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Posted: 6/6/2002 5:56:10 PM EDT
I am continually impressed with the wide range of topics that posted on this board.
Computer Problems.
Car problems.
Foriegn Affairs.
and so on.
But I am also disapointed at how often people argue on this board.  Kind of childish at times if you ask me.
Link Posted: 6/6/2002 5:57:44 PM EDT
Can't we all just get along?????

EDIT:  Lot's of bad grammar here?
Link Posted: 6/6/2002 5:58:35 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/6/2002 5:59:47 PM EDT
lets not forget about the cat killings
Link Posted: 6/6/2002 6:00:03 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/6/2002 6:08:29 PM EDT
But I am also disapointed at how often people argue on this board.  Kind of childish at times if you ask me.
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Are you looking for a fight or something??[;D]  fullclip
Link Posted: 6/6/2002 6:15:51 PM EDT
Another funny thing is how some of these [i]broncs[/i] will use a different name than their usual one just to stir the pot.
Link Posted: 6/6/2002 6:23:47 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/6/2002 6:34:57 PM EDT
Say, RandallFlag, what do you think is better, an AR-15 or an AK-47??
Link Posted: 6/6/2002 6:36:44 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/6/2002 6:38:42 PM EDT
You would think a guy named Randall Flag (the Devil in the Steven King novel "The Stand"), Would love the fact that all this disagreement and dissent was going on.
Link Posted: 6/6/2002 6:39:19 PM EDT
[b]Lot's of weird post here[/b]

Ain't that the truth!
Link Posted: 6/6/2002 6:56:40 PM EDT
You would think a guy named Randall Flag (the Devil in the Steven King novel "The Stand"), Would love the fact that all this disagreement and dissent was going on.
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Yeah you'd think he'd be gathering some evil disciples for a final throwdown.
Link Posted: 6/6/2002 6:58:36 PM EDT
But I am also disapointed at how often people argue on this board.  Kind of childish at times if you ask me.
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Takes one to know one!
Link Posted: 6/6/2002 7:04:54 PM EDT
You would think a guy named Randall Flag (the Devil in the Steven King novel "The Stand"), Would love the fact that all this disagreement and dissent was going on.
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The walkin' dude, the faceless stranger.
The Stand was the second King book I read. Ever since then, anytime he pops up in another one of King's books, I get the chills.
Ummm, Mr.Flag when TSHTF,um, you dont know me OK?[B)]
Link Posted: 6/6/2002 7:12:33 PM EDT

I love TEC-9s.

I picked one up from a walk around at a gunshow in Spokane for $125.  Sold it a month later for $325.

Like I said, great gun!

Sooo Mr. RandalFlag, do you like TEC-9s?
Link Posted: 6/6/2002 8:10:25 PM EDT
In the event of total armagedon all surviving AR15.com users will meet in Boulder Co.

Randallflag and all surviving members of AssualtWeb.com will meet in Las Vegas.

This has been a public service message from the walking dude.
Link Posted: 6/6/2002 8:20:15 PM EDT
After reading some of the topics posted here I wonder if this site was invaded by DU members.

Something odd.
Link Posted: 6/6/2002 8:25:34 PM EDT
How about just locking this thread and any other he starts?  Any way to find his other names by his IP and lock his posting from the IP....JUST FOR KICKS!
Link Posted: 6/6/2002 8:26:19 PM EDT
Okay, let me poke at this:

I burned myself with acid
I burned myself with acid AGAIN
I cut my hand opening a pair of socks
I can't deal with my girlfriend was maybe raped

What do all four have in common?
Two things. The same author and all four stirred up major discussion....

Maybe or maybe not [:K]-ing but definately stirred up discussion. Him wanting to bail on his girlfriend because that was done to her AGAINST HER WILL bugs him may or may not tell us what kind of soul he is....


Link Posted: 6/6/2002 8:35:39 PM EDT
And the topics of 'discussing' Toad and the superior products of SW  [puke]
Link Posted: 6/6/2002 9:11:56 PM EDT
Ya, a great deal of these weird posts here can be accredited to a certain individual who goes by the name of...

Someone already mentioned the culprit.
Link Posted: 6/6/2002 9:13:40 PM EDT
Okay, let me poke at this:

I burned myself with acid
I burned myself with acid AGAIN
I cut my hand opening a pair of socks
I can't deal with my girlfriend was maybe raped

What do all four have in common?
Two things. The same author and all four stirred up major discussion....

Maybe or maybe not [:K]-ing but definately stirred up discussion. Him wanting to bail on his girlfriend because that was done to her AGAINST HER WILL bugs him may or may not tell us what kind of soul he is....


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But he got scolded/locked the other day and hopefully these topics will cease.

Hey, did you see the topic where I cut my fingernails too short again?
Link Posted: 6/6/2002 9:27:31 PM EDT
It's always "me,me,me" with you guys!

Somebody help ME!
Your killing ME!!
I'm on fire, put ME out!!!
Link Posted: 6/6/2002 9:44:32 PM EDT
... You've stumbled onto the Terrible Secret of Space my friend
Link Posted: 6/6/2002 10:04:15 PM EDT
I hope I wasn't TOO blunt in my response to him in the "rape" thread...



Link Posted: 6/6/2002 10:10:03 PM EDT
Okay, let me poke at this:

I burned myself with acid
I burned myself with acid AGAINScott

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Sorry, I have never done acid.  Others yes, but thats a story for another time

Link Posted: 6/6/2002 10:15:12 PM EDT
Actually, I think our resident clumsy fellow ("I cut myself on a pair of socks") meant battery acid from his car (TWICE!!)


Link Posted: 6/7/2002 7:01:41 AM EDT
Randall Flagg is:

- the dark man, makes his first appearance in Stephen King’s epic, The Stand. He also makes guest appearances in The Eyes of the Dragon, The Dark Tower II: The Drawing of the Three, The Dark Tower III: The Wastelands, and The Dark Tower IV: Wizard and Glass...

What is Randall Flagg?

We know that Flagg is not quite human; both Roland and Peter believe him some kind of demon, one who shed "some stinking black fluid... most assuredly not blood" when injured. Flagg appears to be ageless, having lived for more years than we can grasp. He’s capable of magic, levitating, changing people into other forms. He can read and influence minds. He is evil, but he is not the devil. It’s quite possible he is a servant of chaos, a "minion of the Tower." What is Randall Flagg? Ah, that’s an interesting question...

Link Posted: 6/7/2002 7:02:26 AM EDT
Other names for Randall Flagg in The Stand:
John the Conqueror
Ramsey Forrest. Descendant of Nathan Bedford Forrest
Richard Flagg's real name
Richard Fry
Robert Franq
Russell Faraday. Final name for Randall Flagg
The Man with No Face
The Midnight Rambler
The Boogeyman
The Dark Man

Names used for Randall Flagg in The Eyes of the Dragon:
Bill Hinch. One of the names used by Flagg in the past. He was an Executioner 250 years ago
Browson One of the names that Flagg used over 400 years ago. He was a singer
Flagg. King Roland's magician and adviser. He killed King Roland and framed Peter. Known as: Flagg the hooded and The Dark Man
Flagg the hooded
The Dark Man

Link Posted: 6/7/2002 7:03:37 AM EDT
Some of the names used for Randall Flagg in The Dark Tower 4:
Marten Broadcloak. Seduced Roland's mother in the past. Wizard, and Steven's adviser. Known as Randall Flagg
Richard Fannin. The Ageless stranger, who befriends Andrew Quick (Tick-Tock Man). Note the R.F initials (He turns out to be Randall Flagg in DT4)
The Ageless Stranger. Another name for Maerlyn. The person who Walter (The Man in Black) said Roland must now seek and defeat. Also known as Merlin, and Richard Fannin.
The Walking Dude.
Walter. Part of Stephen, Roland's father's, group. A Monk. He was also known as the Man in Black that Roland was chasing. Worked for Farson.
Link Posted: 6/7/2002 7:32:33 AM EDT
... You've stumbled onto the Terrible Secret of Space my friend
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