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Posted: 4/8/2001 6:20:10 PM EDT
I just had a can of fox lab pepper spray explode on me a few hours ago.... luckily it only got my hands, but, I washed them about 10 times, deconed, then made the mistake of reaching in my pants and scratching my balls.


Disclaimer: PLEASE don't try this at home, only us stupid people deserve this kind of pain, and don't play with your pepperspray!!
Link Posted: 4/8/2001 6:23:45 PM EDT
Like I always say; "If your gonna be dumb, you gotta be tough". Better you than me bro. Good luck.
Link Posted: 4/8/2001 6:23:57 PM EDT
There are so many things I could say to this post. hmmmmmmmmm. I just can't decide!
Link Posted: 4/8/2001 6:25:03 PM EDT
yeah! that's it.

Good luck with your BALLS.
Link Posted: 4/8/2001 6:29:13 PM EDT
I may be new here but I already know better to admit an error of such proportion on this forum. Try washing your onions with kerosene to get the capiscum oil off.  EEEEEYYYYOOOOOWWW!!!
Link Posted: 4/8/2001 6:32:58 PM EDT

Did it look like this:  [url]http://www.jocartoon.com/cartoons/stoneflies.html[/url]

Don't have any liquids in your mouth when you see this!
Link Posted: 4/8/2001 6:39:14 PM EDT
Ouch, I know how you feel.

One time I was putting "Flex-All 454" on my shoulder, needing to take a leak, and without thinking about it, I just reached in and pulled it out. About two minutes later I was one sorry SOB [%|]
Link Posted: 4/8/2001 6:47:27 PM EDT
I tried some of my wife's pepper spray on my hand to see how it reacted. Didnt have much effect (my hands are used to abrasives a bit working with masonry products). I forgot about it and about an hour later went into the bathroom to wash my face. Damn, since I only put it on one of my hands, it only got on one side of my face. DAMN
Vyper45,,,kind of makes you think of Richard Pryor sketch,,or was that Eddie Murphy? The bit with the dads old spice on his "boys" and them hanging in the sink trying to wash them off...funny
thanks for sharing that one.
Link Posted: 4/8/2001 6:53:43 PM EDT
When pepper bear repellent first hit the market, I bought some because I go hiking alot.  We went on a trip and in the parking lot I busted out the bear repellent and applied it.

I wish I had known you don't use it like mosquito repellent. Ow.
Link Posted: 4/8/2001 7:04:16 PM EDT
Hate to think what would happen if someone
were to spray all the rolls of toilet paper
in the port-a-johns at the next million mom march get together.
Link Posted: 4/8/2001 7:43:15 PM EDT
Originally Posted By garden weasel:
Hate to think what would happen if someone
were to spray all the rolls of toilet paper
in the port-a-johns at the next million mom march get together.
View Quote

Hee hee...I can juuuust imagine!

I can personally say that the peppers you get from Papa John's Pizza work just as well when you hit the bathroom. EEEEEeeeeyow, I can still remember it.
Link Posted: 4/8/2001 7:44:06 PM EDT
I hear you man I was cutting one of thoes hot peppers for chili and washed my hands went to the bathroom  and when I was done I regreted it. It gives a new meaning to Fireman because my man was on  fire.[sniper]
Link Posted: 4/8/2001 7:56:58 PM EDT
I can tell you it's a real mood killer when the wife gets a bit of habenero (sp?) juice applied to her mucous membranes...

I knew I didn't want to get that stuff in my eyes, so I washed up REAL good. Not good enough though.
Link Posted: 4/8/2001 8:03:49 PM EDT
When pepper bear repellent first hit the market, I bought some because I go hiking alot.  We went on a trip and in the parking lot I busted out the bear repellent and applied it.

I wish I had known you don't use it like mosquito repellent. Ow.
View Quote

Oh come on.... that's not true is it?!
Link Posted: 4/8/2001 8:20:10 PM EDT
at least you didn't rub your eyes
Link Posted: 4/8/2001 8:21:05 PM EDT
Steve, I happen to have met joe, and am a big fan of his work, thats where I got the idea for the wording [:D]

paspecops, THANK YOU!, Man, I couldn't find anything to get it off! much better now! THANK YOU MAN!

I did the flexall thing, its not nearly as bad as pepper spray.
Link Posted: 4/8/2001 8:25:16 PM EDT
I thought that kind of things only happens to me, maybe put it in your back pocket next time? your ass wont hurt as much.
Link Posted: 4/9/2001 8:23:51 AM EDT
Thanx Silver, I thought shit like that only happened to me, you too huh?

I did manage to clear out DQ tho.....since going in there would make your eyes water.

I'll post the article if I make the paper.[:D]
Link Posted: 4/9/2001 9:28:58 AM EDT
Originally Posted By garden weasel:
Hate to think what would happen if someone
were to spray all the rolls of toilet paper
in the port-a-johns at the next million mom march get together.
View Quote

I heard that! I'm going to tell Rosie and the rest of my dear friends to bring their own TP next time!

I just hope you don't rinse down the seats with that stuff. That WOULD be hard to combat.
Link Posted: 4/9/2001 10:28:20 AM EDT
I found out just what staying power is all about after cutting up some serrano chiles for guacamole. I washed my hands twice with dish detergent, ate dinner, then hit the head. I was not pleased, but had to temper my vocal response, as my mother-in-law was aboard the installation.

Semper Fidelis
Jarhead out.
Link Posted: 4/9/2001 7:10:05 PM EDT
Well, I finally got all the burning to go away, but got laughed at for a 1/2 hour at the army recruitor's (asked me why I sat funny), and an hour at the range (asked me why I walked funny)

Geez, that was embarrassing, even my cop friends laughed! (time for some OC in the dash vents, as they haven't gotten a sense of humility yet! [}:D])
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