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Posted: 4/17/2001 6:12:45 AM EDT
..this Saturday in Farmville, Virginia?  It's only freakin' Tuesday and I'm already antsy.  

If anyone hasn't heard/read about it in the Meetings and Events forum, I thought I'd add it here and maybe generate more interest.  It seems to be shaping up to be a blast!!  Ugg.. how punny was that?  [:D]  
Link Posted: 4/17/2001 6:58:09 AM EDT
Yep!  I really, really, really, really, really hope to make it.  It's all up to the wife at this point....

Sounds like a lot of Class III (a few 1919's, M-16's and other goodies) and interesting targets (car, lawnmowers, bowling pins, ballons, etc.).  Every year we have a great time, and this year looks like the best yet.

Have ammo?  Sportsman's Guide has a GREAT deal on ammo right now.  Coupon code SPG51 gives you 20% off ANY order with them.  Here's a sampling of their ammo deals:

WX0-51730   South African Battlepack .223 cal. FMJ 55Gr. 2700rds. $299.97
WX0-51733   Portugese NATO Battlepack .308 147Gr. FMJ 1000rds.  $129.97
WX0-52588   Russian Wolf 9mm 115Gr. FMJBT 1000rds. $99.97

Take 20% off and you get a pretty good price.  It makes a weekend like this one even more fun!  

See everyone Saturday! (I hope)

    Black Fox
Link Posted: 4/17/2001 7:26:51 AM EDT
I'm antsy too.  Wondering what guns to bring.

Black Fox, I just received the 2700 round PMP battlepack from SMG.   I used another 20% off coupon.  Its a great deal.  I'll probably bring 2 packs of 300 each.  That might hopefully be enough.

How much is gas down in that area of VA?  This morning on the way to DC, gas was 1.64 for Regular.  
Link Posted: 4/17/2001 7:33:28 AM EDT
Link Posted: 4/17/2001 7:35:14 AM EDT
See ya'll there.  I should receive my 2000 rounds of 308 before the weekend.  

Now to figure out how many "weapons of mass destruction" I can fit in my girlfriend's car.

MM, anyone else from your area coming?
Link Posted: 4/17/2001 8:17:17 AM EDT
Link Posted: 4/17/2001 8:29:18 AM EDT
What are the times? Is there camping or motels nearby? I'd be coming from SC.
Link Posted: 4/17/2001 8:41:00 AM EDT
I think in one of the early posts, Oliver said something about camping.  Im not sure on the details...

I thought about camping myself, because it will be a 3 or 3½hour drive down from Northern VA (each way.)  95 or 15, or a combo of 95,3,20,15 etc.

Arrg.  Gonna be a long trip but it will be worth it.

Hope the weather will turn out nice.

Link Posted: 4/17/2001 8:56:47 AM EDT
Where exactly is Farmville?  I'm in Blacksburg right now, can anyone give me a rough estimate of how long it would take to get there from here?  I'd love to go if I can find time!

Link Posted: 4/17/2001 9:25:11 AM EDT
ques86, if you go to the meetings forum, you can get much more info about the shoot.  

Here is a link someone posted, it is close to where the shoot will take place.

Mapquest says you are about 140 miles away from farmville and 3½ hours to drive.  Btw, I think the shoot is between Curdsville and Sheppards.  A little north of Farmville.

Link Posted: 4/17/2001 11:50:20 AM EDT
Anybody have a rough headcount?  

If anyone would like to carpool from the Richmond area or elsewhere, my place is on the way with plenty of parking.  Even if I can't go, you're welcome to use my place as a commuter lot.  My house is the far east side of Powhatan, which is on the right side of the map on the link above.  I would volunteer lodging if I knew I was going to be there.  With a 8.75 month pregnant wife, though, nothing is for certain for the next few weeks!  Last shoot joliver had a big group carpooled from my place and it made things a lot easier.  I think it's about 1 hour from Farmville and it will be backroads for those of you not from the area.  

7 - you think two battle packs is going to feed that hungry M-16 of yours all day?!?  I was hoping to get KKF's .22lr upper for mine before this - I think they would pay for themselves in one day! :)  Gas is definitely cheaper than that in Richmond - I think I'm paying $1.55 for Exxon 93 (stinkin picky sports car!).  Fill up when you get in town.

ques86 - you should be 3 to 3.5 hours as mentioned.  You can take 81N to 220S (past Roanoke) and cut over to 460E the rest of the way.  If you take 460, stay 60mph or less.  Those small towns along the way rely on you for revenue.  Can you tell I was a Hokie??  Spent 6.5 years driving that way.  It's a nice drive.  Try to make it if you can.  Even if you can't bring anything, there will be plenty there to try.  

    Black Fox
Link Posted: 4/17/2001 12:13:21 PM EDT
I'll probably be there. I'll try and drag along my brother in law too. I'll be bringing my SAR-1, and any crap I can find that looks reasonably fun to destroy and then pack out.
Looking forward to making my handguards smoke like they did at Fox's place!
Link Posted: 4/17/2001 2:45:33 PM EDT
Originally Posted By Black Fox:
7 - you think two battle packs is going to feed that hungry M-16 of yours all day?!?  I was hoping to get KKF's .22lr upper for mine before this - I think they would pay for themselves in one day! :)  Gas is definitely cheaper than that in Richmond - I think I'm paying $1.55 for Exxon 93 (stinkin picky sports car!).  Fill up when you get in town.
View Quote

Sheesh, I guess I'll throw another one in my jeep.  I also have a beta c mag to test out.  Its loaded with 100.  1000 rounds. wee.

Besides my '16, I'm also bringing my AK with probably 2-300 rounds, another ar15, a ruger 10/22 with probably 500+ rounds to plink. My 9mm Beretta and Sig220.  Debating on a Garand, M14 or my FAL.   Oh, I'll bring my 9mm upper for my '16.  See how well that shoots full auto.  Shooting it Semi-auto, the mags kept falling out.  The mag catch needs to be longer or something.

Hope to see ya there, but if not, congrats on the baby.  

Link Posted: 4/17/2001 3:09:32 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/17/2001 3:19:06 PM EDT
Woo hoo! I can't wait!
Link Posted: 4/17/2001 5:09:43 PM EDT
Originally Posted By Miss Magnum:
..this Saturday in Farmville, Virginia?  It's only freakin' Tuesday and I'm already antsy.  

If anyone hasn't heard/read about it in the Meetings and Events forum, I thought I'd add it here and maybe generate more interest.  It seems to be shaping up to be a blast!!  Ugg.. how punny was that?  [:D]  
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Just finally registered, also just got back from knob creek last week, it was great and I want to attend more shoots!!!  It's great to spend time w/ folks who have the same interests, not too many serious tactical shooters where I live.  How abou some details on this shoot?
Link Posted: 4/17/2001 6:03:38 PM EDT
Originally Posted By Imbrog|io:
Woo hoo! I can't wait!
View Quote

heh, Imbrog|io you crazy fool.

You can come ONLY if you bring a GIRL and you bring the $ from the water fountain.  

Its too bad you aren't on the East coast, otherwize, I know you would have met those conditions. [grenade]

Link Posted: 4/18/2001 6:50:50 AM EDT
7 - Thanks for the link.  I'm gonna try my damnedest to get down there.  If I don't make it you guys blow some stuff up in with me in mind!

Link Posted: 4/18/2001 7:04:47 AM EDT
There are several motels in Farmville for those wondering.

I'll be staying at the Days Inn.

I think the start time for the shoot is 0900.  Any change on that?

Looks like the weather will hold for at least the early part of Saturday.

Link Posted: 4/18/2001 7:15:04 AM EDT
Are you staying Friday night (before the shoot) or Saturday night (after the shoot)?

I'd like to see peoples faces when you take your guns and ammo out of your car to your room.  :)

Hey Honey, is that 4,5 or 6 rifles we've seen that man take into that room?  I'm calling the police....

Link Posted: 4/18/2001 7:27:52 AM EDT
Arriving, hopefully after dark, on Friday.  

I know about the "looks" since I live in an apartment complex.  The hard cases are a little less obvious.  "It's not a rifle, it's a bass clarinet."  The best part is the looks I get in the office when I go to pick up the ammo I ordered.  "What's IN that box?"  Hobby supplies.
Link Posted: 4/18/2001 1:31:41 PM EDT
Just pickin on ya 7!

I heard rumors from subguns that a 3" and 5" cannon would be there in addition to an M2?!?  My God, we're going to have an M2 and cannons?  This is going to be awesome!!

Hope you guys can make it.  It's going to be tough to beat this next year!

    Black Fox
Link Posted: 4/18/2001 2:33:38 PM EDT
I'm ready for it!  I just need to decide on just what I'm bringing.

Link Posted: 4/18/2001 2:52:14 PM EDT
What toys to bring???  I'll have to ponder that one.
Link Posted: 4/18/2001 4:42:27 PM EDT
Well, well, well!  This dad-to-be just got his four (yes, count them - FOUR) form 4's in the mail today!!  WOO HOO!!!  HA HA!!!  HEE HEE!!!

Looks like I'll be there with a few M-16's myself on Saturday :).  Life is just too good!  Must load more stripper clips now...

    Black Fox
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