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Posted: 3/28/2001 9:20:22 PM EDT
I was just remembering the good times we used to have when I'd stay up late eating pizza every night and starting a new Night Crew thread every week or so.
Well, I'm looking for something to eat, hoping to find something reasonably healthy yet edible. I started going to the gym again today, I'm not even going to admit how long it's been since I was there. The place is the same as I left it. The same people doing the same exercises, the same ways. Still looking the same.
Except the girls there have somehow gotten HOT!!![:D] Man I love springtime(or whatever this is)! When I was there last, it was in the fall(oops, I gave away how long it's been) and everyone was all bundled up. Now it's like a contest to see who can wear the Least! I guess I'll be going more often than I thought.[:)]

I'm waiting for a phone call, looking for food, and pretty much having a lazy night. My girlfriend is sleeping, and the dogs are watching TV.

What's everyone else up to tonight??
Link Posted: 3/28/2001 9:26:17 PM EDT
I'm up and flying high, see my post and you'll see why.[:D]

I'm think of cooking up some Bratwurst with mustard in a nice warm bun.....


Link Posted: 3/28/2001 9:36:23 PM EDT
Night crew swabbie reporting!

Confucius say-

Man who get A+'s on semester in college not go bed, they eat whole bag of Chips Ahoy, and stay up until 3 am.

They cranky at work next day, but what hell?
Link Posted: 3/28/2001 9:37:23 PM EDT
Bowl of ice cream w/ hot fudge. Girlfriend is asleep. German shepard under my desk keeping my feet warm and a MP5 on my lap. Life is good. Oh and watching "the deerhunter".
Link Posted: 3/28/2001 9:40:05 PM EDT
This is more like it!!!

Working like usual, surfing the net hoping something happens on Ar15.com to entertain me.[:)]
Link Posted: 3/28/2001 9:45:41 PM EDT
Hey, just noticed "senior member." Gotta start bossing people around now.
Link Posted: 3/28/2001 9:54:26 PM EDT
Hey, just noticed "senior member." Gotta start bossing people around now.
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Don't let it go to your head...we all know where ya came from.[;)]
Link Posted: 3/28/2001 10:13:39 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/28/2001 10:16:57 PM EDT
What's everyone else up to tonight??
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Figgerin' out[H+],[OH-],pH,pOH,
equilibrium calculations and ionization expressions for weak acids and bases and stuff.
Link Posted: 3/28/2001 10:34:11 PM EDT

What's everyone else up to tonight??
View Quote

Reading up and downloading everything on
Emerson, Florida Public Records Law, Florida
Public Officer Corruption Law, Perjury, etc.
getting ready to lock and load my Attorney
for the hearing next week.
Link Posted: 3/28/2001 10:39:29 PM EDT
Originally Posted By garden weasel:
What's everyone else up to tonight??
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Figgerin' out[H+],[OH-],pH,pOH,
equilibrium calculations and ionization expressions for weak acids and bases and stuff.
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Stop it, you're giving me flashbacks of college! (the bad part of it)  If you ever have to take organic chemistry, do yourself a favor and end your life right now!  It'll be much less painful that way!
Link Posted: 3/28/2001 10:39:54 PM EDT
Since the TV in my bedroom expired, I sometimes fire up the laptop and surf around until it's way past my bedtime. Treetop, I know what you mean about the gym, though the clientele at mine doesn't seem to change much in the way of apparel. Pretty blue collar place. But no problem; I'm there to get things done and would hate to be labeled as a pervert or something. [sleep]
Link Posted: 3/28/2001 10:43:35 PM EDT
Oh and I'm just looking for new job, Harassing some SHTF freak on AW.net, and wishing I wouldn't have been so damn lazy and gone to the grocery store, because I REALLY want a PBJ sandwich right now.

Oh and the dog is poking me with his snout, because he needs to go outside.
Link Posted: 3/28/2001 10:48:36 PM EDT
I just got back from running to a buddy's house(the phone call I was waiting on) real quick. Well, it was supposed to be real quick. Something came on the news while I was there about the coming "small handgun ban" here in the PRK, when his wife(who's from England) pipes in with "All guns should be banned!!"
Needless to say, I stayed for a while to try to "re-educate" her. Luckily my friend is a gun owner too, and he had a few choice things to say to her too.[:D]
I'm looking for more food now, and since Healthy=Yuck, I'm gonna get something tasty.
Maybe I've got a frozen pizza or 2 hiding in the back of the freezer...
Link Posted: 3/28/2001 10:49:45 PM EDT
I have a good question for the night crew.  AUG mentioned an MP5 in his lap.  

Just to get a reading of how much of a freak I am, what gun related items are cluttering your desk right now???

Here's me:
Springfield TRP and extra mag,
an Okay 30rd with soft-points
Aimpoint Comp/M on an ARMS HK mount
Benelli manual, assorted HK catalogs, Galls catalog and lasted issue of GWLE
And and my M4gery and HK91 leaning against the desk.
Sibir Optics spotter
Surefire 6z
30mm training round (deactivated, of course!) from my buddies AH-64,

No I'm not waiting for SHTF, I'm just a slob.

*edited because I found more stuff buried under paperwork.
Link Posted: 3/28/2001 10:57:30 PM EDT
This here chemistry text is about to become gun related. This would be a lot faster if they let me use my TI-92 on exams.
Link Posted: 3/28/2001 10:58:13 PM EDT
...what gun related items are cluttering your desk right now???

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Nothing gun-related. Except for my mail:
Shotgun News
Guns&weapons for Law Enforcement
Small Arms Review
Natchez Shooters Supply March/April flyer
Unopened mail from the NRA marked: "Wayne LaPierre, Personal Correspondence"
3 birthday cards
DROS paper and receipt for 2 more long guns
My checkbook
2 Best Buy gift cards
1 Office Max gift card

Guinness and Bass Ale= Black and Tan.[beer]
Link Posted: 3/28/2001 11:01:58 PM EDT
Guinness and Bass Ale= Black and Tan.[beer]
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Treetop, you're disappointing me buddy, you need to go with the Guinness and Harp!
Link Posted: 3/28/2001 11:02:53 PM EDT
Better watch those NRA stuffers. I had one with a "subcribe by default if you do not reply" deal for a video collection.
Link Posted: 3/28/2001 11:03:15 PM EDT
SteyrAUG, congrats on the senior status!
I just got off of work,(my little hell away from home). Looked in the fridge, and discovered that the Wifemate and the four girl-children, have eaten everything in the fridge EXCEPT a jar of jalapenos, some peanut butter, and three slices of stale bread.(I don't like where this may be heading!) It figures. My truck puked on the way to work today, had to have it hooked to the garage, and got my butt reamed for being late. The tow-truck ride took what cash I had in my wallet, (including my lunch money), I had to bum a ride home, and just now opened up the only beer in the place! This would be be funny, if it weren't completely true. Great! The Haus Frau awoke from her coma just enough to inform me that we are out of dog food. My Dobie, and Tessie the 400lb beagle are lookin' at my "supper" right now. Dey may take my sammich,(dey gonna regret it, cuz I already do),  but dey never gonna take my brew! Can I join the Night Crew? I need a little sanity in my life.
Link Posted: 3/28/2001 11:14:11 PM EDT
Milk and peanut butter toast.

My desk is totally clean (as far as you know)

Hunter out...
Link Posted: 3/28/2001 11:15:19 PM EDT
what shows do your dogs enjoy watching on tv ? LOL
Link Posted: 3/28/2001 11:21:46 PM EDT
Treetop, you're disappointing me buddy, you need to go with the Guinness and Harp!
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I'm just working with what I've got, Man.
I'm gonna be drinking leftovers from Saturday's party for a while. I've still got 2 cases of Heineken unopened, one half full, a case of Coronas, 2 6-packs of guinness, 2 6-packs of Bass, about 10 Bud Lights, 4 Coors Lights, 2 miller lights, and a cooler in the garage full of misc. beers, probably at least 30 bottles.
This isn't counting the wine or hard alcohol, including Goldschlager and Jagermeister.

Plus, I just found an almost-full 12 pack of Budweiser, IN THE FREEZER!! Someone left them there! Every bottle leaked from under the cap while freezing. Luckily none of the bottles exploded!

It's sure a good thing I'm not an alcoholic, because I'd be in trouble if I were!!
Link Posted: 3/28/2001 11:25:15 PM EDT
Desk? Funny you should ask...

Three thermolds I was taking down for cleaning, and their USGI mag pouch, 4 oz bottle of CLP, half empty, cheaply made imitation OD green pistol belt, and Gerber multi-tool, that's all of the gunstuff, evry other thing under five pounds that I own is on my desk too, and that would take a week to list. I might be fondling my Bushmaster, but it's nap time for it right now, it gets held tomorrow at 3 pm.

We're wierd people, huh? [:D]
Link Posted: 3/28/2001 11:27:32 PM EDT

I'm gonna be drinking leftovers from Saturday's party for a while. I've still got 2 cases of Heineken unopened, one half full, a case of Coronas, 2 6-packs of guinness, 2 6-packs of Bass, about 10 Bud Lights, 4 Coors Lights, 2 miller lights, and a cooler in the garage full of misc. beers, probably at least 30 bottles.
This isn't counting the wine or hard alcohol, including Goldschlager and Jagermeister.
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Man, I feel for you!  Too much liquor and not enough time to drink it all![;)]  Makes me miss the good old days.  Oh well, once I get out of CO and back to more familiar grounds it'll come back to me.
Link Posted: 3/28/2001 11:28:12 PM EDT
what shows do your dogs enjoy watching on tv ? LOL
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Mostly they like nature shows, so I keep it on the Discovery channel or sometimes Animal Planet. Sometimes the outdoor channel has a hunting or fishing show on, and I'll let them watch that. Sumo(the boy Chow) likes battlebots, and Buffy(the girl) likes watching those stupid fashion model shows on the Style channel with my girlfriend.
I don't really let them watch MTV, except when Jackass is on, and we watch it together as a family.

Why, what do your dogs watch??[:)]

Mmmm... Smells like my Enchiladas are almost done.[:D]
Link Posted: 3/28/2001 11:28:19 PM EDT
I've still got 2 cases of Heineken unopened, one half full, a case of Coronas, 2 6-packs of guinness, 2 6-packs of Bass, about 10 Bud Lights, 4 Coors Lights, 2 miller lights, and a cooler in the garage full of misc. beers, probably at least 30 bottles.
This isn't counting the wine or hard alcohol, including Goldschlager and Jagermeister.
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Was anyone considerate enough to leave you a bottle of aspirin?
Link Posted: 3/28/2001 11:32:20 PM EDT
Discovery channel, History channel, TLC. Those are my favorites.  Damn I really need to get cable.

Hunter out...
Link Posted: 3/28/2001 11:34:42 PM EDT
We're wierd people, huh? [:D]
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You bet, sometimes I forget to "pick up" when company comes over.  But the looks on their faces are worth it!  Don't get me wrong, with the exception of a couple strategically located handguns, everything is in the safe 99% of the time, but sometimes when I'm home alone, I like to make dynamic entries on the bathroom.  Just kidding... well sort of.
Link Posted: 3/28/2001 11:38:20 PM EDT
Damn I really need to get cable.
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Why, so you will have 350 channels of nothing?
Link Posted: 3/28/2001 11:42:29 PM EDT
but sometimes when I'm home alone, I like to make dynamic entries on the bathroom.  Just kidding... well sort of.
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Do you do that naked with your body covered in camo paint??

Or am I just the only one?[;)]

Link Posted: 3/28/2001 11:54:35 PM EDT
Do you do that naked with your body covered in camo paint??

Or am I just the only one?[;)]

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I'm more partial to a web-belt, boots, PASGT and nothing else![:D]
Link Posted: 3/29/2001 12:01:59 AM EDT
We're wierd people, huh? [:D]
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You bet, sometimes I forget to "pick up" when company comes over.  But the looks on their faces are worth it!  Don't get me wrong, with the exception of a couple strategically located handguns, everything is in the safe 99% of the time, but sometimes when I'm home alone, I like to make dynamic entries on the bathroom.  Just kidding... well sort of.
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The "Freeze or fry, punk!" type, huh? I'm with you bud, we all have our tactical fantasies, if ya know what I mean...

I have so much gun stuff lying around that is too cheap/big/first one's already in the safe, but it's too good to throw away! I try to pick up when people will see it, but it's a hassle, and I don't have enough empty junk bins. Besides, leaving it out starts good 2nd Amendment conversations...
Link Posted: 3/29/2001 12:09:02 AM EDT
What in the hell is this!
Link Posted: 3/29/2001 12:12:22 AM EDT
Originally Posted By Imbrog|io:
What in the hell is this!
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Think of it as a slow-motion Chat room.[;)]
Link Posted: 3/29/2001 12:17:36 AM EDT
I ate a pizza with jalapeno topping. It burns just as much coming out as it did going in.
Link Posted: 3/29/2001 12:18:28 AM EDT
well, instead of bratwurst, I desided on turkey and peperoni sandwiches.  Then washed them down with milk and more vicatin[:)]

Link Posted: 3/29/2001 12:41:23 AM EDT
I had 4 Oscar Meyer cheese hot dogs, Trader Joe's frozen beef enchiladas, My girlfriend's famous leftover Lasagna, some vanilla wafers, a couple cloves of pickled garlic, a strawberry yogurt, some chocolate birthday cake, 2 slices of cheese, a frozen burrito, some salsa, and a couple beers.

Oh also I have a bunch of Easter candy, those purple sugar-coated marshmallow birds called "peeps". I ate the faces off of 6 of them.

This is typical of a night my girlfriend doesn't cook, which luckily is rare these days.[8D]
Link Posted: 3/29/2001 12:44:38 AM EDT
I am so damn poor that all I got to eat for lunch today was the cheese paper that people were throwning away at Carls jr.
Link Posted: 3/29/2001 12:45:31 AM EDT
People are stupid to throw away the cheese paper. That's the best part!
Link Posted: 3/29/2001 12:48:06 AM EDT
Night crew, huh?  Guess you have to count me in.. I work 3rd shift at CNN.com.  (really great to see all the behind the scenes stuff as far as coverage goes.)  Tonight I have just enough going on to keep my busy, but some nights I just watch DVDs or go bored out of my mind.

Add this site to things to regularly keep my busy here.
Link Posted: 3/29/2001 12:52:50 AM EDT
communist news network, eh?

Tell ted turner to give me some money so I can buy a plastic tarp for the cardboard box I have to live in.
Link Posted: 3/29/2001 1:13:46 AM EDT
Oh No! The mean bunny stuck a firecracker in my ***! The bunny is trying to get me!!
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