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Posted: 5/2/2003 2:59:20 AM EDT
I know I will probably get flamed for this but.....  

First, it should be known that I support the troops/the President/the Country 110 percent. I think we are doing the right thing.  

Now, where are these WMDs?  Frankly, I could care less about them, since Iraq was just a breeding ground for terrorists and what not.  However, the rest of the country is not as smart as all of us here.  I really hope he finds them, because this will come back to bite him in the ass for the election.

Link Posted: 5/2/2003 3:01:18 AM EDT
They were destroyed during air strikes.
Link Posted: 5/2/2003 3:01:53 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/2/2003 3:10:38 AM EDT
They were destroyed during air strikes.
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The FlyBoys took then out, before the ground troops got to them.
Link Posted: 5/2/2003 3:21:17 AM EDT
They are in syria
Link Posted: 5/2/2003 3:42:39 AM EDT
They were probably destroyed in advance of the invasion. Didn't they arrest a chemist that admitted Saddam ordered them destroyed? What wasn't destroyed were either moved to Syria or dumped in the Euphrates.
Link Posted: 5/2/2003 3:44:58 AM EDT
What difference does it make?


Link Posted: 5/2/2003 3:46:24 AM EDT
Yeah you bastard, the pinko libs wanted to give the inspectors more time and more time, but you've had our guys in there for OVER 4 WEEKS dmanit.

IRAQ is only the size of California.

You've had enough time, now show us the goods!!!

See, admit it, you just did this for the OIL and your oil buddies.

and you defense buddies.

Admit it, this had nothing to do with getting rid of a maniacal dictator who was killing more iraqi's than iran ever did, or we did in GW 1

This was all to distract us from the economy, yeah, that's the ticket.  Your tax cuts were killing the economy.  Didn't you learn anything from Clinton,  you're supposed to tax us into prosperity.[/du]

And on a serious note.

You sign the AWB renewel, you will lose the re-election effort.  Don't be stupid.

God Bless America


Link Posted: 5/2/2003 4:25:30 AM EDT
The difference is that while everyone here may fully agree with the war, as I assume Ire does, not everyone does in this country.  The President went to war because Iraq had WMDs - not to free the Iraqi people.  Now, I think what we did over there was a GREAT thing.  Nothing short of amazing.  

Now, here is the difference - if we don't find anything, or any evidence that they were there, GWB would loose face in the eyes of America - not all eyes, but a good number of eyes.  If we want GWB to have second term, and I know I do, I sure hope he finds them.   I am pretty sure that he will - as TxLewis said, it's a huge place and it will take time to look everywhere.

What difference does it make?


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Link Posted: 5/2/2003 4:28:39 AM EDT
just wait, the CIA is working on smuggling a few tons of anthrax into the country
Link Posted: 5/2/2003 4:30:20 AM EDT
SH knew we were coming to get him, regardless of what the UN said...  he destroyed what he could and shipped the rest to Syria.  

6 weeks before the first airstrike, SH left Iraq for Belarus, or one of the other former Soviet states, with Putin's help.  Fox News had something like this theory on Bill O-Reilly a few days ago.  I concur.  There was little or no military cohesion among the Iraqi's.  
Link Posted: 5/2/2003 4:31:51 AM EDT
TxLewis makes a good (sarcastic) point.

The media that supports the left is making much of the fact that we haven't found them yet. As though they will be found in the center of city squares with big red arrows pointing them out. It is ludicrous to imagine that anything will be found right away, yet the media use the impatience of the people to discredit the war effort.

In a nation the size of CA that had a very secretive leadership who, frankly, wasn't all that stupid except in the big picture sense, anything that remains is probably extremely well hidden. The rest may well have been offloaded to another country, like Syria. It will be months t the earliest before we really know anything about the weapons, and even then, if the regime covered it's tracks sufficiently well, we may never really know...
Link Posted: 5/2/2003 4:57:06 AM EDT
TxLewis makes a good (sarcastic) point.

The media that supports the left is making much of the fact that we haven't found them yet. As though they will be found in the center of city squares with big red arrows pointing them out. It is ludicrous to imagine that anything will be found right away, yet the media use the impatience of the people to discredit the war effort.

In a nation the size of CA that had a very secretive leadership who, frankly, wasn't all that stupid except in the big picture sense, anything that remains is probably extremely well hidden. The rest may well have been offloaded to another country, like Syria. It will be months t the earliest before we really know anything about the weapons, and even then, if the regime covered it's tracks sufficiently well, we may never really know...
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Justifying the basis of the invasion of Iraq--WMD--is a moot point, as far as the liberal media is concerned.  Even if/when WMD are found, the media will imply that the Bush Administration "planted" them.    

Will this jeopardize his chances for re-election?  Doubtful, as he rides a wave of approval that is unprecedented.  The U.S. exit from a free Iraq will be the litmus test for Bush.  If we get out clean (and soon) Bush will emerge as a hero.        
Link Posted: 5/2/2003 5:00:02 AM EDT
 They don't destroy anything.)
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Not to start a pissing match, but they destroy life. Dosent that count for something?
Link Posted: 5/2/2003 5:03:03 AM EDT
What difference does it make?
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It made enough difference to the President to make it one of his [b] major[/b] reasons to go to war.
Link Posted: 5/2/2003 5:06:03 AM EDT
Hey. I heard they found a few barrels of insecticide, WMD, the president should either hide in shame or fire every intelligence officer who was reporting on those WMD. Europe will be the only one reporting on the lack of WMD being found.
Link Posted: 5/2/2003 5:06:30 AM EDT
...Doubtful, as he rides a wave of approval that is unprecedented...
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So did Bush Sr.

Link Posted: 5/2/2003 5:07:57 AM EDT
They were destroyed during air strikes.
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The FlyBoys took then out, before the ground troops got to them.
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If that was true, wouldn't there be a lot of evidence, like dead Iraqis and lots of detectable residual chemicals?
Link Posted: 5/2/2003 5:09:42 AM EDT
I don't care if they don't find a single damn isotope of fissionable material!

Nor even one petri dish of botulism!

Nor even an small pocket sized atomizer of sarin!

It's the continued threat of WMDs, their loss of the Gulf War in 1991, and their continued refusal to 'come clean' and cooperate with the UN Inspectors for 12 years, that SHOULD have sealed their fate!

And it did!

If Saddam wished to carry out some 'cat and mouse game' with the United States in order to heighten his standing in the Arab Street...

Well, the cat won.

And a very tasty little morsel he and the vaunted 'elite Republican Guard' turned out to be!

Eric The(We'llCoughUpAHairballLater)Hun[>]:)]
Link Posted: 5/2/2003 5:11:46 AM EDT
Now we know how Eric got such a high post count! [;)]

Edited to add: Too late Eric! We saw that double-post! [:D]
Link Posted: 5/2/2003 5:13:42 AM EDT
I don't care if they don't find a single damn isotope of fissionable material!

Nor even one petri dish of botulism!

Nor even an small pocket sized atomizer of sarin!

It's the continued threat of WMDs, their loss of the Gulf War in 1991, and their continued refusal to 'come clean' and cooperate with the UN Inspectors for 12 years, that SHOULD have sealed their fate!

And it did!

If Saddam wished to carry out some 'cat and mouse game' with the United States in order to heighten his standing in the Arab Street...

Well, the cat won.

And a very tasty little morsel he and the vaunted 'elite Republican Guard' turned out to be!

Eric The(We'llCoughUpAHairballLater)Hun[>]:)]
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So what you appear to be saying is [b] I don't care if my nations leaders lie to me, it is OK, I am riding a patriotic high, so it is ok.[/b]
Link Posted: 5/2/2003 5:16:13 AM EDT
Who cares?

How about this...they've had 12 years to hide them, diseminate them to other countries and terrorist organizations and bury them.  How big is their country?

I'd say that WMD are 10% of the reason we hit Iraq, so who fuckin cares about em?
Link Posted: 5/2/2003 5:19:04 AM EDT
How many banned 400 km SCUDS were fired at Kuwait? are they not banned? What of the two mobile labs? Also the depots were empty... where are the destroyed remains?
The weapons are hidden, most likely in Syria.
THis was a war of oil, but it was the Russians and French that had the ol contracts with Saddam, not with the people of Iraq. HOw can they be so poor there? THey are the 2nd largest oil country. But the people were starving and he was stashing money away. Letting the country starve.
What of the Russian generals and equipment found there. The French military supplies.
This war is about them hating US. And it is not just Saddam. Itis Russia and France. They don't have the guts to confront us so they use Iraq.
WMD or whatever, the real reason is hate and jealousy.
Link Posted: 5/2/2003 5:27:48 AM EDT
Post from cyanide -
So what you appear to be saying is I don't care if my nations leaders lie to me, it is OK, I am riding a patriotic high, so it is ok.
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Duhhh, again.

That should be enough to satisfy you!

You really should stop reading the NYTimes like it means anything!

The liberal media lost big again on the Iraq Resolution.

And I love it!

So YOU keep on looking for those WMDs buddy!

Meanwhile the rest of us will be establishing a pro-Western, secular, democratic government in Baghdad!


Chaps your ASS doesn't it???!!!  [:D]

Eric The(I'llBet!)Hun[>]:)]
Link Posted: 5/2/2003 5:35:03 AM EDT
[b]chaps my ass[/b] yes it does I gave the man more credit than that, next time I will know better. Just another lying Texan. [:)] edit for fix
Link Posted: 5/2/2003 5:38:23 AM EDT
I give a care if we find any, the dirty murdering  bastards needed a lesson taught to them for what they did to innocent Americans in NYC, revenge is sweet, hoping there's more to follow, It ain't over until it's over.

Link Posted: 5/2/2003 5:51:45 AM EDT
There are hundreds of sites in a country the size of Kalifornication still to be checked.

I love the hypocracy of the libbies.  "We need more time for inspections to work" but they are unwilling to give the President more time to uncover them.  It is typical of them and based on a unhealthy hatred of our president.

Oh, and not to threadjack this - but didn't he look like one badass mofo in that flight suit yesterday?  
Link Posted: 5/2/2003 6:07:46 AM EDT
I only wished that President Bush could have flown a combat mission in Afghanistan during that conflict!

I mean, how long has it been since the leader of a country has actually fought in a war on the front lines?


Eric The(He'sTheMan!)Hun[>]:)]
Link Posted: 5/2/2003 6:12:02 AM EDT
personally, i don't care if the purported "wmd" are found or not...BUT...

just go back and do a search on HOW MANY TIMES bush jr. used that phrase to justify the war. it doesn't make him look credible in the eyes of many americans.

so, for gwb's sake, if nothing else, i do hope they turn up some of the 'missing' goods.
Link Posted: 5/2/2003 6:14:09 AM EDT
[b]chaps my ass[/b] yes it does I gave the man more credit than that, next time I will know better. Just another lying Texan. [:)] edit for fix
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Another 'lying Texan'?

So [u]you[/u] know for a fact that President Bush was lying?

Who are you? Condolezza Rice's boyfriend?

I say we've already found out enough about Iraq's stealth WMD programs, but some of us here, and all of those geeks at DU, and at the NYTimes, won't be satisfied unless and until...

[b]Baghdad Bob pokes a WMD-laden missile up their butts![/b]

It's a sexual thing, doncha' know? [:D]

Eric The(CallIt'MissileEnvy')Hun[>]:)]
Link Posted: 5/2/2003 6:16:32 AM EDT
I hear they found a lot of WD40.
Link Posted: 5/2/2003 6:16:34 AM EDT
I only wished that President Bush could have flown a combat mission in Afghanistan during that conflict! I mean, how long has it been since the leader of a country has actually fought in a war on the front lines?
Eric The(He'sTheMan!)Hun[>]:)]
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Well, at least he flew as many missions as he did in Vietnam.
Link Posted: 5/2/2003 6:20:33 AM EDT
All of you who think there are no chemical agents in Iraq need to look at all of the intel we had collected over the past 20 years and look at how much effort they had been spending on such weapons before the Gulf War I.

Fact:  Iraq had preservation troubles with their G-class nerve agents during the Iran war.

Fact:  In response to this stability problem, the G-class agent program was divided into two improvement programs, one of enhanced purity of precursors and one utilizing field-mixed binary agents to make their G-class agents.  The purity approach was a higher-hanging fruit and was discarded after Gulf War I as it could not be accomplished in a clandestine manner.

Fact:  There have been multiple mobile mixing labs found.  

Fact:  Binary weapons have been found UNMIXED.

Fact:  Empty shells litter the countryside.

The "smoking gun" the liberal gorons want to find is a loaded shell.  No, make that a freaking arsenal of loaded shells.  This is not the case as the stability of the agents and the poor storage offered does not create a condition where this is practical.

Binary weapons have been found.  Did Blix report on any of the mobile mixing trucks?  

End of story.  If you believe Iraq had no WMD, go over to the DU, you will be more respected there as its a haven for morons.
Link Posted: 5/2/2003 6:22:22 AM EDT
personally, i don't care if the purported "wmd" are found or not...BUT...

just go back and do a search on HOW MANY TIMES bush jr. used that phrase to justify the war. it doesn't make him look credible in the eyes of many americans.

so, for gwb's sake, if nothing else, i do hope they turn up some of the 'missing' goods.
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The American people are either on board with what George W. Bush and his administration did, or they are not.

The fact that WMDs are found will only satisfy those who supported him in the first place.

If none are found, then those pricks, needle necked geeks, fellow travelers, commies, Hollyweird types, etc., will feel self satisfied.

Trust me, the Lord Himself could not open [u]their[/u] eyes!

And no one will change their views, either way.

Tell me, [b]CampyBob[/b], would [u]you[/u]?

Eric The(HonestToGod)Hun[>]:)]
Link Posted: 5/2/2003 6:31:01 AM EDT
Missiles in violation of the ceasefire agreement.

Hidden drums of a chemical that could be a nerve agent or insecticide, why go to the effort to hide bug spray?

Radioactive material found in bunkers under building that inspectors were not allowed to enter. Bunkers built in a place where no one thought you could build them, so no one looked for them there.

Mobile labs, empty chemical warheads, also a violation.

It ain't over yet, and we haven't heard everything yet, they will test and double test before announcing something has been found, so the naysayers have to look completely ridiculous in denial.
Link Posted: 5/2/2003 12:32:25 PM EDT
UN Resolution 1441 required Iraq to provide evidence they destroyed all of their stocks of WMDs or face "consequences."  Their evidence was lacking, so there was adequate justification for "consequences" (i.e. invasion).  The inspections were a sham to continue the stalling on the original Gulf War resolution in 1991 for Iraq to destroy all of their WMDs in 15 days.  They missed that deadline by, oh, 4,300 days or so..

As to where the weapons may be, it's anybody's guess.  It may take years to search the entire country to find anything that is buried.  They may have been shipped to Syria (current chair of the UN Council on Disarmament - how ironic).  They may be on the "mystery ships" of Iraqi registry that were out in the middle of the Indian Ocean outside of shipping lanes and out of radio contact, a violation of international law.

As far as justificaiton goes, I think the WMDs serve in part, the UN resolutions make a compelling case, and what we have learned about Salman Pak clinches it.
Link Posted: 5/2/2003 12:54:17 PM EDT
hell, you can give liberals (and those fence sitters as well) all the facts you can muster but there is still no way you will convince them. kinda like leading a horse to water...etc.  they've made up their minds about this administration from the moment GWB took office.  
Link Posted: 5/2/2003 1:28:43 PM EDT
From a old tv commercial, Mr. Bush, where's the beef.
Link Posted: 5/2/2003 1:59:38 PM EDT
In the search for WMD and other bad things...I don't believe TIME is the issue.  The UN inspectors could have inspected for another 12 years but with SH regime in place they'd never find anything.  The issue was the deceptive and uncooperative nature of the those who were supposed to allow UNRESTRICTED access to the inspectors, which they did not get.  
Link Posted: 5/2/2003 2:17:26 PM EDT
Now, where are these WMDs?  Frankly, I could care less about them, since Iraq was just a breeding ground for terrorists and what not.  However, the rest of the country is not as smart as all of us here.  I really hope he finds them, because this will come back to bite him in the ass for the election.
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What happened to those 6 mobile biological weapons factories that were found buried a few weeks ago? Haven't heard anything more on it.

I am concerned that Saddam [b]already[/b] gave them to terrorists and other terrorist regimes like Syria. If so we need to find where they went and topple any regime where they are found.

That being said, Bush made his main case with going to war with Iraq on the WMD case. If he wants to maintain credibility on this issue we will need to find these WMDs. IMO he can declare victory even if we only find the labs they were made from.
Link Posted: 5/2/2003 2:43:00 PM EDT
From a old tv commercial, Mr. Bush, where's the beef.
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The beef may or may not ever be presented to YOU for your viewing pleasure. Evidently though, you would rather give the United Nattering-Naybobs or Saddam himself the benefit of the doubt before your own president -- a man who's shown himself to be miles above the last president in matters of ethics, trust, etc. I do not. I will trust that there WERE WMD's (cause I truly believe that there were) whether they are ever presented to the world or not. They could be still hiding in Iraq, they could be in Syria, they could be anywhere. But where there's that much smoke, there's plenty of fire. So though it matters to me and the most of America DIDDLY whether the WMD's are found or not, I think most people believe that they were there at one time. I would have supported the war for nothing other than finishing what we started during Gulf War I.
Link Posted: 5/2/2003 3:08:59 PM EDT
I only wished that President Bush could have flown a combat mission in Afghanistan during that conflict! I mean, how long has it been since the leader of a country has actually fought in a war on the front lines?
Eric The(He'sTheMan!)Hun[>]:)]
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Well, at least he flew as many missions as he did in Vietnam.
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Well, at least He served, unlike that ass-clown Klinton. Did you?
Link Posted: 5/2/2003 3:11:53 PM EDT
From a old tv commercial, Mr. Bush, where's the beef.
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Prisons for [u]children[/b] not cold-blooded enough for you?

How is it that you sound like a Euro-trashed Peacknik unemployed socialist all of a sudden?

Gotten off your meds again? [:D]

Eric The(Help!Help!MyPantiesAreInAWad!)Hun[>]:)]
Link Posted: 5/2/2003 3:13:48 PM EDT
Hans Blix, The UN, The Hollywood Elite, The French, etc,etc all wanted more time for inspections to work. There was talk of 6 months and some of a year.

Well the war has barely been over for 2 weeks and our troops are suppose to have found everything?

Are some of you guys the same ones that were crying about how bad the war was going after the first couple of weeks?

Give it some time. Have [s]a little[/s] faith in our military. I do.

edited to strike out "a little". As I have a lot of faith in what our men and women can do.
Link Posted: 5/2/2003 3:32:12 PM EDT
From a old tv commercial, Mr. Bush, where's the beef.
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Prisons for [u]children[/b] not cold-blooded enough for you?

How is it that you sound like a Euro-trashed Peacknik unemployed socialist all of a sudden?

Gotten off your meds again? [:D]

Eric The(Help!Help!MyPantiesAreInAWad!)Hun[>]:)]
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No, no meds, but the people who belive we did this all for the Iraq people should be on some meds. We did it for reasons that were just,  but not for the reasons that are being fed to the USA public, therein lies my problem. "Don't piss down my back, and tell me its raining ."
Link Posted: 5/2/2003 4:03:19 PM EDT
No flames from me.
If Iraq was enough of a threat to justify invasion, we should have some NBC weapons to show for it.
(BTW, WMD is a misnomer, as the weapons in question are area denial weapons, not weapons of mass destruction.  They don't destroy anything.)
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They destroy life en mass. That's good enough for me to classify them as WMD.

edit to add: Dredd308 beat me to the point. BTW I think it was an excellent point1
Link Posted: 5/2/2003 4:26:01 PM EDT
the end justifies the means
Link Posted: 5/2/2003 4:33:10 PM EDT
I don't care if they find any WMD or not, it was the right thing to do.  

I feel certain that if our forces do not turn up any WMD, then it is because the Iraqi's destroyed them before they could be discoverd.  If that is the case, I'm sure GW will probably disclose some more of the intel that they surely have on Iraq's WMD programs.

If they do find any, it will probably take some time.  Pretty big search area.
Link Posted: 5/2/2003 4:44:32 PM EDT
personally, i don't care if the purported "wmd" are found or not...BUT...

just go back and do a search on HOW MANY TIMES bush jr. used that phrase to justify the war. it doesn't make him look credible in the eyes of many americans.

so, for gwb's sake, if nothing else, i do hope they turn up some of the 'missing' goods.
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I think the same way. I think the prime benefit of destroying Saddam was to send a serious message to fuckheads like Iran not to support terrorists like Al-Qaeda who hit us.  Also threatened Saudi Arabia indirectly.

I think this will do far more to discourage terrorists than to acquiesce to their demands. The invasion of iraq will dissuade terror a lot more than encourage it.
Link Posted: 5/2/2003 4:54:16 PM EDT
They are in Syria, IMHO.
Link Posted: 5/3/2003 10:05:04 PM EDT
Muhamed Binladen Usa Binladen father was Saudi,his mother syrian!   So you know he  has places to hide out there!  He went straight to Syria to hide out,and Saddam is there also.

Saddam burried a lot of his foxfire russian jets in the sand as his airmen wanted no way to be shot out of thier seats in a firefight with American trianed fighters!

But he ran of to join Benladden in Syria with WMD,they are there with the other Jehad fighters
!    And we know it the world knows it,when are the Peacenicks going to see this?

I see us going into Syria right now,as that  is where the shit is!


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