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Posted: 2/1/2001 6:09:07 AM EDT
here's the link.

Link Posted: 2/1/2001 6:18:19 AM EDT
A Kennedy in trouble with the law?  No, your kidding right!
Link Posted: 2/1/2001 6:24:05 AM EDT
We need more Kennedy control!! Ted's car has killed more people than any of my guns have. The only one that had any sense was John Jr. You could add the IQ of the rest of the whole bunch and it wouldn't equal 5.56mm.
Link Posted: 2/1/2001 6:34:12 AM EDT
Assault Kennedy`s should be banned for the children.
Assault Kennedy`s that would be a good name for a band, ooops to close to the Dead Kennedy`s.
Link Posted: 2/1/2001 7:14:52 AM EDT
What do you expect from a family, where their rich's came from criminal activity? I agree that there have been a couple good one's, just goes to prove the old axiom "only the good die young"!

Someday people will wakeup to the fact that "The Klan Kennedy" is nothing more than elevated trailer trash [smash]
Link Posted: 2/1/2001 8:25:31 AM EDT

There is a little known law in New England that entitles each and every Kennedy scumbag to kill one innocent citizen and get away with it.

Don't the prosecutors read the law anymore????
Link Posted: 2/1/2001 8:27:20 AM EDT
I think the trailer trash people might take offense to that. Well some probably wish they were a Kennedy![:)]
Link Posted: 2/1/2001 12:34:32 PM EDT
This is realy old news.
Link Posted: 3/23/2001 6:41:42 AM EDT
kennedy = rich trailer trash
they are all drunks and rapists. yeah, a couple got busted for murder, but are they really bad people? maybe they will all be on jerry springer one day.....[-!-!-]
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