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Posted: 3/6/2015 4:49:20 PM EDT
ETA:  TL;DR I'm fat.

OK, so I'm not in as good of shape as I used to be.  I am 35 years old, 6'1",  #277.  I used to play college football, but I'm not 20 anymore.  I work out, lifting weights 2 to 3 times per week.  I usually do cardio 1 to 2 day per week.  I have really been slacking on my working out lately, especially cardio, as I am in my last semester of RN school and concentrating on that, plus working full time and a dad of 3 small kids.

So now you have the background, here is the story.  House is empty by 11am this morning, I'm off work today and no school (should be studying for 2 tests, but that another story).  What the hell, I'm going shooting.  I grab my AR15 in the case and 4 mags, 2 with XM193 and the other 2 with M855.  I want to see the difference in grouping.  I also grab my new hunting pellet rifle and a 500rd tin of pellets, need to sight that in.  What the hell, grab my Glock 22 with 22rd mag loaded and the new light on it.  Want to make sure it functions flawlessly with the light under it, since it is my bump in the night gun.  So I throw that in my double pistol, hard sided case and grab 100rd box of rounds for it as well.  

I load all of it in the Jeep and drive 20 minutes to the range.  This is a small country range, let yourself in kind of thing, $40 a year cost, in the middle of nowhere.  I open the gate and drive back and the road is blocked to the range, just past the club house.  Someone plowed, but left a 4ft deep, 4ft high mound in a half circle, completely blocking the path to the range.  Woods on one side of the path, pond on the other and fucking snow.......rock hard, frozen snow on the path.....fuck me.
I grab a shovel and start attacking, hard and fast.  I get 1/4 of it gone and I here a snap, there goes the end of the handle.....oh well, does not slow me down.  I'm chopping, stabbing, throwing boulders of frozen ice/snow to the sides........CRACK!  The shovel breaks as I am only 1/2 way through the pile in about 10 to 15 minutes time.  GOD DAMN, SON OF A BITCH, MOTHER FUCKING BASTARD!!  Oh well, I have 4wheel drive, ahhhhhh, nope, still to much snow.  

I grab my 2 rifle cases, pistol case, ammo, targets and................earmuffs?, damn it, no earmuffs.  Napkins it is (they do not work for shit by the way).  I lock the car, grab everything and start the hike 200 yards back to the range, in snow about 12 to 14 inches deep.  I got this, I'm a tough son of a bitch!, half way, I'm sucking wind hard.  I make it, very winded, but I'm there.  Now I grab 2 target stands, put 2 targets on each stand, and walk them to the 50yard marker, in the deep snow again.

I get back to the shooting line, exhausted as I have not stopped to take a break yet.  First up is the AR.  I put 10 rounds of the XM193 on one target, then 10 of M855 on the next target.  Rinse and repeat for a total of 30 rounds each.  Grouping widened up about 2 inches with the M855 vs the XM193 (originally sighted in at 50 yards, AimPoint PRO, using XM193).  I can live with that.  So I run out there again and bring the target stands to the shooting line, and put one stand away and put new targets on the other stand.  I take the one stand to the 25yard line and walk back.

Next up is the pellet rifle.  New scope on it, 10 rounds in and I can not find paper.  I walk out to 10 yards from the paper (I know its dangerous) and get on paper, walk to 15 yards away and fire more.  I adjust the scope as needed, until I am back to the 25 yard firing line and on paper.  From there I use the bench rest.  I shoot about 50 pellets and am having a hard time getting it just where I wanted it, the wind was not helping.  

Time to pack it up, no time for the pistol, my ears just could not take it after the 60 rounds from the AR15.  So go back out in the snow and grab the target stand and walk it back up.  I pack everything up and hump back 200 yards through the 12 to 14 inch deep snow to the Jeep, load up and drive out.  I drive 20 minutes back home, unpack the jeep, run out 50 yards to the shed and start the generator for its monthly run time.  I then drive up to the elevator and pick up #150 of corn for the deer.  Load that up, drive home and ran, yes, actually ran all #150 out behind the shed and dump it (2 trips, 50 yards 1 way, 12 to 14 inch deep snow).

When coming in the house, I thought I was going to have a damn heart attack.  I tell you all that, just to say I have gotten way out of shape.  And I'm deaf now from being stupid and shooting with out ear pro.  Well, time to go out to the shed again and turn off the generator.  If I don't check back in an hour, I probably dropped dead in the snow.

Have a good day everyone.

Link Posted: 3/6/2015 4:50:40 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/6/2015 4:51:13 PM EDT
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Link Posted: 3/6/2015 4:51:40 PM EDT
OP is Al Bundy.
Link Posted: 3/6/2015 4:53:36 PM EDT
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Reading is for fa..........well, you know.  Merica!

Thanks for the bump to the top of the page anyways guys.  
Link Posted: 3/6/2015 4:55:36 PM EDT
round is a shape.

I'm in it.
Link Posted: 3/6/2015 4:56:28 PM EDT
i love your avatar..
Link Posted: 3/6/2015 4:58:18 PM EDT
Ain't nobody got time to read all that...
Link Posted: 3/6/2015 4:59:54 PM EDT
TL;DR I'm fat.

You're welcome OP.
Link Posted: 3/6/2015 5:00:23 PM EDT
I'm out of shape as well.  Last summer I was down around 225 and was fairly happy with my weight (I'm 6'2").  I then stopped running outside because of stuff happening.  I joined a gym so I could run over the winter and was going 3-4 times a week.  Then January comes around and I get sick and then lots of trips for work.  One excuse after another.  I'm now up to 240 again.  So much for the gym.
Link Posted: 3/6/2015 5:04:21 PM EDT
Start riding a bike and walking. I do it every day and I keep track of my activity on my smartphone calendar. I'm beyond motivated right now, so at 47 years of age I've been kicking it up a notch. My cardio is getting pretty kick-ass. Haven't lost a lot of weight yet, but I ride technical trails and hike the local trails and hills with ease now. I walk 100 flights of stairs on my lunch hour at my desk job. Start small, and just get in the habit of doing something EVERY day (but be open to giving yourself a rest day here and there if your body tells you that you're over-doing it). I started this to have a last chance at avoiding the lower-back fusion that I've been starting-at (as per my neurosurgeon). But now it's morphed into me wanting to climb mountains again. I still have the daily aches and pains of age, but they seem to be getting slightly less each day. And MOST IMPORTANTLY... I have a new POSITIVE outlook on life. Before I started this, I felt like I was going to die a slow, painful death over the course of many years. Now, I feel ALIVE again. I can't tell you how good it feels to power-through the wall of pain and despair to the sunshine that living healthier brings. Bottom line is as simple as "get off your ass and really do something every day" (I know... I've been killing myself sitting at a desk for 20 years).
Link Posted: 3/6/2015 5:05:10 PM EDT
If you had tannerite that obstacle could have been cleared fast.
Link Posted: 3/6/2015 5:06:08 PM EDT
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i love your avatar..
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Thanks.  I stole it from a friend (he uses it on FB).  He found it on the web somewhere.
Link Posted: 3/6/2015 5:07:27 PM EDT
More cardio, less weights.  At least until you're not winded like that.
Link Posted: 3/6/2015 5:07:33 PM EDT
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TL;DR I'm fat.

You're welcome OP.
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Thanks.   I'll add that to the OP.
Link Posted: 3/6/2015 5:07:34 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/6/2015 5:07:36 PM EDT
Sounds like you need a triple cheeseburger, fries, large coke, and a chocolate milkshake after all that.
Link Posted: 3/6/2015 5:07:42 PM EDT
round is a shape!
Link Posted: 3/6/2015 5:08:36 PM EDT
Diet wise I think one of the easiest things to do (in terms of finances and not upending your daily routine) is only drink water. The occasional beer or soda is fine, but on a day to day basis you should be drinking mostly water.
Link Posted: 3/6/2015 5:10:44 PM EDT
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If you had tannerite that obstacle could have been cleared fast.
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Never thought of that.  See, that's why I post in GD.  Full of geniuses!
Link Posted: 3/6/2015 5:13:12 PM EDT
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Sounds like you need a triple cheeseburger, fries, large coke, and a chocolate milkshake after all that.
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I did stop for a Bacon club burger, large fry and a large diet coke.  You know, cause the diet coke was the make it or break moment in that meal!  I probably would have had a heart attack right then, had I gotten a regular coke.  
Link Posted: 3/6/2015 5:17:23 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/6/2015 5:19:14 PM EDT
toss the weightlifting and do cardio 4X a week.

problem solved.
Link Posted: 3/6/2015 5:19:37 PM EDT
Just bumping 65 (April), and got lazy this winter- weekends and days off generally just laying around.
Usually very active, and not in bad shape, 5'8" 150. But at this stage it goes away fast.

Spent yesterday in the garage, up and down a ladder, moving and cleaning up a lot of heavy crap, sorting and tossing junk.

Today, it's painful to even walk. Bit of arthritis, but this is ridiculous.

Seems like a lot of former athletes have a harder time than most.

Watch those ears though- after years of motorcycles, guns and all, I can really feel some loss.
Link Posted: 3/6/2015 5:20:29 PM EDT
Glad to see you're taking steps to remedy this situation by forgoing the regular Coke for a Diet Coke.
Link Posted: 3/6/2015 5:21:57 PM EDT
Stop being fat, OP.

Link Posted: 3/6/2015 5:24:17 PM EDT
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toss scale back the weightlifting and do cardio 4X a week.

problem solved.
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ETA: And stop eating junk.
Link Posted: 3/6/2015 5:26:55 PM EDT

Link Posted: 3/6/2015 5:31:03 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/6/2015 5:41:13 PM EDT

Yes, you are a seriously fat fuck.

Are you so fat that you can't even math anymore?

There is this thing called calories.
Maybe you remember reading about it in grade school.

The food you eat has calories in it.
If you are able to math, you can use the online calculator (obviously you at least know how to use the internet).

You can have 2498 calories per day, and maintain your fatfuckness if you just sit around being a fat fuck feeding your face.

If you want to start in the direction toward less fatfuckess, you need to cut back to 2216 calories per day.

Let me guess.
Your current intake is over 4000 fatfucking calories per day?

What do I win?
Link Posted: 3/6/2015 6:09:44 PM EDT
Don't be a fat nurse. It's hard to take health advice seriously from a fat guy with diabetes and CHF.
Link Posted: 3/6/2015 6:15:20 PM EDT
I'm not going to chime on thr PT part - you know what you need....

Having lived in MI (UP too) I remeber many walks to the range in deep snow, pulling sleds with gear, and being frozen.  Good times!
Link Posted: 3/6/2015 6:19:33 PM EDT

Dude, I'm 56,  6'3" and  205lbs.   I'm out of shape and shoveled 5 yards of pea gravel  this week with no issues. .

You  have one foot in the grave.
Link Posted: 3/6/2015 6:21:28 PM EDT
277 lbs? Your knees, back and lungs don't care if it's muscle or fat. All they know is it's heavy and not very useful off the fooseball field. Just saying. I'm 6'3" 250 lbs and bike and hike like a mofo in the summer to get down to 240. My knees and lungs thank me.
Link Posted: 3/6/2015 6:23:24 PM EDT

Link Posted: 3/6/2015 6:23:53 PM EDT
277 is  exactly two  of me.
Guess I need to lift more.
Link Posted: 3/6/2015 6:24:12 PM EDT
Round is a shape OP.
Link Posted: 3/6/2015 6:45:42 PM EDT
Are you crazy Op you shot m855 wtf is wrong with you didn't you get the memo that stuff is gold.
Link Posted: 3/6/2015 7:01:51 PM EDT
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Yes, you are a seriously fat fuck.

Are you so fat that you can't even math anymore?

There is this thing called calories.
Maybe you remember reading about it in grade school.

The food you eat has calories in it.
If you are able to math, you can use the online calculator (obviously you at least know how to use the internet).

You can have 2498 calories per day, and maintain your fatfuckness if you just sit around being a fat fuck feeding your face.

If you want to start in the direction toward less fatfuckess, you need to cut back to 2216 calories per day.

Let me guess.
Your current intake is over 4000 fatfucking calories per day?

What do I win?
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I love Internet tough guys.  You so funny!  Lol
Link Posted: 3/6/2015 7:14:07 PM EDT
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Are you crazy Op you shot m855 wtf is wrong with you didn't you get the memo that stuff is gold.
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I made a thread about "neckbearding" some and all the tight wads with a stick up their ass, jumped my shit.  Besides I know a place that has the ZQI Turkish rounds with the ss109, for $0.33 a round.  $0.35 after tax.  Tips are not painted, I felt cheated.  Lol.  They have shelves (yes, plural, as in multiple) full of it.  Besides, I don't think it will be banned.
Link Posted: 3/6/2015 7:29:40 PM EDT
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277 lbs? Your knees, back and lungs don't care if it's muscle or fat. All they know is it's heavy and not very useful off the fooseball field. Just saying. I'm 6'3" 250 lbs and bike and hike like a mofo in the summer to get down to 240. My knees and lungs thank me.
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Actually, I'm pretty good.  Just had a complete physical.  HDL are good, LDL a little borderline high, triglycerides are good, BP is 118/76, glucose was good.  In school we did PFT (pulmonary function test) on each other and I litterally scored off the graph paper.  Lol, it did not go high enough.  Peak flow, all was good (thanks to many years of sports).

I know I'm not the average ARFCOM Teir 1 commando with super model wife (my wife is hot and thin.  Actually thin, not GD's chubby girl lovefest) and a 12 inch prick.  Oh well, such is life.  Lol.
Link Posted: 3/7/2015 10:06:31 AM EDT
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