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Posted: 5/18/2002 6:17:37 AM EDT
LOS ANGELES — On May 14 of last year, 14 illegal aliens died while crossing a stretch of the Arizona desert. Now their families blame the U.S. government for those deaths, and are asking for a payment of more than $41 million.

Just when you thought people couldnt get any stupid!  Why doesnt the US send them the bill for having to pick up their flea infested carcasses
Link Posted: 5/18/2002 11:33:33 AM EDT
I say they put M2's every two miles so they don't die from dehydration
Link Posted: 5/18/2002 3:53:09 PM EDT
Sure, why not?  We bend over for everyone else, why the hell not?
Link Posted: 5/18/2002 3:56:04 PM EDT
I'm so sorry. I suppose we should set up hospitality tents along the way with chairs, cable TV, cold beer, and pretzels!!!

Link Posted: 5/18/2002 3:56:38 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/18/2002 3:59:53 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/18/2002 4:05:55 PM EDT
Tell them we will "CONSIDER" it when ever they decide to live up to their end of the bargain...
How can we put up water if they are hoarding it??
Link Posted: 5/18/2002 4:08:38 PM EDT
The only thing worse than the idiots suing are the American lawyers who took the case.

Talk about scumbags.
Link Posted: 5/18/2002 4:11:28 PM EDT
Why?  The American lawyers want to make money.  Just like everyone else.  Blame the whole crappy system.  Oh wait, the system is run by lawyers, isn't it?  Hmmmm . . . . .
Link Posted: 5/18/2002 4:28:54 PM EDT
Jim Metcalf, the attorney of the dead families, said that us Americans “owe a duty to human beings that enter onto the lands that they manage”? Screw that arsehole for making such a statement. Once these poor wetbacks make it to the U.S. border, what’s next? Are they willing to make it a duty to contribute to American society or are they going to leave more crap on the ground for us to clean up after?  I believe the latter is the answer. So, why should we put water stops for them when we know they are going to puke it out on our American soil?
Link Posted: 5/18/2002 4:33:23 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/18/2002 4:33:30 PM EDT
Sure, why not?  We bend over for everyone else, why the hell not?
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I'm tired of bending over. I already did that the other night. ROTFLMAO
Link Posted: 5/18/2002 4:50:58 PM EDT
Sure, why not?  We bend over for everyone else, why the hell not?
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I'm tired of bending over. I already did that the other night. ROTFLMAO
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Damn it Honey! Try to keep our personal love life off this forum!
Link Posted: 5/18/2002 4:56:47 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/18/2002 5:07:34 PM EDT
Well, if the INS guy who lives next door to me would take my suggestion, we wouldn't be sued. How many landmines are needed to the southern border?
Link Posted: 5/18/2002 5:15:27 PM EDT
Jim Metcalf, the attorney of the dead families

How much says he is a liberal democrat? and Clinton-Gore supporter
Link Posted: 5/18/2002 8:42:17 PM EDT
So I guess this means the Mexican government stopped giving out survival kits to anybody that wanted to cross the desert. Yeah, why waste the money when you can get the Americans to build oasis in the desert?
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