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Posted: 4/11/2001 7:34:24 AM EDT
I do more reading than posting but am curious and have a question?

When you were down about the crackho you posted
on this board wandering what to do. Is your life more or less important than frustrated? I know you will give me hell but was wondering.
Link Posted: 4/11/2001 10:48:37 AM EDT
Good point. I am wondering the same thing!!
Maybe he left like he said he would. Waahoo!!
Link Posted: 4/11/2001 3:33:55 PM EDT
The only thing he contributes to this board is trouble. Now thats not to say we dont need a little now and then to stir the pot, However he is way off base on this topic telling someone to kill them self when they have those kinda thoughts. It is 100% morally wrong to say stuff like that.
The really sad thing is he would prolly be happy and laugh his ass off on this board if the guy did it. This guy apparently is one of us and feels like we are family, so he reached out only to hear the absurd drivel of Mcloser.
What comes around goes around and I wish I could be there when its his turn.

this place is plenty fun without Mcuzi.
Link Posted: 4/11/2001 3:57:37 PM EDT
When I posted, I was simply posting an event.
As I have said b4, AR15.com is an outlet for me.

I could care less what y'all had to say about it.
I wasn't saying "Booooo Hoooo, I am at a terrible point in my life, should I nail this crack-ho?"

This guy isn't asking for advice. He is eliciting sympathy, pure and simple, and it's f**king lame. I have WAY more respect for the guy who blows his head off
than for the guy who runs around "talking" about blowing his head off.

Rip) Get a f**king life dorkboy. Morals are subjective. Your morals aren't mine, and mine aren't yours. It's sanctamonious whiners like you, always trying to push your ideals on other people, that cause fights, divorce, and god-damn wars.
It's lame Rip. If he want's to eat his gun, Whoop-Dee-Doo!
I could care less. It's not my problem.
I still have rent to pay, and utillity bills to pay whether this bozo cacks himself or not.

So, you can take your "morals" and your "probably's" and shove them up your tight ass.
Wrap them in a lump of cole, and you might just get a diamond!

Link Posted: 4/11/2001 4:29:47 PM EDT
Say it again brother Mac!
Link Posted: 4/11/2001 4:36:48 PM EDT
When I posted, I was simply posting an event.
As I have said b4, AR15.com is an outlet for me.

I could care less what y'all had to say about it.
I wasn't saying "Booooo Hoooo, I am at a terrible point in my life, should I nail this crack-ho?"

This guy isn't asking for advice. He is eliciting sympathy, pure and simple, and it's f**king lame. I have WAY more respect for the guy who blows his head off
than for the guy who runs around "talking" about blowing his head off.

Rip) Get a f**king life dorkboy. Morals are subjective. Your morals aren't mine, and mine aren't yours. It's sanctamonious whiners like you, always trying to push your ideals on other people, that cause fights, divorce, and god-damn wars.
It's lame Rip. If he want's to eat his gun, Whoop-Dee-Doo!
I could care less. It's not my problem.
I still have rent to pay, and utillity bills to pay whether this bozo cacks himself or not.

So, you can take your "morals" and your "probably's" and shove them up your tight ass.
Wrap them in a lump of cole, and you might just get a diamond!

Link Posted: 4/11/2001 4:39:23 PM EDT
"Morals are subjective" = Chaos
The strength of a people is its adherence to
moral code by which everyone knows the law and
knows they must follow the law or suffer the consequences. This is the source/force that
protects people and nations.
Link Posted: 4/11/2001 4:46:07 PM EDT
"Morals are subjective" = Chaos
The strength of a people is its adherence to
moral code by which everyone knows the law and
knows they must follow the law or suffer the consequences. This is the source/force that
protects people and nations.
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"Mala-in-se" Latin for "Inherently Evil".

Some things are obvious.
Killing babies is evil, and morally wrong.
Rape is evil.
Murder is evil.

Not caring if some guy I don't even know kills himself is a subjective matter of opinion, and not on a "moral" platitude.

Link Posted: 4/11/2001 4:55:37 PM EDT
I'm sorry, but "morals are subjective" DOES NOT equal chaos.

Chaos is a world without rights, while civilized people recognize and defend rights.  For instance, person X might consider it "immoral" to drink, to gamble, to have sex for pleasure, to own a gun, to eat animals, to kill, and to steal.  Only 2 of these violate anybody else's rights, while the others (no matter what YOU think) do not violate another person's rights.

Save the morals for church, when you want to speak COHERENTLY about right and wrong, "100% morally wrong" means nothing.  McUzi did not violate suicidal's rights, he voiced his opinion.

Edited for spelling
Link Posted: 4/11/2001 4:59:04 PM EDT
But morals are subjective, witness the values of pre WWII Germany and Japan.  Look at the issues in the Middle East.  Besides, what is wrong with a little dissention?
Link Posted: 4/11/2001 4:59:47 PM EDT
How do you know this person is looking for sympathy? Perhaps he is really down and out.

When you posted about your episode with the young lady what if someone who didn't know you told you to blow your brains out and quit worrying about someone raiding your house for guns and money.

When you posted about your best friends sister being murdered what if someone who didn't know you told you they did not give a damn, go  blow your brains out or tell her brother to quit morning,this is life.

Perhaps this board is a place for other people to vent and get some intelligent advice like you have recieved. I have felt sympathy for you and others here whom I have never met and never will. I think this board is stress relieving and alot easier for people to relate to then other people they know. Please have a little respect for people you do not know. Around here people I personally know who have committed suicide most were very good people and not wimps they just had problems they could not deal with. Just saying if you haven't wore the other persons shoes they might not fit the same as yours. Have a great day.
Link Posted: 4/11/2001 5:09:40 PM EDT
SDWhirlwind) I totally understand why you have taken this line of thinking.


there is a huge, gaping diference between my life events, and Mr. Killmyself's suicide proclomation.
I told him to go ahead and do it. If that is what he feels is best for him, it is not my job to try to impart my morals on someone else. Period.

When Larissa was murdured, and Lil Miss Crack Ho was in my life, those were events that I had to deal with.
If someone told me to blow my head off because of it, it would have been out of context.

But if some guy is running around
**talking about blowing his head off**, (Or Killing himself, by whatever method)
that is an appropriate time to tell him to
"shut up or do it".

Some of us don't feel the need to mommy other people. I am a firm believer of individual culpabillity. You do what you do, and that's your buisness. It is not my job to try and "talk you out of it",

but if you ask me of my opinion, you are damn sure gunna get it.


Link Posted: 4/11/2001 5:15:49 PM EDT
SDWhirlwind) I totally understand why you have taken this line of thinking.


there is a huge, gaping diference between my life events, and Mr. Killmyself's suicide proclomation.
I told him to go ahead and do it. If that is what he feels is best for him, it is not my job to try to impart my morals on someone else. Period.

When Larissa was murdured, and Lil Miss Crack Ho was in my life, those were events that I had to deal with.
If someone told me to blow my head off because of it, it would have been out of context.

But if some guy is running around
**talking about blowing his head off**, (Or Killing himself, by whatever method)
that is an appropriate time to tell him to
"shut up or do it".

Some of us don't feel the need to mommy other people. I am a firm believer of individual culpabillity. You do what you do, and that's your buisness. It is not my job to try and "talk you out of it",

but if you ask me of my opinion, you are damn sure gunna get it.


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People like you are a dying breed, Mac. Don't ever change.
Link Posted: 4/11/2001 5:35:31 PM EDT
I see we have a lot of metaphysical and cultural arguments going on in this post, I like that.  Fun to read, but I'm too tired to make my own reply.  I just wanted to know if you still had those pictures of your former McBiatch laying around...ya know, just to lighten up the mood of the post a little bit (yeah...that's the ticket)  [:D]

The Big Jewboski~
Link Posted: 4/11/2001 5:52:39 PM EDT
I see we have a lot of metaphysical and cultural arguments going on in this post, I like that.  Fun to read, but I'm too tired to make my own reply.  I just wanted to know if you still had those pictures of your former McBiatch laying around...ya know, just to lighten up the mood of the post a little bit (yeah...that's the ticket)  [:D]

The Big Jewboski~
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Available for $5.00
Link Posted: 4/11/2001 6:31:16 PM EDT
Curious, why do you think people like McUzi are a dying breed? I consider my self  a member of that breed & damned proud of it. There are a lot more of us than you could ever know. We’re certianly  not on any endagered species list.
Liked your suggestion on the shortcake, but don’t have the capability to send pictures.
Watch out for the little people, guys.
Link Posted: 4/11/2001 7:12:21 PM EDT
Curious, why do you think people like McUzi are a dying breed? I consider my self  a member of that breed & damned proud of it. There are a lot more of us than you could ever know. We’re certianly  not on any endagered species list.
Liked your suggestion on the shortcake, but don’t have the capability to send pictures.
Watch out for the little people, guys.
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No shit  Like if you saw some guy on a ledge of a building my first thought is JUMP. Quit seeking attention and fucking do it. Either get help or get the fuck off my planet!
Link Posted: 4/12/2001 3:56:40 PM EDT
It's not like I want the guy to kill himself.
On the other hand, I could care less if he does.

What annoys me to NO END! are people who "talk" about suicide.
Like the people you alwaya alwaya always hear saying "...blah blah blah, I tried to commit suicide..."
"...blah blah blah I have tried to kill myself 4 times..."

Those complete whining scum-of-the-earth boneheads diminish the sanctity of the men and women who have had the sack to go forth with killing themselves.

I mean, it's not like killing yourself is hard, at all.
Amtter of fact, I would say it is probably one of the top 3 easiest things to do on the planet alongside of sleeping, and watching television.
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