploy a tactical fiver and give the perp a paper cut.

"Tactical Zipper Pull" might be useful when you are in a tactical situation but suddenly nature call and you need relief fast.
Link Posted: 5/14/2002 4:57:21 PM EDT
Tactical, yes, definitely
Also, it grates me to hear the term: "Knock Down Power" in favor of more accurate descriptions of performance.
Link Posted: 5/14/2002 5:22:45 PM EDT
Has to be Militia...

If I hear one more Walter mitty Goofball, claim that he and his Three Drinking Buddies are going to start a Milita and either overthrow the evil Federal Goverment or just shoot everbody, that, they feel does not come up to their high moral standard in their surrounding community....

yeah, has to be Militia alright
Link Posted: 5/14/2002 5:34:13 PM EDT
Yup, "tactical" be it.
Link Posted: 5/14/2002 5:35:04 PM EDT
"Tactical"? Overused? I don't think so! It's a great word. What other word can turn any mundane object into an object filled with intrigue and hyper-usefullness. Why, I sold all my mundane firearms and replaced them with Tactical models which were a bargain at only twice the price! You guys are just jealous that I have all the cool stuff. Why, I'm going to use my super-expensive Tactical model bottle opener to have a beer while I sit and watch my Tactical TV. All you little people can try to enjoy your mundane evening. [:P]
Link Posted: 5/14/2002 5:40:43 PM EDT

Tactical schmactical.  The most over used term relevant to the issue of firearms is Assault Weapon.  Any THING used to attack/assault another person is an assault weapon...from sticks to cars, to 747's.  Tied for 1st place is the term Assault Rifle.  By definition this applies to arms capable of automatic or burst fire modes.  We have allowed the anti's to distort and change this definition in the public view.  When we use this term in reference to semi-auto firearms(regardless of there cosmetic appearance) we validate this distortion and lend credibility to the anti's in the view of the un, or mis-educated.  Let's call things what they are: an AR15 is a semi-auto rifle, a M16 is an assault rifle.  And so on.


Almost forgot...use of the term "evil feature(s)" only gives the anti's more fuel for their arguments. i.e: "Gee, even those gun nuts call flash suppressors, bayonet lugs, and collapsible stocks 'evil'."  How about we start calling them LEGITIMATE features.

Ok, rant off.
Link Posted: 5/14/2002 5:45:26 PM EDT
I third the term "assaolt weapon".
Pre-ban is not over used in the slightest. there is a preban (Setp. 14th and prior, and after Sept. 14)
Link Posted: 5/14/2002 6:06:43 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/14/2002 6:12:10 PM EDT
"shot placement"

Yeah, the .14 Super Hornet might be a bit small a caliber, but it's shot placement that does it.
Link Posted: 5/14/2002 6:14:56 PM EDT

"For this team to win someone needs to step up with a good performance"

Usually used in sports, none of guns ever need to step up since they are always ready to rock!!

Link Posted: 5/14/2002 6:21:29 PM EDT
I remember when it started coming into heavy useage in the gun rags. Just when I thought that the descriptions of a bullet as a 'pill' or a shot as deer or bear 'medicine'  were as over done as could be came tactical.
My fav was one of american handgunners 1911s that was 'tactical'. It had a spike growing out of the mainspring and some kind of punching thing on the dustcover. It was the dumbest thing ever.
After that these tactical wallets and canteens are cool.
Link Posted: 5/14/2002 6:58:19 PM EDT
I third the term "assaolt weapon".
Pre-ban is not over used in the slightest. there is a preban (Setp. 14th and prior, and after Sept. 14)
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i c preban over used alot thu "that there bolt action is preban" "these preban parts"

parts can still be made!
Link Posted: 5/14/2002 7:03:36 PM EDT
I think "stopping power" has been used like the term is going out of style...

...and it annoys me more than "tactical"...

Link Posted: 5/14/2002 7:13:55 PM EDT

Followed closely by the overused exclamation point!!!!!!!!!!!!

...sub-MOA 25-yd accurate!
...25-shot firepower!
...speedo-wear concealable!
Link Posted: 5/14/2002 7:29:58 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/14/2002 7:32:36 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/14/2002 7:36:10 PM EDT
"Sexy"  I hear people say it allot when I'm around. [:)]
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