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Posted: 2/18/2024 5:44:46 PM EDT
I played the hell out of this at launch for several years and just quit due to lack of content.

I've picked it up over the years but never really put time back into it.  Reinstalled last week and started playing again, the new (to me) difficulty system breathes new life into the game.  I don't one shot things, and more than 1-2 mobs will kill me, hell sometimes 1 will lol.

Level cap is high as hell now, and legendary items exist...and I have no idea how to do any of them lol.

Am I the only one playing this old ass game?
Link Posted: 2/19/2024 9:30:53 PM EDT
I haven't played it in years.

It was to a point where basically every quest (so 90% of the game) you ended up on solo because unless you had a friend on the same quest, no one wanted to group with you. Plus you could solo almost the entire game.

Anything else was the same instanced dungeons over and over and over and over and over.

I hate instanced content. I hate single player MMOs. So stopped playing.

What exactly did they add and change?
Link Posted: 2/20/2024 7:33:40 PM EDT
Yep, similar boat.  Played for 4 years or so when first released.

Wife picked it back up a few months back and dragged me in as well.  

1) Game is way way way easier now than back at release.  Difficulty setting only apply to landscape I think.  The instances are just insanely easy.

2) Unreal amount of content.  Still haven't 'caught up' to where I was a decade ago.  Ten years of additional content to get through after that.

3) Kinda fingers crossed that once I get up to Max Level range the content will be more difficult.  Even Raids at mid-level are just face-smash keyboard to victory.

4) Average player age is... well a bit higher than average.

5) Play if you like Lord of the Rings.  Don't play for challenge or originality, this is no Baldurs Gate 3.

6) Gladden server is nice.  Heard Arkenstone is the only lively PvP server.
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