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Posted: 6/12/2002 6:41:07 AM EDT
Is there anyway to hook a desktop computer up to a cell phone for internet access?  I hate both of my local phone companies and want to cancel my phone.  They have screwed up my billing on multiple occasions, and sick of wasting time calling them and getting things straightened out.  Plus I can get a shared minute wireless plan (for 2 people) for the same as I pay for home service now.

The only reason I have kept my local service is for internet access.  I don’t even use that very often, just to check movie times or check my bank account.  I even do most of this from work, so the speed of my home connection doesn’t matter since I only use it for 30 minutes a week.  If there are any specific phones or adapters that would allow me to make calls on a computer that would be great.  Thanks for the help.

Link Posted: 6/12/2002 7:00:57 AM EDT
yes there are.  Bell Atlantic/Verizon had them.  A Palm VII can surf the wireless web when you are "in town" a bit pricey but it works.  There are competitors now, also some cell phone will let you too. Search the corporate networking sites, like CDW.
Link Posted: 6/12/2002 7:02:34 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/12/2002 7:03:39 AM EDT
In case I was not clear I don't want a cell phone with the wireless web.  I just want my computer to dial through my cell phone if thats possible.  I don't care how slow it is, since I will barely ever use the internet on it.  

I do not want DSL or Cable right now.  I'm now willing to spend $40 a month for a service I will barely ever use.  Thanks for the suggestions, keep them coming...
Link Posted: 6/12/2002 7:16:39 AM EDT
Speed is the only thing. Plus depending on your plan and how much time you spend on the Internet it could get pretty pricey. You should look into Cable or DSL access. Cable is allotting faster than most residential DSL. But DSL can be turned up to very high speeds depending on line quality and how much you wana spend. I would recommend cable it's (in most areas) cheaper than DSL. Usually with DSL you have to pay for the DSL service then an ISP (internet service provider) on top of that. If neither is available to you satellite is about you only other option and it is any where from 3-600 for the equipment, plus 199 mandatory install charge. About the only other option is wireless broadband. Not allot of cities have this service available. It uses radio waves to connect to the Internet. You would mount a small microwave antenna on your house that looks in most cases like a baseball base, and aim it in the general direction of the tower that the main equipment is located at. You have to be in radio line of site in order to get this to work. The only Major Company that I know offers this is Sprint. http://www.sprintbroadband.com/ But they are not looking for any new customers because of how there company is doing because of the economy. I duno with your cell phone it could get pretty pricey, not to mention it is slow.

Link Posted: 6/12/2002 7:18:01 AM EDT
I'd strongly recommend cable or DSL as some AR15er's have mentioned, if it's an option for you.

PC Card modems for laptops have long been able to connect to cell phones, usually with a special cable provided by the modem manufacturer.  To use one of these on a desktop PC, you may need to install a PCI card that will accept laptop PC cards.  Check [url]http://www.techworks.com/products/airstation-wli-pci.html[/url] for the "Bus Adapter" at the bottom of the page.

As for the modem, check some of the bigger mail order places, such as [url]www.cdw.com[/url] or [url]www.warehouse.com[/url].  Local computer shows are also a good place to find lightly used PC card devices for cheap, but usually without the cable.
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