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Posted: 5/31/2002 8:42:27 AM EDT
So I'm in my local grocery store last night, did my shopping and my son and I were snickering at the "manly" woman as we passed her going down an aisle. "She" had some serious BO, body hair issues and the earthy look of a commie tree hugger. We finished shopping and went to check out and DAMN !!! only one checkout working and guess who's in front of us. Well, we loaded up the turntable and were waiting for the smelly "woman" to finish. The clerk, who I have known for some time glanced at me and made the "stinky" face, he was just about finished with her and as he swiped her choice for feminine protection, he made the HUGE mistake of asking "do you prefer paper or plastic" refering to which bag "she" wanted. Well butch started screaming " well it looks like I prefer the plastic now does'nt it !!!!  you're holding my choice in your hand!!!"  "She" continued bitching and yelling about womens rights and evil men blah, blah, blah... finally the manager came over and asked what the problem was. "She" told him that this rude man had humiliated her about which product she was buying, the manager asked him what the deal was and he explained that he was just asking "her" if "she" wanted paper or plastic bags. At this point, "she" realizes what had just happened and demanded the total so "she" could get out. After "she" left, we could not stop laughing !!!  I now know why they make SUPER absorbant.
Link Posted: 5/31/2002 8:46:32 AM EDT
Holy schnikes!! Be glad you didn't make eye contact at any time, she might have eaten you and taken your son hostage!!
Link Posted: 5/31/2002 8:48:09 AM EDT
Just be glad she's probably a dyke and won't reproduce.  Even if she is a gun lover, the anti's can have that one!
Link Posted: 5/31/2002 8:50:00 AM EDT
i have seen the type.....just before i drilled out my eyes with a power screw driver (from sears) to get away from the sight!
Link Posted: 5/31/2002 9:01:38 AM EDT
i have seen the type.....just before i drilled out my eyes with a power screw driver (from sears) to get away from the sight!
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[whacko][red]You type remarkably well for someone with NO eyes.[/red][whacko]


PS. hope someone's around to read this to ya.
Link Posted: 5/31/2002 9:22:23 AM EDT
Did she look like this?


Link Posted: 5/31/2002 9:29:12 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/31/2002 9:41:15 AM EDT

Around here we run into a bunch of smelly Amish women at the grocery store once in a while. We got behind some in the check out line once and the wife got the dry heaves because they smelled so bad [%|]
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We have them around here too.  Makes you wonder how they have such large families.  I guess there must be lots of doggy-style going on behind those dark shades.
Link Posted: 5/31/2002 12:12:46 PM EDT
i have seen the type.....just before i drilled out my eyes with a power screw driver (from sears) to get away from the sight!
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[whacko][red]You type remarkably well for someone with NO eyes.[/red][whacko]


PS. hope someone's around to read this to ya.
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its ok, i am psychic.
Link Posted: 5/31/2002 12:22:57 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/31/2002 12:48:01 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/31/2002 12:49:38 PM EDT
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