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Posted: 7/4/2015 9:53:23 AM EDT
Just a heads up, after hearing about this issue from several other people, including a few close friends and several Game Stop studs, it seems the PS4 may be having its own rendition of the dreaded red ring of death that at one time plagued the XBox 360. This morning my PS4 started randomly ejecting game disk during game play. This happens at completely random times, and once the game ejects you are sent straight to the home screen. The best part is, if you are saving game data while this happens, the file will corrupt itself and you will essentially lose all game data. So play at your own risk.

I looked online and tried just about every solution out there short of opening the case which would void my warranty but nothing worked. After doing a little more some research it seems the issue I am having is quite common and is happening to lots of systems and aside from offering one solution to this problem that can be found on the Sony website that does not work, Sony has yet to give any serious acknowledgment to the issue. Luckily for me I have one month left on my factory warranty so I'm in luck but without it you essentially have a $400 Netflix devise that Sony will not fix after one year. Just a heads up for those thinking about buying a PS4 either for yourself or your kids, keep the receipt and buy an extended warranty, we live in the era of cheap and rushed manufacturing people.
Link Posted: 7/4/2015 9:55:05 AM EDT
Damn. I might be getting an Xbox One then. Still got a while to see if Sony will resolve this, I'm not upgrading until MGSV comes out.
Link Posted: 7/4/2015 10:06:57 AM EDT
Mine did this the first few days I owned it. It went away on its own. Would randomly turn its self on and beep beep eject disc. Been going strong for 18 months or so now.
Link Posted: 7/4/2015 10:11:26 AM EDT
Knock on wood but mine has been trouble free.
Link Posted: 7/4/2015 10:19:02 AM EDT
Maybe let them 'burn in' by leaving it on for the first week..   I figured if it can survive the first week, then it should last a bit more..  If it doesn't survive, at least you knew within the first week...

Xbone360 had faulty solder joints by cheap labor..  So that is why I burn them in, so to stress the system a little.

PS4 should be OK..  They don't suffer heat related issues like a X360

Link Posted: 7/4/2015 10:20:42 AM EDT
Just talked to Sony, they suggested I remove the top cover from my PS4 and turn the ejection screw, to me this seems like a temporary fix at best and something to hold me off  just long enough for my warranty to expire. Not going to happen, I'm going to demand a new system.
Link Posted: 7/4/2015 12:04:52 PM EDT
Just a heads up, after hearing about this issue from several other people, including a few close friends and several Game Stop studs, it seems the PS4 may be having its own rendition of the dreaded red ring of death that at one time plagued the XBox 360. This morning my PS4 started randomly ejecting game disk during game play. This happens at completely random times, and once the game ejects you are sent straight to the home screen. The best part is, if you are saving game data while this happens, the file will corrupt itself and you will essentially lose all game data. So play at your own risk.

I looked online and tried just about every solution out there short of opening the case which would void my warranty but nothing worked. After doing a little more some research it seems the issue I am having is quite common and is happening to lots of systems and aside from offering one solution to this problem that can be found on the Sony website that does not work, Sony has yet to give any serious acknowledgment to the issue. Luckily for me I have one month left on my factory warranty so I'm in luck but without it you essentially have a $400 Netflix devise that Sony will not fix after one year. Just a heads up for those thinking about buying a PS4 either for yourself or your kids, keep the receipt and buy an extended warranty, we live in the era of cheap and rushed manufacturing people.
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Been talking to a lot of Game Stop Studs lately?
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