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Posted: 3/28/2001 3:08:26 PM EDT
Allright, let's see how many EMS folks we got here on this board.

Make more noise than a large MVA on a saturday night.

Link Posted: 3/28/2001 3:18:50 PM EDT
Former civilian EMT, and firefighter.  Carried over into military life, although at my current unit about the only life I get to save is the resusci annie during the CPR calss I teach.
Link Posted: 3/28/2001 3:44:49 PM EDT
Received EMT training 10 years ago. I took it to round out some Law Enforcement traininig during college and expand my skills.

Link Posted: 3/28/2001 3:51:05 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/28/2001 4:34:23 PM EDT
Got Pa DOT Certified in 1984. Kept my cert's going ever since. 14 of those years I was very active, being self-employed I have had to spend more time at work.
Link Posted: 3/28/2001 5:15:47 PM EDT
Recently retired Fire Lieutenant/Paramedic.  Have been in the fire suppression/EMS business since 1979.  Even though I've retired, I am still an active/certified paramedic and fire service instructor.  I work as a consultant for a Hazardous Materials consulting firm and basically, set my own hours.  I've also recently been accepted as a "reserve" firefighter with a local department here in my city.  I guess I just can't stay away from it.  But I feel I still have alot to offer.  Especially helping the young guys w/ their training.  Besides, it's not like working full-time since I'm only on-call certain days of the month and let's face it, the extra cash is good!

Link Posted: 3/28/2001 5:20:46 PM EDT
Ex Firefighter/Medic did 5 years Vol. and 5 career before going to the LE side of public safety. City only had about 95 fire calls a year total but our Ambulance went out 3-4 times a day.

Hunter out...
Link Posted: 3/28/2001 5:57:17 PM EDT
Firefighter/EMT/SP1 owner/ Los Alamos Fire Department,New Mexico...12 years service..also an FAL owner :)
Link Posted: 3/28/2001 6:40:57 PM EDT
NREMT registered and State Certified (Louisiana) EMT-Basic.  I took the class in conjunction with my pre-med plans and have done a little volunteer work with AMR. (Before they stopped taking "riders."

I was suprised at how little paramedics are paid in relation to the complexity and usefulness of their work.
Link Posted: 3/28/2001 6:47:03 PM EDT
'Medic since 1992. Finishing the Fire Academy on 12APR01.

Currently work as a Public Safety Officer (cop/medic/firefighter) for the Village of North Palm Beach. I work 24s, carry a Glock & a TASER, drive a Suburban with a Mossberg shotgun up front, and a Lifepak 12 (et al, ad infinitum, ad aburdium, ad nauseum) in back.

And yes, I can respond to that MVA on Saturday night, put out the flaming wreckage, trauma alert the driver, then arrest the idiot for DUI!!(Granted, the paperwork is a bee-ahch.) [;D]

I did like the ER work, didn't mind being an EMS supervisor, and detested interfacility transports.

(formerly known as TomB)
Link Posted: 3/28/2001 7:03:47 PM EDT
Assistant Fire Chief/EMT/First Responder Defib.  Don't mind EMS calls, but would much rather got to a fire call.
Link Posted: 3/28/2001 9:20:15 PM EDT

Myself, I am actually still in my rookie period(9 months in service). Entered EMS after working the E.R. for 4 years. Have my RN license for 7 years now. Like it and never want out.

Own two AR15's and two handguns and they have to stay home while I am on the job. [;)]

Link Posted: 3/28/2001 9:26:58 PM EDT
I'm a 12 year volunteer firefighter! Does that Count?[:(]I'm always in heat and know how to handle and care for my hose![:D]
Link Posted: 3/29/2001 7:23:36 AM EDT
Yeah sure a firefighter counts, couldnt do without you walking canopeners [:)]

Link Posted: 3/29/2001 10:25:09 AM EDT
LOL![:D] Yeah! there ain't nothin funner than ripping what wasn't damaged during the accident apart with the jaws of life![chainsaw]
Link Posted: 3/29/2001 10:46:37 AM EDT
Engineer/EMT here. Been in the service for about 7 years. Loving every minute of it. My dept. runs about 3900 calls a year , and climbing.
Link Posted: 3/29/2001 11:08:06 AM EDT
NREMT-P 10 years FF 6 years still full time in EMS..to many new rules, regs, paperwork, and HMO's.. it all seems to get in the way of pt. care these days....Pay still sucks [:(]..but Hell who cares about money when you can run code 3 to a good time Sat night MVA. [}:D]

Link Posted: 3/29/2001 11:21:11 AM EDT
16 years in fire and EMS.  NREMT-P in 1995.  County Hazmat team for 5 years, current member of NJ State USAR team...(for the moment...politics suck). Sure miss the good old days when "elite" meant you had talent in fire, rescue, EMS, Hazmat, etc... schmoozing wasn't on the list

ducking in bunker, awaiting BLEVE

Link Posted: 3/29/2001 12:14:43 PM EDT
Started volunteering in 89 for an ambulance corp, then vollyed for a fire dept in 90-91, then got paid for it in 91-92 in Massachusetts, then went down to NYC EMS(Brooklyn) from 92-96. Had my fill of BS taxi rides, medicare abuse and occasional danger and too much work for too little pay.  Now, I work east of NYC in Nassau County on the ambulance and am an instructor. Also a corpsman in the USN-R with the Marines.

I'm no recruiter but there is a program the Naval reserve has that gets you in with no 3 month commitment to boot camp. You only have to do your two weeks a year and one weekend a month. If you can do IV's, tube and defib you come in as a Petty Officer 3rd or 2nd class(depending on work experience) You do two schools and you go to the Fleet Marine Force side as a corpsman. I'm having a blast and the navy is short corpsman so there are good opportunties to advance. Plus the Marines let you play with their weapons!!! One of the guys I work with turned me on to it. Best thing I ever did! E-mail me if you want info!

Check out the rules of Paramedicine Post
Link Posted: 3/29/2001 2:39:37 PM EDT
Ex Volunteer EMT, Firefighter.
Link Posted: 3/29/2001 4:47:43 PM EDT
Started out as a Volunteer Fire Fighter in High School.  Just last week had my 15 anniversary in the Air National Guard as a Fire Fighter and also spent the last 4 years in full-time aircraft rescue fire fighting (hence the ARFF prefix).
Link Posted: 3/29/2001 5:00:52 PM EDT
Three years as a volunteer FF, two years w/California Dept. of Forestry, 15 years as full time paid FF and got my EMT/P 5 years ago. We run ALS engines, no ambulances (yet). My hat is off to you who run full time on the ambulances. That has got to be one of the most difficult jobs in the world. My internship was absolutely miserable! Got back to the firehouse after three months on the ambulance and kissed the floor!
Link Posted: 3/29/2001 5:17:24 PM EDT
FYI: The jaws of life can shred a very nice gun safe in minutes.
Thanks guys for being there, unfortunatly my family & I had need of your sevices last December, and you guys did a spectacular job.
Link Posted: 3/29/2001 5:18:50 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/29/2001 5:25:01 PM EDT
Retired Firefighter/EMT/Harbor Pilot/Portland,OR. I agree with sr15 about fire calls over EMS.
Link Posted: 4/1/2001 10:39:22 PM EDT
Former NREMT-P still certified as an EMT. Worked paid EMS from my senior year in high school till December of '99 when it got the best of me (went into major burn out after a buried alive call at a coal mine). I really miss it now but damn to do that training again.... I occasionally put a little thought into going into the RN program (please don't crucify me). It's the only job I ever really fealt at home with.

Link Posted: 4/1/2001 11:01:39 PM EDT
Know what you mean, I went into nursing training when I was 17, now at 27 and three specialized trainings along the road. It's the only job I ever wanted to do, and I am doing it after 9 years of clinical experience. The change from hospital to pre hospital was sometimes hard. But having worked the Emergency Room for 4 years made it somewhat easier.

- Paramedics, we cheat death -

Link Posted: 4/1/2001 11:07:55 PM EDT
ARFF Firefighter and EMT-B.
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