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Posted: 3/1/2001 6:33:14 PM EDT
Man, preparing to move outta state is the most frustrating, stressfull thing I've done. I did it when I was in the military, but that was different. They did everything. I just had to be there.

Started of with my apartment in Plano. They had 4 left when I saw the place 1 1/2 week ago. I called Fri to say I'll take it and they rented them all. So I call my second choice. They had a unit that will be ready so I take it and prepare to send my deposit via FedX. My 1st choice calls me back and tells me someone put notice and 1 unit will be available in my time frame. So now I have to call the second one, be an a$$hole and cancel.

Next was calling to get utility turned on. TXU's off course doesn't have an 800 number so I call long distance and get put on hold for long periods of time. Then I explain I am relocating to Plano from CA. The rep says fine no problemo. So I give my addy in Plano TX. She then asked when I will be there. I said I need elec turned on by the 16th of Mar. She said she needed to send a confirmation. I said fine I will be in CA for another 2wks send it here, and I proceed to give her the addy. Well I think I confused her cause she said they don't do business in CA, and that they are TX utilities co only. So I explain to her about relocating....Again. Finally done.

Then my cable modem. I just wanted to tfr my @Home svc to ATT's @home svc. I was tole by COX cable that this was possible. Well ATT just bounced me around that I got tired and decided to call my home/cell phone company instead. Luckily they had DSL service also in Plano. So cell/home phone and Internet hookup is done.

Lastly. I had sent a rifle out to a smithy in KS to get some work done. NO one in CA wants to work on an AK. This person had a very good rep on other boards I frequent. Well he's had my rifle for months, job was supposed to take 6wks. Everytime I get a status he always says it will ship next Sat. Well I'm getting ready to move and no rifle. My luck that will be intransit when I leave. Then it will take me another month to get it forwarded. Or maybe lost in the thick of things. [:(]

The only consolation in this whole thing is that AROCK was in town and got a chance to go out for a beer and dinner with him. Since he's from the DFW area, gives me great feeling that I will be relocating to a place that has great people such as him living there. The other consolation is whenever I got frustrated, I grab a Twix bar a diet Pepsi and read the posts here and other gun boards. Great entertainment to relive the stress.

Well I am finally done, except for more packing and waiting for my rifle to arrive. Hopefully on time. I got the truck scheduled to pick up my stuff. I got together with my insurance agent and informed him of the move for my renters, auto insurances. Now that I have ranted my frustration, I think I'll grab a Twix, diet Pepsi and a CA lotto ticket. The jackpot is 82mil. Wouldn't it be a hoot if I won before I left. HAHAHAHA Thanx for reading my rant.
Link Posted: 3/1/2001 6:40:47 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/1/2001 6:42:38 PM EDT
Nasty stuff. Makes me wonder when it`s my turn.
Going to get the winning ticket tomorrow, so dont bother, maybe next time.
Link Posted: 3/1/2001 6:53:00 PM EDT
God I love Texas. I would live there if possible. Don't believe the cliche that it's full of nothing but steers and qweers. Steers are edible anyway.
Link Posted: 3/1/2001 7:04:30 PM EDT
Hang in there! It will be worth it.

When I moved to Kali almost 7 years ago, I was leaving New York as a flat broke graduate student. I borrowed a chunk of cash from a friend, hopped in my truck (during a blizzard/ice storm) and started driving. Slept in my truck on the way, and arrived in OC a several days later, late at night, not knowing a soul around here. Ended up sleeping at the Disneyland campground. Luckily, I found an apartment the next day, before I was arrested for vagrancy. Quite an adventure.
Link Posted: 3/1/2001 7:05:53 PM EDT
You better toughen up Lordtrader,
fightin with utility companies is a honored past-time here in Dallas area...hehe.
Wait till you get that August electric bill......muuuuhhhhhaaaaaaa!!!!!
Link Posted: 3/1/2001 7:07:16 PM EDT
Sorry to hear you had such a rough time...funny, I had a hell of a time trying to get out of Kali too...could it be...SATAN???[}:D]

At least you got out!!! Welcome to the 'Free' part of America...take care...oh, and BTW..where is Plano?

Link Posted: 3/1/2001 7:14:03 PM EDT
Hey Bratty, Plano is about 30mins north of Dallas. BTW I would like to drop by you guys shop on the way out of Kali. Would like to meet you and Derek, check out the shop, and see if D can look at my AR. Having problems with the bolt catch ever since I change the bolt. Will give you guys a buzz next week. Hope that's cool.
Link Posted: 3/1/2001 7:22:43 PM EDT
Good luck Lord Trader....moving is the ONE thing that I hate above all others...and I don't use the word "hate" lightly.

Stay tough and you'll make it.  
Link Posted: 3/1/2001 7:32:15 PM EDT
Want me to call you a Waaahhmbulance??!![;D]Man you should be rejoicing in the fact that you're getting out.Just remember that when ever you want to slum your way back here,there's always an available couch at my pad.[pyro]
Link Posted: 3/2/2001 1:48:36 PM EDT
Im sure youll be happy to have  it all done and over with. Moving sucks no matter where you are going to. Good luck on the move and im sure youll like it where you are going
Link Posted: 3/2/2001 1:59:21 PM EDT
I hear heroin is really big with the young people in Plano.  Ask around the high schools.  That'll take the edge right off.
Link Posted: 3/2/2001 4:49:26 PM EDT
LT...we would love to have you!! Just let us know when so I can plan on dinner/beer/free time for Der...our phone number is on the website...Looking forward to it!! [:D]ch
Link Posted: 3/2/2001 5:00:07 PM EDT
Always something. Just keep smiling..

It took me two years to get out of Michigan..

After I moved there? I learned I was supposed to be overjoyed to pedigree my mutts..
Now why would anyone (with part of a brain) register a totally unregistered firearm?  

Link Posted: 3/2/2001 5:34:44 PM EDT
Hope your trip goes well.  Once you settle in the metromess, just holler if you need anything.  Think your gonna love Texas.
Link Posted: 3/2/2001 6:07:12 PM EDT
...Well I am finally done, except for more packing and waiting for my rifle to arrive. Hopefully on time. I got the truck scheduled to pick up my stuff. I got together with my insurance agent and informed him of the move for my renters, auto insurances...
View Quote

Are you shipping your firearms with the movers?

Have you considered transporting them personally in your vehicle?

Take these questions with a grain of salt, I left "paranoid" behind a while ago and kept right on going, but I'd worry about someone noticing your "arsenal" and telling their buddies where to go steal some cool guns.

Good luck with the move!
Link Posted: 3/2/2001 6:14:37 PM EDT
Seven moves in 17 years.  I told my wife that next time, we're just gonna have a fire...and move the check!
Link Posted: 3/2/2001 6:28:12 PM EDT
GOD Bless Texas!!!

Oh yea and Arizona.

Moving is frustrating---BUT---Your moving to the Land of the Free.  Yee-Haw [:D]
Link Posted: 3/2/2001 6:37:16 PM EDT
Most Movers do not like transporting firearms, ammo or reloading equipment..

I pack the reloading equipment etc so0 the movers don't know..
Bring the firearms with me. Along with legal papers, etc.
Link Posted: 3/2/2001 6:45:49 PM EDT
I will be having the firearms with me. Hell, would you guys think I will be traveling half way cross country and not have proper protection. [;)]

Hey Bratty, I'll drop you guys a line a couple of day prior.

Link Posted: 3/2/2001 9:54:17 PM EDT
Lordtrader, let us know about Plano once you're settled in, okay? Three guys from my department just moved there from the Bay Area this week and will be working in Dallas. I'm not one for hot, humid weather, so if you see any of that, let us know. Maybe I'll be your neighbor soon. he he
Link Posted: 3/2/2001 10:15:54 PM EDT
Lordtrader, once you get out of CA and get to gods country this will seem like nothing!!
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