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Posted: 4/21/2001 8:54:30 AM EDT
Just got this e-mail.
Sad thing is, someone out there will do it.




First, I must solicit your strictest confidence in
this transaction .This
by virtue of its nature as being utterly
and'top secret'. You have been recommended by an
associate who assured me in confidence of your
ability and reliability to prosecute a transaction
great magnitude involving a pending business
transaction requiring maximum confidence.
I am a Nigerian presently on attachment in united kingdom,but at the same time the chairman of
contract review panel who is interested in
importation of goods into Nigeria
with funds which are presently trapped in Nigeria.In
order to commence this business we solicit
your assistance to enable us transfer into your
account the said trapped funds
The source of this fund is as follows : During the
last Regime here in Nigeria, some Government
set up companies and awarded themselves contracts
which were grossly over-invoiced in various
ministries.The present Government set up a contract
Review Panel and we have identified a lot of
inflated contract funds which are presently floating
in the Central Bank of Nigeria ready for payment.
However, by virtue of our position as civil
servants and members of this panel, we cannot
this money in our names.I have therefore, been
delegated as a matter of trust by my colleagues
of the panel to look for an overseas partner into
whose account we would transfer the sum of
US$21,500,000.00 (Twenty One Million, Five Hundred
Thousand United .States Dollars) Hence we are
writingyou this letter.
We have agreed to share the money thus:
1. 20% for the Account owner (you)
2. 70% for us (The officials)
3. 10% to be used in settling taxation and all local
and foreign expenses.
It is from the 70% that we wish to commence the
importation business.
Please, note that this transaction is 100% safe and
hope to commence the transfer latest seven (7)
days from the date of the receipt of the
following information below by FAX OR MAIL
(a)companyís name Beneficiary of account
(b) Your Personal TeL. Number and Fax Number
(c) Bank account/Sort/ABA/Routing numbers were the
funds will be transfered to
(d) Your Bankers Address, Telephone and Fax Number.
The above information will enable us write letters
claim and job description respectively. This way we
will use your companyís name to apply
for payment and re-award the contract in your
companyís name. We are looking forward to doing this
business with you and solicit your confidentiality
this transaction.Please acknowledge the receipt of
this letter using the above  and email or fax me on
this # 44-709-234-3325 and i will
bring you into the complete picture of this
pending project when I have heard from you.
Your faithfully,
Link Posted: 4/21/2001 1:38:25 PM EDT
it could be a set up. but if its not, hell why not, thats like 2 mil free. course that could get you out of jail pretty easy.
Link Posted: 4/21/2001 2:03:21 PM EDT
Or, they could just take YOUR money out of YOUR account.
Link Posted: 4/21/2001 2:07:41 PM EDT
Can anyone say "SCAM"
Link Posted: 4/21/2001 2:07:41 PM EDT
Lotsa fraud out of Nigeria these days.
Link Posted: 4/21/2001 2:11:51 PM EDT
This same kind of shit has been around over the Atlantic, here. Nigerians are avid businessmen i see.
Link Posted: 4/21/2001 2:13:17 PM EDT
I used to manage a propane company before my illness. We recieved 2 letters pretty close to what was stated in your email. We were not online and I had no intention of doing it but was curious so made a few phone calls. Their intent is to get bank account numbers by offering a sustantial amount of cash as a reward for helping the poor crooked, cheating, lying souls out. Some people spend more time trying to figure out how to steal then it would take to work them same hours for that much money. Pretty pathetic.
Link Posted: 4/21/2001 2:35:40 PM EDT
it could be a set up. but if its not, hell why not, thats like 2 mil free. course that could get you out of jail pretty easy.
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of corse i would set up a swiss account under anonymus name, and with no money in the acct first.. nothing ventured maby nothing gained..
Link Posted: 4/21/2001 2:46:44 PM EDT
the text of this scam is over three years old I remember when it first started going around. 21 million? sounds like about 20,999,900 dollars more than all of nigerias wealth converted to us dollars!
Link Posted: 4/21/2001 2:50:31 PM EDT
of corse i would set up a swiss account under anonymus name, and with no money in the acct first.. nothing ventured maby nothing gained..[/quote]
How old did you say you are?  Have you ever had a bank account?
No bank will start up an account without a deposit
Link Posted: 4/21/2001 2:56:54 PM EDT
it could be a set up. but if its not, hell why not, thats like 2 mil free. course that could get you out of jail pretty easy.
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COULD BE? a set up.. you are kidding , right?
Link Posted: 4/21/2001 2:59:43 PM EDT
It's a well-known scam. Swindles like this make up an amazing proportion of Nigeria's GDP. You WILL lose every cent in the bank account.

There's a whole section of the US State Department set up to handle complaints about Nigerian swindles.
Link Posted: 4/21/2001 3:18:05 PM EDT
OK. I sent them all the requested information.

You guys are going to be real pissed when I collect my 2.1 mil!!
Link Posted: 4/21/2001 7:09:23 PM EDT
Doesn't everyone know about snopes.com?

And I suppose some of you really believe there's going to be a 5 cent tax on email. Or Richard Gere put gerbils in his butt.



Link Posted: 4/21/2001 7:23:13 PM EDT
Or, they could just take YOUR money out of YOUR account.
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Hell, they can have the $60 in my account. Risk vs reward. $60 vs $2mil.

Naaahhhhh, you're right I need my $60 to go drinking this weekend.
Link Posted: 4/21/2001 7:27:46 PM EDT

And I suppose some of you really believe  Richard Gere put gerbils in his butt.

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he sure does, how else can you explain lossing a hotty like Cindy.[:P]
Link Posted: 4/21/2001 7:33:02 PM EDT
Is it that time of year already?
What's the next one, the email tax?
Maybe I'll ask Cleo if this is a good deal or not.  Hopefully the Tarot cards will be in my favor!
Link Posted: 4/21/2001 7:40:12 PM EDT
I received something similar via US Postal mail years ago.  Slightly different than this.  I contacted the post office and they had some horror stories to tell about it.

As far as Richard "I have no talent" Gere goes, I thought that he recently tried to shove a cat up there.  After all, how else can he get the gerbil out?  Mallrats fans will know how I came up with this one.  ;p
Link Posted: 4/21/2001 7:40:15 PM EDT
Absolutely a scam!  This little greedy letter will wipe you out.  Six years ago I dated a girl whose older brother, (M.I.T. Engineer) who made 100K a year go caught up with that scam and lost his families money, ALL of it.  He flew to London a few times, they strung him along till he had zip left.  
Link Posted: 4/21/2001 7:48:58 PM EDT
Class Clown, maybe he lost her because he WOULDN'T put gerbils in his butt. She looks like she may be freaky. I'm not even entirely sure she's a she.
Link Posted: 4/23/2001 7:50:11 PM EDT
Class Clown, maybe he lost her because he WOULDN'T put gerbils in his butt. She looks like she may be freaky. I'm not even entirely sure she's a she.
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She is.
Link Posted: 4/23/2001 7:56:36 PM EDT
I love these scams, because the greedy get nailed.
The popular one in Colorado is to have some illegal alien come up to an old person with a winning lottery ticket. They can't turn it in w/o being deported, so they will sell it to you for 20%. For trying to take advantage of them, they take advantage of you.
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