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Posted: 12/31/2006 12:52:11 PM EDT
I'm going to my buddy's house for new years and he wants to shoot his Mosin off at midnight.  He said it would be ok because they don't have 'fingerprints' for the gun since it's old and they don't even keep bullets out of rifles.  We are a little ways out of town but there are subdivisions within a mile or two.  

He only thinks that the government takes fired bullets from handguns, so he has nothing to worry about by shooting his gun in the air.  (besides killing someone )  

I told him I would bring my black powder .44 I just got that I've never shot yet and let him fire off some percussion caps on it.  I haven't shot my .44 but I did pull the trigger just with a percussion cap and I think it was loud as a .22 and a lot safer since there are no projectiles flying through the air.

I don't have any blanks, but if I did I'd probably get some in 7.62x39 and use them with an SKS, and manually cycle it.  But I think the .44 just shooting caps will be the safest bet for tonight.  I'll still ask him and explain to him why he shouldn't, and I'm sure he'll probably listen.  But I just want you to tell him how stupid he is and I'll show him this thread later.
Link Posted: 12/31/2006 12:54:04 PM EDT
Tell him he should get really really drunk, and operate a table saw while he is shooting in the air.
Link Posted: 12/31/2006 12:58:22 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/31/2006 1:01:01 PM EDT
caps aren't very loud.  Put a powder charge in it with cotton wads or wax to make some noise.  Keep in mind, these are still very deadly to the user and should be handled like any other live round.

I have shotgun blanks I usually fire off.  It sets off a couple car alarms around the block, so I would say they are a bit loud.
Link Posted: 12/31/2006 1:02:15 PM EDT

Your friend is a fucking idiot.  Choose future ones more wisely.

Link Posted: 12/31/2006 1:06:39 PM EDT
The maximum range of that rifle is about 3000 to 4000 yards.  Kick your pal in the nuts.

His logic is too stupid for comment.

Link Posted: 12/31/2006 1:08:09 PM EDT

Your friend is a fucking idiot.  Choose future ones more wisely.

If you fail to dissuade him from the aforementioned endeavor, you become subject to the above quote as well. Strictly by default.
Link Posted: 12/31/2006 1:13:15 PM EDT
Use training ammo that stuff is loud
Link Posted: 12/31/2006 1:14:18 PM EDT
Bang off some dragon's breath. Pretty cool.
Link Posted: 12/31/2006 1:20:30 PM EDT
I went shooting New Years eve one time, but that was at a range... We did some "flash suppressor research."
Link Posted: 12/31/2006 1:22:12 PM EDT
Let him shoot it into the ground.  No body gets hurt.

I'm gonna  fire my cannon off tonight with a 400 grain charge and newspaper wadding.  It's LOUD!
Link Posted: 12/31/2006 1:32:37 PM EDT
Dumb, dumb, dumb! Tell him he can't come over until Easter break.

I used to hunker down in my bed on New Years Eve while living in LA. Those idiots were shooting lots of stuff at midnight.

Now in a very rural area during winter, tracers can be fun.
Link Posted: 12/31/2006 1:35:23 PM EDT

Tell him he should get really really drunk, and operate a table saw while he is shooting in the air.
AHH yes Darwin a work.
Link Posted: 12/31/2006 1:39:23 PM EDT
1.  Ask to see the rifle.
2.  Swiftly apply steel buttplate to friend's forehead.
3.  Repeat until he gets a clue.
Link Posted: 12/31/2006 1:40:33 PM EDT
We are going to shoot tonite, but I have my own range with a good backstop.

If he has to do it, shoot it ground like they said, when I lived in a housing area on the edge of the woods we would shoot the AR into the ground.

Then again i'm in the county, you might wanna find out the laws in your area before you get in trouble.

Link Posted: 12/31/2006 1:42:41 PM EDT

Your friend is a fucking idiot.  Choose future ones more wisely.

Plus Fucking One!
Link Posted: 12/31/2006 1:45:20 PM EDT
Have him shoot it into the ground if he wants to shoot it so badly.
Link Posted: 12/31/2006 1:50:02 PM EDT

Have him shoot it into the ground if he wants to shoot it so badly.

What are the odds his new nickname will be "Hoppy"?
Link Posted: 12/31/2006 2:23:41 PM EDT


Have him shoot it into the ground if he wants to shoot it so badly.

What are the odds his new nickname will be "Hoppy"?

still even better, he hurts himself, better then someone 1/2 mile away
Link Posted: 12/31/2006 2:35:07 PM EDT
shooting into the ground doesn't hurt anyone so try to convince hime to do that. and as others have also said, check the laws. celebratory gunfire is a felony in AZ and i think alot of other places have enacted similar laws. i plan on setting off quite a few bottle rockets and black cats, myself.
Link Posted: 12/31/2006 3:12:50 PM EDT
You friend is an idiot. Tell him he is so stupid that he is a waste of air. Tell him to shoot himself in the head to protect others from his stupidity. I really am amused by his idea that the police couldn't track him down if he hurt someone. Basically, he is saying that its okay, as long as he doesn't get caught. They don't keep fired bullets from surplus rifles. So does that mean its okay to kill someone?
Link Posted: 12/31/2006 3:18:40 PM EDT
What part of, "Guns and alcohol don't mix" does your friend and YOU not understand.
Link Posted: 12/31/2006 3:29:02 PM EDT
You guys got me thinking now...

Link Posted: 12/31/2006 3:38:42 PM EDT
Silly rabbit, these are for New Years:
Link Posted: 12/31/2006 3:43:24 PM EDT
As long as he is not drunk, shooting directly up (i.e. vertical, 90 degrees) isn't really particularly dangerous, and at worst could result in a bump in the head in the extremely unlikely event that a falling bullet were to hit either of you.

Shooting at anything substantially less than 90 degrees is criminally negligent and insane, and if he will be drinking, he should not even be touching a loaded firearm.

Link Posted: 12/31/2006 3:45:17 PM EDT
Dumb & Dumber
Link Posted: 12/31/2006 3:48:09 PM EDT
But, but I see smiling people over in the middle east celebrating pretty much everything with gunfire into the air.

What if his friend was a muslm

Link Posted: 12/31/2006 3:58:15 PM EDT
Did anyone see the Mythbuster's that dealt with this subject. People are killed every year by guns fired up into the air BUT  a bullet falling back to earth, not on a ballistic path can not kill you.  Your friend is still an idiot and should not fire a high powered rifle in the air to make...NOISE. Getting really drunk and throwing up all over himself would make for a much more memorable New Year's Eve.
Link Posted: 12/31/2006 4:21:34 PM EDT
IF this idiot is stupid enough to shoot a gun into the air, can we depend on him to shoot straight up? I am well aware of the limited terminal velocity of a falling bullet, lacking a ballistic trajectory and lacking gyroscopic stability. This guy will probably not know how important this is and shoot a nearby town at 45 degree angle.
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