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Posted: 5/17/2002 12:13:26 PM EDT
KARACHI, Pakistan, May 17 —  The remains found in a shallow grave outside the Pakistani city of Karachi are believed to be those of American journalist Daniel Pearl, police said Friday. Although forensic evidence has yet to establish conclusively that the corpse, with a severed head, is that of the murdered Wall Street Journal reporter, Pakistan’s presidential spokesman has said police are “quite sure” that the body is Pearl’s.
“WE FOUND a body in [red]nine pieces[/red] and the hair that we found strengthened our belief that the body belonged to Daniel Pearl,” a senior police official told Reuters.
      An investigator who helped dig up the grave in a walled nursery on the outskirts of Karachi said the body was lying on its back and the head had been placed in an upright position, balanced on the base of the neck. The body had deteriorated but it appeared the torso had been whole when buried.
      NBC producer Naveen Masood reported from Pakistan that it may take time to positively identify the remains.
      D.I.G. Fayyaz Leghari, senior investigator in Pakistan, told Masood that the body is in no state for there to be a positive identification, results of forensic tests would take a long time and Pakistani forensic scientists would handle the testing. Investigators also searched a nearby single-room shed where they believe Pearl was held for two or three days before he was killed.
      A videotape delivered to U.S. officials in Karachi on Feb. 21 had shown Pearl being beheaded  
rest of story...
yet another example of the peace loving Isam.....
Link Posted: 5/17/2002 12:25:20 PM EDT
Even though I think pearl was a dumbass and did everything he could wrong, it still pisses me off that they killed him.  [pissed]
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