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Posted: 2/12/2001 8:27:54 AM EDT
Did you ride the boat home? I saw The Lincoln rounding Whidbey on the news this AM.

Welcome back to Paul and all the fine Shipmates of the the USS Lincoln!!

So when are us NW AR15 dudes gonna get together and have an NorthWest AR15 shoot?
I can think of Paul, me, Tweak, there have to be others.

Perhaps a shooting meet around the Granite Falls area.

If there is interest we could set up a NW AR15 shooters mail list. Perhaps Tweak could get us on one one of the police ranges.

Link Posted: 2/12/2001 10:32:44 AM EDT
I would be interested in participating. I'm in Spokane for college right now, but my mother works for Alaska Airlines so it would be nothing for me to fly home, assuming that flights are not booked up, for a weekend to go to a shoot.

Link Posted: 2/12/2001 1:09:21 PM EDT
I'm in, if G.E.F. doesn't mind.
Link Posted: 2/12/2001 1:19:15 PM EDT
I am also near spokane.  If we were to organize a shoot, it'd be great if it were at least on this side of the cascades.
Link Posted: 2/12/2001 2:10:23 PM EDT
A good place would be the Small arms Firing School at Ft Lewis put on by the Navy reserve this April 26-30. Its open to Air-Army guard reserve,Navy-marine reserve and active duty. you have to be on orders to attend, permissive at the least but it is a really good event. The contact is STS1(SS) Larry Arndt at Whidbey [email protected].
Link Posted: 2/12/2001 6:53:42 PM EDT
Welcome home paul, I imagine you will be busy" for a while.
However a shoot east of Granite falls would be a great idea, I am going to be moving to Phoenix sometime before summer and would like to participate in a good shoot here.
I'm going tuesday if anyone is interested??
Link Posted: 2/13/2001 2:03:35 AM EDT
[blue][size=4] Count me in on a
shoot!  I think it would great to get to meet some folks from
the board.
 Just give enough notice to plan alittle!

Hold Hard[/size=4][/blue]

Link Posted: 2/13/2001 2:38:24 AM EDT
I live in Arlington, Navy Guys could possibly use the Jim Creek Station right next to where I live for a shoot....Perhaps.

Anyway I personally like outdoor  shooting.

Railgun.... Freedom County????
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