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Posted: 1/24/2001 4:03:59 PM EDT
A man claming to be the mysterious Phoenix mountain preserve arsonist, boldy gave a interview to a reporter from the Phoenix [i]New Times[/i] in a downtown city park.

The reporter wouldnt give a description of the guy, except to say that he was a man and a avid mountain biker and hiker who decided, with a couple friends to start burning houses that approached the boundry of the mountain preserves.

He had a couple choice quotes, among which is one where the arsonist is claming that he is doing "God's will" and that if he gets caught that is "God's will" also.  

I have been over all the web sites for the Republic, New Times, and all four tv stations and this is so new it isnt on any of them so I'll have to come back and post links and/or direct quotes.

He torched another house last night in Scottsdale.  He also clames that a house recently torched on the south side near South Mountain Park was the work of another group of arsonists living on that side of town that he helped and encouraged.

more later.
Link Posted: 1/24/2001 4:22:12 PM EDT
Just watched a segment on this on News channel 3. I was also told he talked to a local radio station. Will just have to wait and see what happens next.
Link Posted: 1/24/2001 5:52:06 PM EDT
He had a couple choice quotes, among which is one where the arsonist is claming that he is doing "God's will"

Total blasphemy. Wonder if someone "caps" him if he thinks that is also God's will.
Link Posted: 1/24/2001 5:58:04 PM EDT
I wonder why idiots always blame God for their malfunctions, is it a scapegoat or do they really believe that GOD sent them to kill people?
Link Posted: 1/24/2001 8:28:47 PM EDT
Well, in all honesty Rich314 he hasnt killed anyone yet.

In fact, from this guys statements, and from the way the fire department said a couple days ago about how the fires are started at multiple locations all well within the dwellings, this guy actually goes through the houses as he is setting up and searches for not just the chance that people might be there, but to see that all ANIMALS are safely removed from the building.

This also means that he will not, BTIP, consider it God's will if someone blows him away.  The only kind of death tree huggers like this guy see as natural is dropping dead where you stand or in your sleep of age or other natural causes.  Everything else is "unnatural" and of course to these people "unnatural" equals "evil"

If you will allow me to paraphrase the one quote I remember clearly from the news this afternoon, the New Times quoted the arsonist as saying:

I pray every night for the safety of the firefighters, but not for myself. If I am caught it is God's will.
View Quote

But note that he said "caught" he seems to not realise the consequences of the laws here in AZ.  You can shoot someone here if you catch them in the act of comitting arson to a residence.  And if a firefighter or anyone else dies as a result of a arson blaze it is first degree murder and a death penalty offense.

Of course he may want to become a martyer.
Link Posted: 1/24/2001 8:41:21 PM EDT
[i]New Times[/i] just updated their website, here is the link:


now I am going to go back finish reading this manifesto..
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