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Posted: 5/28/2002 11:04:43 AM EDT
Well I guess I am just needy today....I spent 4 hours yesterday trying to reassemble my ruger 22/45...it is time to pay some one money to see if they can fix it. I followed three different sets of instructions and even diassembled the thing further than needed or wanted. It just ain't in me to fix it.
Link Posted: 5/28/2002 11:12:00 AM EDT
Do you need it fixed, or just reassembled?

I've got a buddy who has one, and if you just need help getting it back together, I could hook you up with him.

Otherwise, Clyde at Lone Star Guns in Plano is really good at what he does.
Link Posted: 5/28/2002 11:22:05 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/28/2002 11:30:23 AM EDT
I took it apart to clean it...failed to reassemble correctly...broke the hammer pivot pin taking it back apart, got a new one and a new mainsping assembly from Ruger..attempted to reassemble again. I can get it together but it will not function-no cocking- and will not disassemble easily....now I just want someone else to try
Link Posted: 5/28/2002 11:38:06 AM EDT
GodAllMighty, these things are an absolute bitch to disassemble/reassemble.  Good luck!
Link Posted: 5/28/2002 11:58:24 AM EDT
hound, check your IM.
Link Posted: 5/28/2002 7:15:01 PM EDT
I'll second the recommendation for Clyde Funk at Lone Star Guns.  I know him personally and the guy is a walking firearms encyclopedia.  100% honest too.

The couple who runs K2 Sports is very nice - never done business with them, though.
Link Posted: 5/28/2002 7:43:20 PM EDT
REALERIC is my personal Gunsmith!

But I will lend him to you for whatever you need!

I'm trying to talk him into going to the Hun Fun In The Sun Shoot at the end of June.

If you can't wait that long, let me know!

Eric The(Helpful)Hun[>]:)]
Link Posted: 5/29/2002 6:32:48 AM EDT
good morning all...jarhead...thanks for the Im..
jim-I can see every part in my head as I read that...I will try again...eric...maybe I will just bring it to the gunshow.....and buy somebody lunch....more fun that way..
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