I'll just say i used to be skeptical about veterans telling me they have flashbacks when i was a teeny bopper, Now i have been a firefighter for 13 years and experience it, you don't think it's bothering you at the time.
THEN BAMMM! You see something, smell something Etc. that brings it back!
I did not know what post stress counselors were until i went to college, and my area still doesn't have them, er wait yeah we do here in the country their called bartenders!
In some of those quiet times just before you fall asleep the faces come back to you,or you'll see someone on the street that resembles that beautiful teenage girl who was killed on Prom night by the drunk.
Hey, we emergency responders learn to cope, you just make friends with those you couldn't help in time, that way it doesn't bother you.
The Big difference is we don't ever rotate back to the world, This is part of our world, but wwe keep doing it anyway.