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Posted: 4/8/2001 1:05:25 PM EDT

Here's a another chance to make Rosie look as ignorant of common sense as she really is.

You may know that Rosie O'Donnel is preparing to start a new magazine ('Rosie'), and that it's already present in an online format.

You may also have heard that Rosie is a strong opponent of firearms;)

Not surprisingly, Rosie's first on line edition has a 'poll' about gun control.  You can enter your own feelings about the topic, and see the

Of course, the poll's default condition is 'I'm for gun control!!!

Take the poll..... you will be surprised at the results..... less than 2% of the respondents are "for gun control", and over 90% oppose any
control on firearm ownership.

I'm certain old Rosie will have that poll disappear soon, since it doesn't fit her personal tastes, but have fun while it's still there.

As for the magazine, if my lifelong favorite "Life Magazine" couldn't
make it, don't count on old Rosie being around long.


Pass this one around!

Link Posted: 4/8/2001 1:24:16 PM EDT
I'll answer this one because it is the most recent. Be careful when you answer no restrictions, that includes felons and mental cases. Which she will use to her advantage. Backgrond checks are not that bad of an idea to weed those people out. We do it now, it is called NICS.
Link Posted: 4/8/2001 1:27:15 PM EDT

Link Posted: 4/8/2001 1:32:45 PM EDT
Just voted. I'm surprised the results haven't been tweaked somewhat. Gunners are winning. Must chap her hide pretty good.
Link Posted: 4/8/2001 2:23:38 PM EDT
While we may be 'winning', we are slipping BIG time...

We WERE at almost 95% early on....'THEY' must be voting....

Link Posted: 4/8/2001 2:33:11 PM EDT
We're at 83% theyare at 2 % with an assortment voting in other catagories.
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