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Posted: 6/2/2002 2:50:37 PM EDT
Over at The Firing Line, Correia is taking orders for hats and shirts with Molon Labe printed or embroidered on them.

You can check it out [url=http://www.thefiringline.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=115583]here[/url] if you are interested.

A few people mentioned a while back that they would like to have one of the hats. Just thought I'd post a heads up.
Link Posted: 6/2/2002 3:01:34 PM EDT
Thanks for the link! Been looking for this hat!
Link Posted: 6/2/2002 4:00:31 PM EDT
I have had one of the hats for a while now, and can vouch for it being a quality product.

Go buy one.
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