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Posted: 2/14/2001 6:08:34 PM EDT
This is a column out of the news paper from my buddy's community college, prepare to vomit.  Oh yes, do not be bashful about sending this young man your thoughts on his "journalism" [}:d]

From Mesa Community College's newspaper, The Mesa Legend
I have to go to school with these wierdos

I Hey arsonist! Need a lighter?

      The Phoenix mountains preserve arsonist is getting a lot of stuff from
the media lately.  In a column featured in the ultra-cooservarive Arizona
Republic, the writer went so far as to attack the arsonist as a' loser with
      Editorials and feature columns about the blazes suggest envy as the
arsonist's true motivation.
      The New Times, a more liberal "alternative" newspaper, is supplying the
only true objective point-ofview on the story.
      I say burn it all: I've got a Zippo lighter. .. (an item with) a little
more class than the 'loser with matches' if it's prestige the media wants.
      I agree with the arsonist. Urban sprawl in the Valley is completely
      The city's founding fathers saw a sprawling, lush desert Valley and
decided to pave it, and true to America's Manifest Destiny, go west, young
man, and kill everything that gets in your way.
      But why stop at McDowell and Phoenix Mountain preserves? Bum it all.
Torch Ahwatukee while you're at it.
      Bum the developments in Surprise and El Mirage.
      Take Sun City out. No one seems to care about the Ground Squirrels,
Gila Monsters, lizards and snakes that have made these new developments their
homes for centuries before we got here.
      The zoo can only hold so many animals.
      I've read articles about this arsonist/s and I respect the person or
persons responsible.
      I don't care if some yuppie doctor or computer geek gets to look at the
base of a mountain every moining while stumbling through his ridiculously
over-priced dwelling,
as he gets ready for work in the morning.
      If they love the mountains that much, why do they want to pave it?
      These hypocrites that are moving to the mountains on the weekends are
pockmarks on the teenage face of the .mountains, so what's wrong with a
little Oxy-10?
      The police are stumped as to who is responsible for the blazes.
      If they ever do catch the party or parties involved, I hope they are
      We should have a holiday.
      Let the kids out of school for the day.
      I praise the Coalition to Save the Preserves and anyone else who is
willing to make a noticeable state~ent for whatever it is they believe ill.
      Let me have my mountains. To the CSP and the firebugs. . .need a light?

Justin Lambright is a guest columnist for the Mesa Legend and a
communications major at MCC

send comments to [email protected]
Link Posted: 2/14/2001 6:12:36 PM EDT
What the hell?
Link Posted: 2/14/2001 9:15:54 PM EDT
Sure this clown isn't one of them?
Link Posted: 2/15/2001 7:52:57 AM EDT
Quite a bit less impressive than 'The Fortress...' essay written by a home-schooled 17 year old.

If you haven't read that one do so It's still on page one and [size=3]outstanding[/size=3].
Link Posted: 2/15/2001 8:37:37 AM EDT
I would love to see how this dumbass would change his tune if some one burned his home because it stood on ground that wild animals lived on first (especially if the arsonist took him up on the offer of using his own lighter to do it). God damn ecohippies.

Link Posted: 2/15/2001 9:48:11 AM EDT
I too have to go to school with freaks like this at the Univ of MN.  90% of all articles in my school paper go something like this:
Hi my name is Blue Moon and I'm a hippie pinko drug addicted freak.  You might have seen me around campus, I have the red and blue hair, my face looks like a tacklebox from all my piercings and I don't shave or shower.  I also refuse to take showers because only evil big business benefits from my showering.  

We need to stop big business like tobacco, cars and guns because they employ people and keep the economy strong.  Then all those people buy things like tv's, houses, and cars which are also evil.  And they enjoy it. Oh yeah they do experiments on rats to save people, thats evil too.

We need stop these people from destorying our society.  Instead we need everyone to be homeless and starving and living in crack houses with their homosexual lovers.  That is the only thing I believe in poverty, drugs, filth, and gay love.  Everyone who does not like this needs to be killed immediately.  We should burn and beat them until they die.  Only when when everyone is gay and has aids and is poor and has a bunch of metal in their face and stinks can they be an ok person.  If you disagree with me and say it I will give you an F next class.  Oh yeah did I forget to mention I was your communist teacher?

If you actually want to read this crap or send them hate mail go here [url]http://www.mndaily.com[/url]
Link Posted: 2/15/2001 10:02:06 AM EDT
Is this kids diaper full, or what?

I can only hope he's inside the next home that burns.
Link Posted: 2/15/2001 10:56:00 AM EDT
"ultra-conservative Arizona

Right there, the guy has lost me.

The Republic is as bleeding heart as every main stream rag.

The thing about Marxists is anyone not a Marxist is "ultra conservative".

I know this much: If you don't agree with me, your a Marxist.

Link Posted: 2/15/2001 12:18:36 PM EDT
I must concur with Jay that the AZ Rep...'ultra conservative'...my @ss...if I remember correctly, they won't let you sell a firearm in the classifieds...but I'm sure that is just 'for the children'.

All I have to say about the firebug in the Valley...he should be glad that my bro-in-law doesn't belong to one of those houses...he would sit out there all night w/ his fave FAL...and his cell phone...and wait...

As far as the 'critters' that may live there...well, not that I am one of those 'pave the planet' types...but come on...what is more important...people or animals?

It is completely ridiculous to burn down someones' home because of critters, and class status jealousy. How many of you would live in your dream house if you could afford it? I know I would...

I hope that the arsonists are caught, and dealt with accordingly...read: fined and incarcerated. If it were your home, would you want any less?

ok, I think I am done now...CH
Link Posted: 2/15/2001 12:38:45 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/15/2001 2:16:00 PM EDT
Is there anyone left here that honestly thinks this country has a snowflake's chance in hell of lasting 25 more years?

Bring on the AntiChrist, the people are almost ready!
Link Posted: 2/16/2001 4:35:33 AM EDT
Another under-educated idiot heard from.

It is amazing how sophmoric some of our possible "future leaders" can be.
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