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Posted: 5/31/2002 11:35:52 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/31/2002 11:38:53 PM EDT
ahhh no thanks - will take your word for it.

Fool wants me to look at a dirty toilet.
Link Posted: 6/1/2002 12:07:00 AM EDT
I just wonder if that is the work of one man in one sitting.
Link Posted: 6/1/2002 2:50:25 AM EDT
The sickest sight that I've ever seen were the port'a'potties at the beginning of the Cape Flattery Trail on the Makah reservation in Washington.

Lets just say that they looked like little mountains.
Link Posted: 6/1/2002 4:15:12 AM EDT
That reminds me of the time I took the kids to Disney World about 15 years ago!

Link Posted: 6/1/2002 4:20:54 AM EDT
[b]IT'S ALIVE!!![/B]

Link Posted: 6/1/2002 5:07:58 AM EDT
eh, I've seen worse.
Link Posted: 6/1/2002 9:43:48 AM EDT

Reminds me of the time I was in "downtown" Cancun looking for a place to take a piss. I went into the PUBLIC HOMBRE'S ROOM. Was just a big room with a dirt floor. THAT WAS ALL.

So I stepped gingerly, did my business, and left, all the while trying not to puke.

Last time I went to Mexico and I still don't want to go back.

Link Posted: 6/1/2002 9:57:09 AM EDT
Actually that picture looks like the outhouse at ETH's place. His outhouse is a 2 holer and it looks like a cow backed up into it and shit between the 2 holes.
Link Posted: 6/1/2002 10:01:35 AM EDT
I had the pleasure of passing thru Uzbekistan in 1983 shortly after the death of Russia's Andropov (draw your own conclusion!); the crapper in the hotel looked just like that, except it was only a hole in the floor.  Pyramids of Uzbek doo rising proudly from the floor, not unlike the mystical Ural mountains . . .

Link Posted: 6/1/2002 10:09:20 AM EDT
.....Pyramids of Uzbek doo rising proudly from the floor.......

Link Posted: 6/1/2002 11:53:31 PM EDT
Anybody seen the movie "Trainspotting"?  There is the "worst toilet in Scotland" in it.  It's pretty hard to take.  He goes in it looking for his methadone suppositories.  It is a good movie actually.
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