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Posted: 7/7/2013 9:28:16 AM EDT

Norfolk rape victim speaks out on investigation
By Patrick Wilson
The Virginian-Pilot
© July 7, 2013

When police officers arrived at a young woman's home in the wee hours one day last year, they found her in tears. She told them a stranger had barged into her apartment.

As police gathered evidence, a female investigator pulled her aside. She whispered something unsettling: "If we find out that you're lying, this will be a felony charge."

A detective drove her to the Norfolk Police Operations Center on Virginia Beach Boulevard and took a brief statement. She thought she would then see her parents or undergo an examination - sometimes called a "rape kit" - to gather physical evidence. But she was told she would need to be interviewed by other detectives.

She waited more than 45 minutes in an interview room. She dozed off, her head and arms on the table in front of her. She was awakened by two detectives, she said, including one who was especially abrasive as he sought answers and told her she was hiding something.

"I just got off work," she told them repeatedly. She was told a rape kit couldn't be done until she finished her statement.

About a month ago, the woman was called to the chief's office. She and her boyfriend sat in a conference room with Goldsmith and several assistants, and Goldsmith apologized for the investigation ordeal. He told her she shouldn't have had to go through that, she said.

Goldsmith also told her he couldn't reveal what happened to the officers but said the situation had been dealt with.

The woman says she has asked a prosecutor repeatedly for a copy of the taped police interview. After hearing the sergeant say it made him angry, she wanted to see it for herself.

Her request was denied.

These are excerpts, there is more at the link to the full articles.

I'm just as ticked off when, most times, a woman is not prosecuted when she makes charges against an innocent male with allegations of rape.  But this case is down right wrong and angers me even more.  At a minimum, the officer in charge of her case on the night it happened and the officer assigned her case afterward (if different) should loose their jobs.

*I did a search for Norfolk and rape before and after I stated typing out the thread.  Sorry if it's been posted already.
Link Posted: 7/7/2013 9:53:10 AM EDT
Her request was denied.

Lawyer up. Subpoena.

Hand it over. No choice.
Link Posted: 7/7/2013 9:53:32 AM EDT
You're a dumbass if you actually rely on the police for anything.
Link Posted: 7/7/2013 9:54:08 AM EDT
Her request was denied.

Lawyer up. Subpoena.

Hand it over. No choice.

Link Posted: 7/7/2013 9:57:37 AM EDT
Never,ever depend on the Po-Po.

I hope she has armed herself in the meantime.
Link Posted: 7/7/2013 10:06:04 AM EDT
Infuriating but not surprising
Link Posted: 7/7/2013 10:14:25 AM EDT
She is wasting their valuable time. After all, the whore probably was asking for it.
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