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Posted: 6/2/2002 3:54:23 PM EDT
I have always believed that even after 14 years as Cop. Today My belief was once again reinforced. I was going out to pick up a load of mulch and get the propane tank refilled. For some unknown reason I had my wallet in my hand as I was getting my keys out of my pocket I set my wallet on top of the cab of my P/U. Like a dumbass I got in and drove off. At the garden center I realized no wallet. Now I remember where I put it. Oh Sh*t! I go back home retracing My route. no wallet. as I'm in the driveway I turn around to see a 20 something woman walking up the drive way. "Are you Roger? she say's as she's holding my wallet. I thanked her and offered her $50.00 dollars which she refused. What was in my wallet? only my credit cards, debit card, drivers license, Police I.D. and badge. and $250.00 cash. So thank you to all the honest people out there. The 20 somethings deserve a little more credit than we sometimes give them.
Link Posted: 6/2/2002 4:00:41 PM EDT
Yes, I too believe most people are good.

So long as airplane crashes and murder are on the evening news I believe we're still alright.
Link Posted: 6/2/2002 4:47:37 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/2/2002 5:09:21 PM EDT
Basically, Yes.
Link Posted: 6/2/2002 5:26:24 PM EDT
Did you get a picture of her?
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Nope, no picture. She wasn't much to look at but she was an angel in my eyes. She saved me from a lot of aggravation and angst.
Link Posted: 6/2/2002 5:44:08 PM EDT
WOW! Glad to hear you got it back all in one piece.What a Godsend.You really gotta respect people like that. That doesn't happen everyday,I know.
Link Posted: 6/2/2002 6:14:07 PM EDT
I would have told you to try to figure out what was missing...just to mess with your head...
Link Posted: 6/2/2002 8:02:20 PM EDT

You live in a state that is located in Free America.

What do you think would have happened to your wallet if you had lost it in "Jersey" ?  

Link Posted: 6/2/2002 9:18:55 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/2/2002 9:30:19 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/3/2002 11:52:44 AM EDT
In Japan, five years ago, left my wallet in the convenience store, go back to my hotel and 30 minutes later, the police call my hotel.  (I was so happy I filled out that little card at the airport of where I was staying) The kid returned it to the station, with the 3,650 in Travellers checks.

Glad you got it back.
Link Posted: 6/3/2002 12:26:11 PM EDT
Hey I'm 23 and I consider myself to be a good "kid".

I would've done the same thing as she. Except I probably taken $20 bucks after you offered $50.

I don't consider myself a "Bad" person taking someone money if they offer. $50 bucks is alittle much, though.

Generally speaking, people are good, I think we are all victims (to a certain degree) of what we are against, media.

In a sense, we at ar15.com are our own "media".
Lets face it, this website gets a kick poking fun at "liberals" and "media types", all we here and talk about is the bad side of things as well.

Just when everyone thought that America was a lost cause, 9/11 struck us and we all came together for that short period of time. It instilled a great deal of hope in all of us.

Now I just need to get off my soap box and do something for this country as well, computers don't count to me, so I want to join the reserves, so far, that's my idea of helping out America. (if anyones got some other idea's how we can help, I'd love to hear em)

Link Posted: 6/3/2002 1:27:15 PM EDT
Not to rain in on your happiness or anything, but I wonder if the results would have been the same if it wasn't obviously a police officer's wallet.

Hey, I'm Evil. At least that's what the liberals keep telling me. [}:)].
Link Posted: 6/3/2002 1:39:12 PM EDT
Not to rain in on your happiness or anything, but I wonder if the results would have been the same if it wasn't obviously a police officer's wallet.
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Ya know, I was wondering exactly the same thing, but I didn't want to be the first cynic to bring it up.  [;)]
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