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Posted: 4/3/2001 9:55:28 AM EDT
Here's a question for you that often pops up at gatherings with my wife's family:  Should the US require millitary service of all 18 year old males?

I know that it would be a huge waste of training dollars for those who would simply "do their time" and then ETS (and FTA).  However, what impact do you think a country of millitarily-minded men would have on society as a whole, ie: maybe less crime/drug use, lower credit card debt, less dependence on government aid, due to young men gaining the discipline that, unfortunately, most men at that age sorely need.

I enlisted at the age of 19, and at the time really didn't know specifically why I was doing it.  I just knew that my life was not moving in the direction I wanted it to.  I wound up learning a few things that have stuck with me and made an impact in my life:

1. When you have no one but yourself to accomplish a task, you will usually find a way to succeed.
2. Yes, you really can survive on $700 per month. Even though it would have been nice to have had more, my family and I never did starve.  Somehow, you appreciate your current situation more if you have had to struggle a little.
3. Mental discipline.  What percentage of the teenagers and college students do you know who you would give a satisfactory grade to in this arena?
4. Respect.  While all authority figures do not deserve your respect, I feel that this translates into respect and courtesy toward women, the elderly, and symbols of patriotism.  I have never personally seen someone exercise his right to free speech by burning a flag, but I'm pretty sure I would respond by exercising my right to cram my fist down his throat.
5. Through the course of it all, I came to make peace with and know my God.

So, what's your take?
Link Posted: 4/3/2001 9:59:42 AM EDT
It shouldn't be a law, but I believe it should be a "common social value," (for the lack of a better term)

I think everyone should EXPECT every able bodied male to serve (as I do).
Link Posted: 4/3/2001 10:03:26 AM EDT
Required service, no. I am 21. I considered going into the air force, actually i came very close but I decided it wasn't for me. I worked for a year and then went to college. i learned the value of money quickly. Living off chicken pot pies for 2 weeks does that to to you. Anyway the military is not right for everyone and I feel that freedoms I have as an American include not being force to enlist in the military in times of peace. Oh by the way, you don't have the right to cram your fist down someones throat.
Link Posted: 4/3/2001 10:13:38 AM EDT
no, but if the government started up weapons training programs & the like for tennagers that would be good. should a military action arise atleast these kids would have the ground work for military duty?

yes or no?
Link Posted: 4/3/2001 10:14:47 AM EDT
3 years mandatory military srvice at age 18, male and female.....this country can afford it, it would alleviate some of the overcrouding in prisons, possibly ease some of the drug traffic...single parent issues...maybe some other problems as well.......[bday]
Link Posted: 4/3/2001 10:18:40 AM EDT
maybe a reserve type of program, with weapons training, combat training, etc. One weekend a month. Many people would benefit just from going to boot camp.
Link Posted: 4/3/2001 10:31:40 AM EDT
That`s exactly why this country needs it......[smoke]
Link Posted: 4/3/2001 10:38:23 AM EDT
Required service, no. I am 21. I considered going into the air force, actually i came very close but I decided it wasn't for me. I worked for a year and then went to college. i learned the value of money quickly. Living off chicken pot pies for 2 weeks does that to to you. Anyway the military is not right for everyone and I feel that freedoms I have as an American include not being force to enlist in the military in times of peace. Oh by the way, you don't have the right to cram your fist down someones throat.
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I can understand that a long-term millitary career is not for everyone.  When I hear someone simply say "The millitary is not for me" what I hear is:

1. I don't "do" push-ups.
2. A Drill Instructor screaming profanities in my face might make me cry.
3. I am too busy with my adolescence to commit.
4. I don't feel obligated to give anything back to my country.  Can I have that college grant now?

I'm not saying those were your reasons, just common ones.  I won't comment on the chicken pot pies, I think we were all pretty humbled by that one.  BTW, were they the Swanson brand, or generic?
Link Posted: 4/3/2001 10:43:16 AM EDT
 Personally I don't think that it would be a wonderful idea that many people overlook.  I don't think it should be manditory for someone to serve a lifetime in the military - because I know that it is not for everyone.  I considered going into the navy when I was 18, but I was very turned off by the tactics that they used to try and recruit me.  I would still like to test my skill at a boot camp type situation and I often wonder if I would be any good in combat.
 I think that every male should be required to serve at least 2 years in the armed forces.  Peace time should not matter.  If you are prepared in Peace time you will be prepared in times of War.  Not only will they get the benifits that 1stINF listed but maybe it will also reduce some of the false ideologies that cause people to attack their own countries soldiers like Americans do too often.
 This country is in need of many things and I think that one of the major problems right now is lack of responsibilty and duty.
 I would like to say that females should be required to serve too - However as much as some girls may hate this we were not all created with the mentality to handle combat.  I would like to see females required to serve in at least something like (and I know this sounds typical) office work, or medical work, or any field that they can handle.
 I could be wrong.  But I strongly believe that required military service could do this country a lot of good.
Link Posted: 4/3/2001 10:43:54 AM EDT

I can understand that a long-term millitary career is not for everyone.  When I hear someone simply say "The millitary is not for me" what I hear is:

1. I don't "do" push-ups.
2. A Drill Instructor screaming profanities in my face might make me cry.
3. I am too busy with my adolescence to commit.
4. I don't feel obligated to give anything back to my country.  Can I have that college grant now?
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What I hear is a person who has right guaranteeed by the constitution, and while the constitution is protected by the military, it is the RIGHT of everyone to choose their own path in life.
Link Posted: 4/3/2001 10:44:48 AM EDT
I dont want to work with a bunch of snot nosed pukes who dont wanna be there and not back you up when it is needed most. Its bad enough as it is with the cry baby kids saying this sucks I cant wait to get out. Little do they know its twice as hard on the outside.
Link Posted: 4/3/2001 10:45:38 AM EDT
Sadly they were the generic, I have trouble going to the freezer section now.

1. I don't "do" push-ups.
2. A Drill Instructor screaming profanities in my face might make me cry.
3. I am too busy with my adolescence to commit.
4. I don't feel obligated to give anything back to my country. Can I have that college grant now?

1.I do pushups at home.
2.I got yelled at plenty when I was a kid, besides drill instructors can't even hit you anymore.
3.my adolescence was gone at 16 when my dad died
4.shit, I wish I had a colleg grant
Link Posted: 4/3/2001 10:48:19 AM EDT
Every read any of Robert A. Heinleins books???

Basically, you have to serve in the military to vote or hold public office. The idea being if you didn't serve how could you be the Commander-In-Cheif or make say vote to go to war.  Also  believed  to would cause the decision makers to consider their options before deploying the military.  

He was a strong supporter of the right to bear arms, thought an arm public would be a polite and friendly public.
Link Posted: 4/3/2001 10:48:29 AM EDT
I would be more than willing to put a bullet in someone trying to invade the US
Link Posted: 4/3/2001 10:53:09 AM EDT
I'm in favor of a mandatory 3 to 4 month session for everyone between either their sophomore and junior year or junior and senior year.  The session would include weapons training and use, combat simulation, and in depth classes covering the cost, destruction, and death associated with military involvment.

Besides educating everyone on gun safety it would serve to open the eyes of the up coming socialist liberals.  Imagine the shocked look on their faces when they realize the fantasy world they live in doesn't exist.  Imagine the shock of the anti-gunners who say only the police and military should have guns, as they view footage of military personal opening up on a crowd of women and children, as was seen in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa recently.
Link Posted: 4/3/2001 11:03:32 AM EDT
Keep in mind, military service for MOST young people would not mean combat duty.....many would, however, learn morals and discipline that they may not otherwise, or at least in a different envioronment. a lot of people today think that love of God and country is corny or b/s that is not how our freedom (those we still have) was gained or protected......[chainsaw]
Link Posted: 4/3/2001 11:08:34 AM EDT
Originally Posted By black&green:
Keep in mind, military service for MOST young people would not mean combat duty.....many would, however, learn morals and discipline that they may not otherwise
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parents should be teaching the above stuff at home.[:(!]
Link Posted: 4/3/2001 11:11:42 AM EDT
I think Military schools would be a much better idea.
Link Posted: 4/3/2001 11:15:58 AM EDT
I think Military schools would be a much better idea.
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ok rich bratty kids running around & getting into trouble. then looking for schools to bail them out because its a "military school" from what i seen some of the most evil fucked up kids came from "military schools"
Link Posted: 4/3/2001 11:22:37 AM EDT
Link Posted: 4/3/2001 11:35:46 AM EDT
Originally Posted By black&green:
Keep in mind, military service for MOST young people would not mean combat duty.....many would, however, learn morals and discipline that they may not otherwise
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parents should be teaching the above stuff at home.[:(!]
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I agree, parents need to take the initiative.  My parents, God bless 'em, made every effort to teach me responsibility, morality, and discipline.  I listened some of the time.

Even with the most ideal upbringing, a lot of kids (and I do believe that most 18 year olds are still kids) leave home, headed for the real world, without the skills needed to succeed.
Link Posted: 4/3/2001 11:36:24 AM EDT
I would never go and join. I would not fight for the federal government.  
Go get sick like those in desert storm or in Nam, and not get taken care of?  
Or how about they take already 1/2 of my salary in taxes, they can pay someone else to go.  
Or how I cant own a steel core round, muffler for my rifle, or even a M16, but they want to give me one and send me to protect their interests?  Fuck that.  
Or how they want to make me a felon for owning a hi-cap, but I can have one if I put on their uniform?  
Or how they try and shut down one of the only ranges around chicago where I can pratice, but they don't shut down the police/army ones?
Screw them.  They can send their own kids to risk their life for less freedom everyday.  I will stay here and be a good little sheep, cause sheep can't protect themselfs, they need protection.
Link Posted: 4/3/2001 11:47:11 AM EDT
As a Libertarian, I am against mandatory service. But I believe those that choose the service should be rewarded accordingly. I believe there is no more noble calling than protecting our country. The military should not be a last chance for convicts and wayward teens. I would want to fight next to someone who loved his country, not next to some dirtbag pissing and moaning about "doin' his time".

In addition we have done a pathetic job taking care of those who have been injured in the service of our country. Thank a vet!!!
Link Posted: 4/3/2001 11:56:18 AM EDT
Military service is easy.  How about making career military people do a little mandatory "civilian sector" service?

Maybe start and run a business, hire employees, pay for your own health insurance...things like that.

It would give the military an appreciation of the hard work it requires to pay taxes to fund our military. (For which, you understand, I don't mind paying)
Link Posted: 4/3/2001 12:01:41 PM EDT
c-rock----I almost agree with you..but when I joined, I didn't have any high expectations....
I wanted the same thing that the guys in WW2 did-to put myself in front of my family and protect them...not the country or the government, But a little piece of Louisana that my family called home.
Link Posted: 4/3/2001 12:32:04 PM EDT
I was the last child of my aging parents.They would have done me a favor by kicking my then young punk know it all self out and told me to enlist. When I become older and wiser I took the hints and made that sacrifice. At 26 I became a cav scout.When I enlisted , I left behind a career as a police officer, a three
year old son and a wife that was 7 months pregnant. A small sacrifice never hurt anyone
Link Posted: 4/3/2001 12:52:53 PM EDT
I am currently in the USMC Reserves. No one forced me to join, but I felt that I am doing a good thing by being part of the Corps.
One good thing could come out of required military service. There would be more people that know the importance of a firearm and the freedom of our country.
I didn't join for the government even though they are the ones giving the orders. I joined for people like you, my family and for myself.
I like to feel that the military is a separate entity from the political government we know and the those in the military don't necessarily support the actions of all politicians of the federal government. I sure don't.
Link Posted: 4/3/2001 12:57:20 PM EDT

There are too many politicians that can be considered a domestic enemy of the constitution.
They'd never support it.
Link Posted: 4/3/2001 1:02:34 PM EDT
In the Philippines there is a thing called CAT (Civilian Army Training) that is part of your 4th year high school mandatory requirements to graduate. I think this course is mandatory in all high schools.

Basically the officer core are also 4th year high school students that choose to enter the Officer COCC (Cadet Officer Candidate Course) training during their 3rd year high school. Their instructors are usually the current 4th year high school officers. The officer training takes place during the students entire 3rd year school. When the 4th year high school officers graduate the new incoming officers take over.

The officers are given the task of grading their fellow students on the basic skills taught and submit those grades to an actual military personnel at the school that handles the CAT course and oversees the entire class.

CAT training is usually held on Saturdays and the officer training is done after regular school hours and treated as a club meeting.

Officers are fitted with honor guard uniforms complete with the swords and act as the honor guards for special occasions and mass at the school (Christian School).

All the 4th year students are required to have a set of BDU with the school's emblem and students name. An army baseball type hat and pistol belt.

The 4th year class is broken into units ranging from the common infantry unit to special units such as Military Police, Medics and a high performance unit. These special units recieve additional training. The MPs also assist the regular school security at times guarding the gates to the school making sure all students come in with the proper id and if your late escort the late students to the principals office.

Once a year all the schools get together and have a meet like a big football or basketball game. Their performance units do their marching and spin and throw their dummy rifles in a parade style fashion.

It has good results on some and others don't really get it but its worth it if you are able to change one persons outlook on life for the better.

For those that graduate and want to continue the military course there is a continuation in College but I forgot what that course is called.
Link Posted: 4/3/2001 1:43:08 PM EDT
I am not in the service and never was.

That being said, I wish I had been required to join.

I am not a delinquent, druggie, etc.  I am college educated (currently in a graduate/professional program after after 9 years of being out of school).  I made (and make it part time) reasonable money as a Med. Tech. but wanted something more (not money wise, just a more fulfilling career), which is why I went back to school.

I lacked mental discipline (I am relatively smart) when I was in college (I worked rather than attending classes or studying) and my grades suffered greatly for it.  I wish I had joined the military for a few years out of High School.  I think it would have done me a world of good in later life.  

I personally think there should be a couple of options--Military service or mandatory "peace corps" type work domestically.  All males AND females should undergo it (for a minimum of one year, possibly more).  If you decline Military service (or the alternative service), you have no voting rights, no access to any federal programs (i.e. once these "welfare moms" hit 18, they go into the service or they loose their check).  

Link Posted: 4/3/2001 2:09:47 PM EDT
Whats good for one person is not necessarily good for another.

i hear both democuns and republicrats support this idea. so therefore there must be something wrong with it.

yes, lets put thousands of people who hate the military into the military. look at our own government. our leftist colledge institutions have put way to many beaucrats into office that hate this country and what it stands for. to do this will hamper military readiness and lower morale. it doesnt matter wether we can afford it or not. i personally do not wish to have more money taken out of my paycheck to pay another government worker who will probably work to destroy the "system" from the inside out.

the military is not gauranteed to "straighten" people out. just look at me [;D]

i've met people in the military who happen to be socialists and support socialist idea's. granted not a majority, but they are there. more than you may think. i talk to some of'em around here.

my deomcrat supporting roommate is about to join the airforce today. i talked him into it [:)] and may try to join again myself since the airforce needs people right now. i dont think that military service will turn him on to polotics. he wont care either way and will continue to bash republicrats just because he doesnt know any better.

lib out...
Link Posted: 4/3/2001 2:11:21 PM EDT

I personally think there should be a couple of options--Military service or mandatory "peace corps" type work domestically.  All males AND females should undergo it (for a minimum of one year, possibly more).  If you decline Military service (or the alternative service), you have no voting rights, no access to any federal programs (i.e. once these "welfare moms" hit 18, they go into the service or they loose their check).  

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I think someone was watching starship troopers last night AFARR. [spank]   Lose the right to vote?  No way, if you can go to jail, or go die in a illegal police action, you should be able to vote.  
Also, "peace corps"?  We do have something like that already, its called the job corps, and Clitnon used it to his own advantage, it was and is the biggest waste of money, and government abuse of power.  
Rights are not given or earned, you are born with them. No one should be able to take them away.

Link Posted: 4/3/2001 2:16:17 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/3/2001 3:10:01 PM EDT
I'm against mandatory service.  The military is a reflection of society, not the instrument to change that society.  Anybody remember McNamara's 100,000?  Aside from the issues of impressing a citizenry into forced labor, I have problems with the practicallity of it.

1)What are you ging to do with a military this large?  Are we going to have to find peacekeeping duties or wars, or better yet police actions within our own borders for them to do?

2)How big a military can we afford?  Sure you can pay them dirt, since it's forced labor, but what are you going to equip them with?  How are you going to move them to the battlefield without more aircraft, ships and all the maintenance, equipment and parts that goes along with all of that?  

3)How many government programs are going to be instituted through this?  Right now there's almost as many civillians working for defense activities and contractors as there are GIs.  Increase the GIs and you'll have even more government sponges.  What do you think your taxes will be like then?

4)I don't know where the idea that GIs don't take drugs, commit crimes, or manage money really well came from.  You must have served in a different Army than I did.  

5)I don't think this would end welfare, or any dependence on government dole.  If anything people would come to expect their government to take care of them like they did in the service, or they'd stay in because they know they can't make it on the outside.

6)Sure conscript armies tend to be made up of the "do your time and get out" folks, so there's little trouble from soldiers, but just what kind of army do you want?  One where you have to start training constantly every 6 months to relearn basic things?  Or is it your contention that since you have plenty of cannon fodder, you can just use superior numbers (and larger casualties) to make up for the poor training?  Sounds alot like the old Soviet army or the current Chinese army to me.

I think mandatory service would be detrimental to the military as a whole.

Link Posted: 4/3/2001 3:11:01 PM EDT
This is an interesting discussion and I can certainly see both sides.  However, I do not think that it is in everyones best interest to require military service or peace corps service as some have suggested.  I have read several explain how mandatory service will make up for poor parenting etc.  That may be so, but I don't see that as a real solution for the root of the problem, only a stop-gap measure to fix the consequences.  

I don't mean to toot my own horn, but not everyone has a lack of desire, drive, motivation, poor work ethic, etc.  I grew up in the same household with my father, who spent two tours in Vietnam with an M-14 and was wounded.  Through his experiences with the Corps, he instilled a strong sense of pride in country, family, and self in my brother and I.  My brother and I are both very motivated and are hard-working.  I graduated college in 4 years, and will finish medical school next month.  Don't get me wrong though, if we were to go to war tomorrow, my folks know that they will have to lock me up to keep me from going to boot camp and becoming a rifleman.  However, I don't think that 2-4 years of required military service would have made much of a difference in what I have accomplished or what I have become.  I do know that I will be 32 by the time I finish residency and begin to make enough money to pay back my massive debt load.  Required military service would have only pushed that back even further.

I respect the opinions that have been posted here and hope that you will understand where I am coming from.  
Link Posted: 4/3/2001 3:25:13 PM EDT
Mandatory Military Service=Wrong Answer!
You cannot expect to shove american teenagers  into the military on one end and get upstanding citizens coming out the other. Case in point: the draft for the Viet Nam war. I recently served for 4 years and was glad to have the opportunity to be of service to this  wonderful country, but not everyone has that same point of view. The great thing about the military in our country is the fact that you have to vouluteer to serve-this allows the military great autonomy to pick and choose and also ensures that only those who want to be there are actually there doing the thankless job. If I had to choose between every kid doing a hitch and expecting them to do the right thing in a war/conflict or to rely upon those who have their hearts poured into defending this country-you can bet that those who want to be there will perform better and will be the victors regardless of the odds. Granted, alot of the kids joining today want college money or soft skills instead of battle-honed skills and field time, but they realize suddenly that it is not all about 'me', but about America and protecting what has been earned by the blood of those who went before them. Another case in point would be the South Korean forces-all males must serve. As a result, morale is low and military discipline rates are high. When you surround those who want to be there with those who do not want to be there, it makes for bad warfighting and destroys the morale of those who want to be there. The solution to the problem of morally-challenged citizens in this country can only be sloved by building strong families. This is where people are formed into what they will be when they grow up. Just my .02!
Link Posted: 4/3/2001 4:06:38 PM EDT
CTR; it is interesting to hear your point of view. if you grew up in a time of draft/war...you might think totally different. yes, times have changed, but a couple things you refer to might warrant further thought. comparing life in this country to somewhere such as korea, is like apples/oranges. if you worked in a state prison system, and had contact with a number of young people who were arrested for what i consider "weak" charges (leo`s would disagree) and need direction in thier lives (MANY of them from well-off...well raised homes) you might think totally different...it`s not a matter of "shoving" young people into anything, more a matter of putting them into a position in life of opening thier minds, and teaching them what it means to accept responsibility for themselves. and to everyone who says that parents should be teaching this at home, reality is; they DO NOT...mostly because they never learned it themselves.....[smoke]
Link Posted: 4/3/2001 4:10:43 PM EDT
In the black.....thank you for stating it correctly....i think most of us on this board have our head on straight, as you obviously do......[heavy]
Link Posted: 4/3/2001 4:39:57 PM EDT

Actually, I was reading Heinlein back when I was about 12 years old (the movie was a pretty bad representation of a good book--but Dina Meyer has a nice set, so it wasn't a total waste).  

I agree with your earlier post about the gov.org not taking care of sick soldiers, but I would bet that is more due to fear of lawsuits than lack of compassion (or, merely bureaucratic stupidity).  But, I think some kind of mandatory service should be obligated (maybe not to vote, but to hold elected office, get any kind of government assistance, etc.).  There is a quote going around--something to the effect of "a republic will stand until the people realize they can vote themselves largesse from the public trust"--I am not certain who said it, but it makes good sense.

I worked for over a year at a "rent to own" place--the majority of our customers were welfare (Aid to Dependend Children--ADC) people.  They got a $300+ check a month, food stamps, a place to live with basic utilities paid.  And all they ever did was suck from the public teat.  The housing was FILTHY--not because of the management, but because of the tenants--and there was no excuse for it--they did not work, so they had plenty of time to clean.  Their "current" boyfriend (usually not the father of the children) would only come around at the first of the month when the check came in.  In general he would have a nice car (why not, since he usually lived with someone else, so had no real expenses).  I got sick of seeing it.  In some fairness, the ones that really needed assistance (too handicapped to work, etc.) were few and far between (they may have been smart enough not to rent at our rip off rates, though).  

That is why I really dislike "assistance" programs that are pure welfare for life.  I would really like these people to give something back to the people (i.e. Taxpayers like us) for all the stuff they were given.  

I will say that there are undoubtedly people who use ADC, or other welfare programs as they should be--as a way to get their feet back under them.  In my own experience, they are far between though.

I still feel that some kind of mandatory service would be great for 95% of the population.  Yes, the "Job Corps" was a crappy kind of program, but there is probably a way to make it better if it is done by NON-political types.  

Link Posted: 4/3/2001 4:48:35 PM EDT
I have family in Germany and I think that they still have manditory military or public service for those that can't do push ups.  I think that it is a great idea even tho I had a very negitive experiance in the Coast Guard.  Lars.
Link Posted: 4/3/2001 4:52:13 PM EDT
AFARR...the "job corp" is still alive and (not so) well....it is in reality a "replacement" for the old day version of "reform school"...it seems somewhat secretive however (what gov dept isn`t any more?) and appears to be a u s version of what used to be..."you decide, reform school, or the army"  the military DOES NOT accept young people with any kind of record today....one of the things that i personally feel strongly against in todays "system".........[pistol]
Link Posted: 4/3/2001 4:54:10 PM EDT
Does anyone have info concerning the other countries like Switzerland,Israel or S.africa where this idea has proven itself?
Link Posted: 4/3/2001 6:02:30 PM EDT

I personally think there should be a couple of options--Military service or mandatory "peace corps" type work domestically.  All males AND females should undergo it (for a minimum of one year, possibly more).  If you decline Military service (or the alternative service), you have no voting rights, no access to any federal programs (i.e. once these "welfare moms" hit 18, they go into the service or they loose their check).  

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I think someone was watching starship troopers last night AFARR. [spank]   Lose the right to vote?  No way, if you can go to jail, or go die in a illegal police action, you should be able to vote.  
Also, "peace corps"?  We do have something like that already, its called the job corps, and Clitnon used it to his own advantage, it was and is the biggest waste of money, and government abuse of power.  
Rights are not given or earned, you are born with them. No one should be able to take them away.

Link Posted: 4/3/2001 6:18:44 PM EDT
MANDITORY FOR SURE! I think the structured diciplinary enviroment of the military would be benificial for all young people. I went to military school and now I look back and it was the best years of my life. Did I say ALL young people. Yes that means ALL. Meaning All of them. Even the snivelling,spoiled,spineless mall punks and brats. HeHeHe
Link Posted: 4/3/2001 6:30:55 PM EDT
How about the only way to have a CCW, a vote, or become a politician is to serve a two year term in the military, Peace Corps, or domestic service?
It used to be this way for politicians, I think Clinton was one of the first presidents who didn't serve in the military. Al Gore was told he had to join the military, otherwise no one would vote for him.
It would be a nice carrot to encourage enlistment.
Link Posted: 4/3/2001 7:31:06 PM EDT
I started out on the first few posts to say yes, now seeing all the posts, no.

We need a constitution based group of the population.  Government will send all voleenteers or recruits to forgien lands for idiot purposes.

Serve and love your USA.  I am older but wish we had a way to commit Americans to our constitution and leaders.  We need respectable leaders.

Blah, Blah Blah.....

I am ready to F%ck China!
Link Posted: 4/3/2001 7:45:30 PM EDT
I have a problem with US citizens being forced to do anything.

In addition, I think the military is a calling for a rare select individual. I think they need to get those in service for "incentives" the hell out of the military. The US armed forces are the people who defend out values, I don't want a bunch of guys in there who are just on a "college program." You hand them a rifle and they're like, "I didn't join for this."

The military should be more rewarding and more selective. Military service is a rare distinction that only a rare individual is suited for. That kind of person should not be surrounded by former gang members, drug addicts and losers. We have department of corrections boot camps for those aholes.
Link Posted: 4/3/2001 7:50:30 PM EDT
this is a tough question...I think the problem is would the kids today accept the authourity of the military over them...when we went in most of us were more scared of the DIs than the enemy..did what we were told if you didnt you got your ass severly beat and I mean severly...could you get todays gang bangers in the military to be loyal to their comrades in arms or only to their homies?..I dont know at least in the all volunteer military they want to be there regardless of their reasons...to force kids who have no respect for anyone or anything just dont know how that would work..and to ask the military to have to babysit immature selfish brats when the miliitarys job is to prepare for war is unfair imo...the military is not the place to dump off societies miscreants think what a miserable experiance it would be for the kids who actually want to accomplish something to be stuck with a bunch of a holes that should probably be locked up for the public good...not that my generation was perfect in 67 I witnessed quite a few "volunteers"  coming to Ft Campbell in chains and handcuffs the judge having volunteered them...but even they knew they had to two the line or it was back to jail and most did settle in and did good...one of those prisoners went on i my platoon to win a silver star best point man I ever saw to and beaucoup brave ..like I said tough question
Link Posted: 4/3/2001 8:51:57 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/4/2001 5:06:09 AM EDT
9 divdoc, the end of your post pretty much answers the question. IF there were mandatory service, we would have to rely on the d-i`s and military minds who know how to mold and then sort out characters....just as we do now.....B&G......[sniper]
Link Posted: 4/4/2001 7:35:50 AM EDT
My wife is a drug and alcohol counselor, and she has seen the trouble these kids can get into, I've seen data that shows kids between the ages 18-21 are most likely to get into drugs, and commit crimes to get drugs,usually resulting in them getting prison time, lots of it. I think a 3 year hitch would keep alot of these kids out trouble they'ed learn disipline, respect, how to work as a team, among other things,  Many of these kids my wife has seen are not from "the wrong side of the tracks" but from homes where the parents are well off, and the kids are given any thing they want, (spoiled rotten) In cases like this, the parents here usually just threw money at the kids to get them to quit bitching, after awhile the kids get bored and want something to do...this often leads to drug expermentation, comitting crimes, etc, Seeing the amount of young people who are going to prison today, Maybe reinstating the draft is,nt a bad idea after all, and may very well change some people's lives and keep them out of prison.
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