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Posted: 5/29/2002 3:05:14 PM EDT
When President Clinton signed the historic Brady Bill, he never envisioned the widespread abuses that we see just a few years later. Today, thousands of people are able to bypass the criminal background check by obtaining firearms at gun shows. The majority of the buyers are indeed law-abiding citizens, but thousands of guns have also gone to criminals, who would have otherwise been prevented from buying guns with a background check.

There is even evidence that those who carried out the terrorist attacks of September 11 also [red]used the loophole to purchase weapons.[/red] As of this date, Attorney General John Ashcroft has blocked any investigation to confirm whether terrorists used the gun show loophole or any other method to purchase weapons.

In 1999, by just a few votes, the GOP-controled Congress crushed an attempt to close the gun show loophole. Today, proponents for the safety of our schools and communities are fighting back to return this crucial piece of legislation to the floor of Congress.

Senator Jack Reed (D-RI) has proposed a bill in the Senate that would close the loophole by simply extending existing federal law to include gun shows. The House version is the McCarthy-Castle bill.


Urge your Senators to close this loophole by co-sponsoring the Reed bill (S.767). Tell your Representative to co-sponsor the McCarthy-Castle bill (H.R.2377). [b][i]Each day that criminals are able to get weapons at gun shows is a day that our schools and communities become even more dangerous.[/b][/i] Call your Members of Congress today and tell them to make our communities safer by closing the gun show loophole.


your going to have to sign up to read it.

Why do people believe this Crap?
Also At what gunshow can I buy a boxcutter?
Link Posted: 5/29/2002 3:26:18 PM EDT
So those box cutters and fake bombs were actually purchased at gunshows?
Link Posted: 5/29/2002 3:27:02 PM EDT
This is what we need..
[url=www.ncec.org/action/alert/letter.gunshow.phtml]Ready made letter to congress[/url]
found a ready made anti gun letter to congress over there.. you just basicly fill in the blanks.

The pro gun movement needs to get organized the same way.

Dear ____________,

This year Congress will have the opportunity to act on the gun show loophole once and for all. In 1999, the Senate passed an amendment that would have prevented thousands of criminals from purchasing weapons at gun shows, but the House narrowly defeated it. I hope that the current Congress is able to step up to the plate and pass this vital piece of legislation.

Please cosponsor the bill that would close this loophole that allows criminals and other prohibited purchasers from getting dangerous weapons that flood into our schools and communities. The Senate version is sponsored by Senator Reed (S.767). The House version is sponsored by Reps. McCarthy and Castle (H.R.2377). These measures will simply extend the background checks required under existing federal law from the Brady bill to include gun shows.

This simple and rational bill would do wonders by eliminating thousands of unlawful gun sales currently being conducted at gun shows. It would lessen the amount of guns in the hands of criminals and make our schools and communities safer. Please do the right thing by standing up to the NRA and gun industry and support this bill.
[red] This is how the soccer mom gets her laws passed[/red]

[blue] the pen is mightier than the sword[/blue]

Link Posted: 5/29/2002 3:33:03 PM EDT
This is already addressed in another thread.

Link Posted: 5/29/2002 3:48:50 PM EDT
yes we really need to outlaw gun shows,because there are hundreds of criminals just waiting in line to lay down hundreds of dollars ,so they can go out and hold up an old lady , or a convenient store ,for their pension check, or all the slush puppy money they see floating around .
Link Posted: 5/29/2002 4:07:48 PM EDT
Sounds like just another way to continue the erosion of the Second Amendment. I'm just sorry to hear that another member of this site actually supports this type of legislation.
Link Posted: 5/29/2002 4:41:17 PM EDT
Sounds like just another way to continue the erosion of the Second Amendment. I'm just sorry to hear that another member of this site actually supports this type of legislation.
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NO!!!!   the point was that the PRO gun COMMUNITIES need to set up a system simular to what the anti's are using ..  

in other words have our own pre worded letter to congress that any one can sign an have it sent off.

I'm just sorry to hear that another member of this site actually supports this type of legislation.
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if that comment was aimed at me I hope your clear on it now.

Link Posted: 5/29/2002 4:45:21 PM EDT
If you guys belonged to the GOA you would know that they send out those types of letters all the time. They even send pre-printed postcard to my house to fill out and mail in. I always write letters as well but use the postcards to add to the over all volumn they receive.


Link Posted: 5/29/2002 6:26:12 PM EDT
Where did you get this article?  I would like to send them a response.
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