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Posted: 2/26/2001 10:47:42 PM EDT

Learn how to speaak elite! Vary Funn-ay!!
Link Posted: 2/26/2001 10:56:45 PM EDT
Also check out:

Link Posted: 2/26/2001 11:06:10 PM EDT
Is this from the group who brought us,

"4Ll youR b@$3 ArE b3l0N9 t0 u5."?

Link Posted: 2/26/2001 11:09:01 PM EDT
LOL, the second one is even better for those of us knowing the basis behind "all your bases are belong to us."

from the second one,

Original English Text:
All your base are belong to us.

Translated to French:
Toutes vos bases sont appartiennent à nous.

Translated back to English:
All your bases are belong to us.

Translated to German:
Alle Ihre Unterseiten sind gehören uns.

Translated back to English:
All your lower surfaces are belong to us.

Translated to Italian:
Tutti gli vostri intradossi sono appartengono a noi.

Translated back to English:
All your lower surfaces are belong to we.

Translated to Portuguese:
Todas suas superfícies mais baixas são nos pertencem.

Translated back to English:
All its lower surfaces are in belong them.

Translated to Spanish:
Todas sus superficies más bajas son adentro pertenecen ellos.

Translated back to English:
All their lower surfaces are inside belong they.

Link Posted: 2/26/2001 11:32:46 PM EDT
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