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Posted: 5/17/2002 9:42:37 PM EDT
[size=5]Mexico: Armed Incursion By A Foreign Government[/size=5]

An armed incursion by the Government of Mexico has taken place on American soil. Recently a group of Mexican military with both vehicle mounted and hand carried automatic weapons crossed some 60 miles of American territory to bivouac in the area of San Pedro, Arizona. San Pedro lies within the boundaries of the Tohono O'odham Indian reservation approximately 35 miles west of Tucson, Arizona.
The children of the village of San Pedro first spotted elements of this force early on a Thursday evening. Later that night the force moved into San Pedro brandishing their automatic weapons and wearing night vision equipment. The force appeared to be searching for someone but no one in the village could comprehend who they were looking for. It is quite possible even if they understood who they were looking for, the villagers would not have revealed their presence.

The armed forces spoke only Spanish and admonished the villagers they would be sorry if they called the "authorities." Several calls were made to the Tohono O'odham Police despite the threats, but officers did not arrive until Saturday. When they arrived the villagers told the police where the force was bivouacked in the desert but the police only drove around the village and left.

On Sunday repeated calls were made to the local police and the U.S. Border Patrol when the force traveled 6 miles south to a convenience store called the "Coyote Store" on highway 86 between Tucson and Sells, Arizona. A tense situation developed when the police arrived. The Mexican force brandishing their automatic weapons and the Police appeared poised for what one O'odham youth called a "shoot-out situation." Cooler heads prevailed and the Mexican forces departed. Villagers were told not to worry, the Mexican soldiers had only been on a "hunting trip."

Details of this event have been corroborated by at least eight members of the village of San Pedro.

A Monday article at [url=www.worldnetdaily.com]Worldnetdaily.com[/url] confirms at least 23 such incursions were made into the United States by Mexican Police or Military groups in 2001.

Link to story: [url]www.sierratimes.com/02/05/15/armg051502.htm[/url]


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Link Posted: 5/17/2002 9:46:25 PM EDT
... Well, after all it is still the Wild West out here
Link Posted: 5/17/2002 9:46:44 PM EDT
"Mexicans Invade US"?

I thought you could see that any and every night at most remote spots along the border. Heck, they are mad now that we don't put out water stations for them.

Link Posted: 5/17/2002 9:55:45 PM EDT
And the USA never pursues into Mexico? Back to to your typewriter and donuts. Not interested.
Link Posted: 5/18/2002 3:50:01 PM EDT
And the USA never pursues into Mexico? Back to to your typewriter and donuts. Not interested.
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Grimshaw, the expert on the subject. The article says 23 seperate incursions by Mexican authorities in 2001. Show us how many times US authorities "pursued" into Mexico.
Link Posted: 5/18/2002 4:46:38 PM EDT
And the USA never pursues into Mexico? Back to to your typewriter and donuts. Not interested.
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Hmmm, donuts.
Damn you, now where do I get donuts?
Link Posted: 5/18/2002 5:16:49 PM EDT
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