I have gigged semi-professionally for over 20 years now, and I've thinned my herd down to these 3 axes over the last few years. I gig several times a month, and find these really cover lots of ground.
Shoreline gold Fender AVRI 57 strat (has a body that is stamped "Fender Custom Shop" in the neck pocket for some reason.)
2004 Gibson R8 - my #1
2004 Gibson LP Junior
I run these through a Germino Club 40 for larger gigs and a Savage Rohr 15x for small to medium gigs.
I run into a Crybaby > BOSS TU-2 > Fulltone OCD > Visual Sound Jekyll/Hyde > Fulltone Supa Trem > MXR Carbon Copy.
I also have a Martin HD-28 that is my go to the grave acoustic. It just keeps getting better and better. Have a LR Baggs M1 Active soundhole pickup for acoustic gigs.
Would love to see your rig if you are a gigging musician.