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Posted: 3/7/2001 7:11:10 AM EDT
Recently, I saw where a legislator made the comment,,,,,I'm parapharsing,,,,sorry I can't tell you the name of said genius [:)]

"I have to have a license for my fluffy little dog, why shouldn't I have to have a licnese to purchase a gun"

The answer is a simple question really,,,,,,

Is there a constitutional amendment specifically guarrenteeing you the right to keep and bear dogs? [:D]

Sure there are laws and provisions regarding property, but are they written specifically regarding dogs? What about cars? Hell, you can make the same lame argument any number of ways.

Our license is the constitution. Our forefathers trumped that argument about 226 years ago.

License for a dog,,,,,Do you have to be licensed to speak the truth? Let's just license all of our freedoms......[;)]

There is a reason the constitution was written as it is. I thank God that the founding fathers made it difficult to amend the constitution.
Link Posted: 3/7/2001 7:31:31 AM EDT
Gee, you mean I am in possession of an unlicenced assault spaniel?

Where I live you don't have to licence your dogs. Or your guns. I even have cars without licences ( I have cars with them ,too). This ‘rational' has to be show for the sham it is.
Link Posted: 3/7/2001 8:03:36 AM EDT
Question asked by legislator

"I have to have a license for my fluffy little dog, why shouldn't I have to have a licnese to purchase a gun"

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Wrong question, pinhead legislator....

Better questions is WHY in the world must dog ownership be licensed?????

The existence of a stupid law is NOT justification to make another stupid law, but it IS justification to get rid of the first stupid law.

Speaking of licenses, I suggest we revoke this pinheads drivers license, 'cuz he CLEARLY ain't bright enuf to handle a 3,000-5,000 lb. death missle.
Link Posted: 3/7/2001 3:14:14 PM EDT
"They" want all dog owners licensed so they can later confiscate the dogs in no-nock raids late in the night...  :)

Link Posted: 3/7/2001 4:22:31 PM EDT
I actually just got busted for an unliscenced dog.  Cost me ninety bucks all told.  At least these events including tax time are turning my liberal wife into a libertarian.

Maryland is actually has a bill in congress to ban "pit bulls"  right now.  They even include the american bulldog or any part breed that resembles a pit bull.  A little vague huh.  Kinda reminds me of something else...
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