Just watched a PBS program "Guns and Moms".It dealt with the "million mom" march lobbying for more gun control while the "SECOND ADMENDMENT SISTERS" were defending the 2nd Admendment. The "million mom march" crowd stated that 12 children a day are "killed by guns"(not killed by the individuals who used the guns. I wonder if the police should destroy the guns that killed the children and let the inocent criminals who were just in the wrong place at the wrong time and just happened to be holding the gun that killed the child should go free?) while the "SECOND ADMENDMENT SISTERS" cleared up that statement a little. It seems that those children killed everyday range in age from 15 to 20 years old and include individuals who were ingaged in crimial acts or had criminal records including violent crime. One woman had three children "killed by guns". It's hard to belive that three brothers get killed in separate incidents and not be involved in some type of criminal activity.
So here's my question! Do you really give a flip if crack head, drug dealing gangbangers are killing each other? Do you consider criminals human and deserving of compasion? Even if you do think they are humans and not animals are there lives worth more than our society? Is having compasion for these individuals more important than your rights as a productive and law abideing citizen?
I once read an artical about how much "gun violence" is running up the cost of the health industry in America. One guy was shot in a gang fight over crack selling turf and of course crack dealing doesn't have good health care benifits (one issue on the democrats platform next year), so $350,000 later he is in a wheel chair and guns are blamed the health industry eating the cost of treating the guy and then passing on the cost to you and I. Man, why didn't the cops just let him bleed to death in the street like they did one of the guys in the famous "Hollywood bank hold up/shoot out".